Friday, 7 May 2021

Pandya Store 7th May 2021 Written Episode Update: Rishita hurts Raavi’s sentiments


Pandya Store 7th May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Shiva and Raavi waking up and arguing. Rishita says I was so scared yesterday, I will stop just for your love. Dev says I promise, I won’t let you stay alone. She hugs him. He says mum is coming, if she didn’t see you, then she would have got upset. He gets Gautam’s call. Gautam asks him to go to market and get the items. She says I won’t let you go soon. Dev says I won’t go so soon. They smile. Suman troubles Prafulla. They are on the way. Prafulla says I was just cursing myself, I got blessed to get a chance to serve you. Suman says I will give you a chance, come and massage my legs twice a day. Anita asks shall I give oil. Prafulla scolds her. Anita passes the oil. Suman says you just earn good deeds this way. Prafulla massages her legs.

Shiva cuts the wood. Krish says its not easy, Rishita was scared, but I was more scared, I thought I will be caught. Shiva says yes, play well, don’t get caught, I will not play in your team if you get caught, I will beat you in front of them. Krish worries. He says I don’t want to get beaten up, lets drop the plan. Shiva says you have to do it, Rishita has to understand that we are mad for each other, she has to adjust here. Rishita gets scared seeing the locked room. Dev says ghosts don’t exist, come with me. Rishita says you are right, I m feeling better. Wind blows. He asks are you fine. He cares for her. She hugs him and says I love you. He says I love you more, are you okay now. She says never felt better. He says I will go and get the items now. Prafulla sits upset. Suman says I m feeling hungry. He asks driver to stop the car at any good hotel. Prafulla says look for some cheap place.

Suman says five star, according to my status. Krish sees that girl. He says fine, I understood. He runs after that girl. He says I will meet her today. Rishita asks who will kiss me. Dev asks here. She says yes, right here, right now. He says anyone can see. She says let them see, I m your wife. He says no, I m going. She says fine, I fought my family and came to you, you just think of your family, I didn’t speak to mum and dad till now, you are my only support, you lie that you love me, you don’t love me anymore. Dhara and Raavi are making food. Dhara asks her to go and rest if she doesn’t want to work. Raavi says no, I have no problem. Dhara says you are the best bahu material girl, why are you sad, did Shiva tell something. Raavi says no, I m missing home, when will we go back. Dhara says after 15 days, we kept a puja, Gautam spoke to pandit. Raavi says we will go in 2 days. Dhara says it can’t happen. Raavi’s finger gets a cut. Dhara applies haldi. Raavi says I will go and get bandage, how will I stay with Shiva in a room for 15 days. Dhara says its same thing, we stay here or at home. Raavi says yes, its same. Dhara says go and put a bandage. Raavi goes. She sees Shiva cutting the wood logs.

She gets hurt by a wood piece. Shiva comes and sees her bleeding finger. He says a small wood piece has made your hand bleeding. She says not everyone is stone like you. He says when you faint down, you will think of me to support you. He cares for her. She holds him. He says come with me to the market, I will get glasses for you, you always fight. She says you already gave me a big wound, don’t care for my small wound, I will fix my wound. Shiva says blood isn’t coming, check your hand, its my favor on you. He goes back. Suman, Anita and Prafulla come to the restaurant. Prafulla asks Anita to get food she made. Suman refuses.

Suman asks Anita to order good food. Anita goes. Suman taunts Prafulla. Prafulla smiles. Suman stops her from eating the food. Rishita says you know me, I won’t let you go without a kiss, think about it. Dev goes to kiss her. He sees Raavi there and gets away from Rishita. Rishita asks what happened. Dev says I m sorry. She turns and sees Raavi. She asks why are you saying sorry, what sin did you go. He says stop it. She says no, we are husband and wife, we love each other, is it wrong to kiss, she should say sorry to break our moment, she has no love in her life, she puts you in guilt. Raavi cries. Dhara looks on.

Rishita hears Dev’s voice. She says there is no one here. She gets scared. Shiva scares her and says this is just the start.

Update Credit to: Amena

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