Hello everyone i am back
I wanna beg your apology for being thok ke bhav me irregular
I tried to write whole epi but ended up miserably
I won’t promise anything now because situation changes anytime
I need ur support guys (ur poor writer)
Epi starts here
Scene 1
Riddhima (shouting) – You!!
Vansh!!! ( Ap sb ki duaye qubul hui)
Everyone left bewildered except siya and karan
Riddhima (holding his collar) – What the f**k are you doing here
Vansh (cupping her face) – sweetheart listen to me
Riddhima (jerking his hand) – Dare you to say me sweetheart
You urself hate betrayal and now you did this with me
How ironic na Mr. vansh raisinghania or should i say Mr. Coward raisinghania
Vansh (shouting ) – I did this only for you riddhima and you are considering me coward
Fine then i am.. i am coward
Happy now
Riddhima (crying) – somebody plz tell me what the hell is happening
Vansh – You are my wife now riddhima
Riddhima (shouting) – Shut up!! Am i any object that you guys keep playing with me
Whenever you feel you love me whenever you feel you just throw me out from your life
Vansh (holding her arm) – It’s nothing like that riddhima plz listen to me once
Siya – Riddhu di plz listen to bhai once
Riddhima (looking at siya) – did you know about this
Siya (stammering) -Di..wo..wo..i..i.
Riddhima(shouting) – i said did you know about this
Siya (bowing down her head) – Ye..yes..
Riddhima (clapping) – Wow!! Then i am sure their are few more people here who knew about this (eyeing karan)
Well played guys you all just made my life a game
Vansh (coming close to her) – sweetheart
Riddhima glares him
Vansh – Ok..ok.. riddhima ..fine (vansu dr gya)
Riddhima just calm down first listen to me..
Riddhima -wait wait!! If you are here then where is vyom
Vyom comes from behind
Vyom – i am here shivanya
Riddhima runs to vyom and hugs him (kumbh ke mele me bichde hue bhai behen)
Riddhima(concerned) – what he did with you did he hurt you to take your place
Tell me vyom did he hurt you
Vansh (verge of crying)- You think so low of me sweetheart i didn’t hurt him
He himself gave his place to me.
Riddhima (baffled) – What ….
(Holding vyom’s collar )- is this true vyom
Vyom bow down his head in affirmation
Riddhima (breakdown on floor) – everyone played with me and my emotions am i a commodity i feel i am worst than that
And she started crying loudly
The she wipe her tears in determination and gets up
He holds vansh’s hand and drag him to the room upwards
And she pushed him inside and close the door from inside
Scene 2
In hall
Everyone is waiting for them to come down
Siya (to vyom) – I am so tensed what will happen
Vyom – i am just worried for shivanya
Vansh can’t handle her alone
I just hope my worst nightmare won’t come true (guys think why is he saying like this)
Siya (perplex) – What do you mean
Vyom – nothing just pray for her that she is fine
After half an hour
Siya – Now i can’t wait more!! I am going to check them
And she just moved to stairs
Suddenly vansh descends from stairs holding unconscious riddhima in his arms and blood is driping between her thighs
Vansh (shouting) – riddhima open your eyes damn it
Vyom(shouting) – what happened to her
Vansh – she is bleeding
Vyom (shouting) – Damn!! She can die take her to hospital fast
Vansh – rihan !! Bring the car (angu baby is not here)
And they rush to hospital
Scene 3
In hospital
Vansh is crying in siya’s lap
What if something happen to her
This is happening becoz of me..siya i don’t deserve her
Siya – Bhai plz don’t say like this if god has united you with her for 7 births then he must have something stored for you na
Vansh – Plz bring my sweetheart back
Shivay – but how did this happen
What happened suddenly that you took this step
Vansh and siya looks at each other
Flashback starts
Ishani’s room
Vansh is crying holding her hand
Vansh – Wake up princess wake up and he cries bitterly
Suddenly machine started beeping loudly and ishani started moving her fingers
And finally she opens her eyes (badhai hoo apka intezaar pura hua)
Vansh (shouting) – Angre !! Angre!! See ishani is awake
And angre comes running
Trio has tears in their eyes
Ishani hugs vansh started weeping
Vansh looks at angre and they both smile remembering the moment when vansh told angre that he wants ishani to hug him first when she will wake up
Vansh hugs her and they both cry
Angre – Guys am i invisible Here
Ishani hugs him too and cry
Angre – i missed you jaan i missed you so much
Ishani (keeping hand on her stomach) – Our baby !! How much time i was not awake..
Angre and vansh bow down their head
Angre – We lost our baby 5 years ago jaan
And they both cry hugging each other
Ishani – She killed my child bhai!! She is b*t*h bhai..she is not innocent
Vansh – riddhima na i know she killed your baby but why
Ishani – No bhai!! How can you even think about that
I know riddhu shot me that day but it doesn’t mean she killed my child
If she didn’t shot me that day still i would have lost my child
Angre – Ishani please tell us what happened that day
We already punished sona for 5 years
Ishani – What you did with her
Vansh – This is not right time princess plz tell us what happened that day
Ishani face paled and she looks at vansh
Flashback starts ( so it’s a flashback me flashback don’t get confuse)
Wedding day
Ishani and riddhima comes to her room
Riddhima – I go to washroom you wait here
And she comes back after few minutes and left bewildered
Riddhima (in low voice) – ishani!!
Done for today
I really wanted to give whole epi but sorry guys my condition is not that well
I need yr support do support guys
Target in 35
Luv uh all
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