Monday, 17 May 2021

Our Limitless Love(A Riansh FF….) Promise! …. Ch-32


Let’s start guys!


I was really overwhelmed the comments were 35+excluding mine.


It was a really good response….. Would be looking forward for the same on this tooo.


I was not able to reply back to everyone.. I am really sorry for that….


@Aarushi and @gauri  pls mention the risk tooo😇😂😝😂😂😝😂.


And aayu pls don’t do anything to your self, we want your updates tooo. 😁❤😇❤.


Thank so much niyati di, aisha di, meenu di, radhika di, frozen hidden, habiba, sweety21, scarlet flower, diya, siddhi panchal, ravneet, annoyinguser, parita, ananaya07, jayshree, Priyadarshini, JJ, Vkjkp, sree, ayesha, yashi, akriti, priyanshi, ishu.


Hope I mentioned everyone.


If I left someone sorry.








Well that was too emotional episode and  maybe many more will be like that only  but I promise after a few revealations .I’ll surely give them  happiness  as I think they had not experienced happiness in my FF for long . 😂😂😝


So here we start.










Ridhima:- bhai he is Stable for now but need to be in observation for next 2hours…pls come with me in my cabin.





Angre filled them too. Ridhima didn’t objected.





In cabin,


Ridhima:- bhai he took promise from me about my secret. so I guess it’s time to reveal the truth though I didn’t wanted it to come out but to took promise from me .so please tell him the truth.


And coming to your carelessness I am not going to tell you anything no lectures ,no outburst only thing I am going to tell you that your past action can’t change the future .so I think it’s vain to shout , to lecture. I am really sorry because I was really angry when you entered the hospital I was in trauma seeing his condition.





Kabir understanding her:- its ok I understand . well I am really sorry.





They hugged each other.


Now angre was having mixed expressions.


Ridhima:- Bhai he will get conscious soon in 1 hour .please tell him the truth.





Kabir:- I don’t understand tell him- tell him are you going somewhere?





Ridhima:- I mentioned it before only you are asking a again.! (Stern).





Angre:- will you not be here?





Ridhima:- I have my flight just take care of him and don’t stress him, ask him to take rest and get well soon and also ask him not to try to find me as I will not be able to confront him.  hope you understand bhai.and angre I have asked doctor ansh ,he will keep him under observation.





Kabir:- why will you not tell him?





Ridhima:- u know. Still asking. (Upset).





Kabir:- what if he asks for you!





Ridhima:- (thinking)  tell him that Chang shot me dead! Promise.! U both!





Kabir:- promise.





Angre:- ok.





Angre pov:


I can’t promise you because I think this truth can mend his broken heart again.  so I think it’s better not to promise you.


Pov ends.





Ridhima was taking a few files that were important when a nurse barged in.


Nurse:- dr. His heart beat rate is dropping! (Panicked)





It was enough for ridhima to run to his ward.


She ran and barged in his room and was shocked to see the sight his heart rate were dropping. She quickly asked for an injection and injected him after which he became stable.


(To nurse)  he will get conscious in few minutes.





Goes back to cabin takes her file and saw angre and kabir staring her.


She smiles.


Ridhima:- he will get conscious in few minutes


(to Kabir )please tell him  whatever I have told you to do so and please ask him not to take unnecessarily stress and exert himself.


Bidding them byee.


Ridhima:- be strong bhai.





Kabir:- is it necessary for you to leave? (Tensed, concerned)





Ridhima:- bhai please I told you this earlier so that you would keep yourself ready for it please be strong.


and yes  don’t cry what if your any constable sees you then what will they that think that sir cries😁😝.





Kabir:- lame joke.(but smiles hearing it.)


Ridhima:- (to angre) and yes you can call me ridhima because I think you the same way I think for Kabir bhai .so in that case I consider you as my brother so you need not need to call me call me  dr. Singhania anymore. (Smiles).





Angre  smiles and nods.





Said final bye and drove to RS Villa. To pack her belongings.











Precap:- share brothers bond, don’t you say that again.








That’s all for today’s guys,


Hope you enjoyed it.








See @aarushi and @gauri  di……i didn’t killed him… I am a gud girl😂😝😂😁😝😁





Pls write the risk too going against it😁😁😂😁😁😂😁





– will she leave him and go forever?


– will he agree that she is dead listening to kabir?


– what can the truth be?


– precap?









I just read tanvi’s article… It was really heart touching dear!

Be daddy’s strong girl!

More powers to you dear!



Thanks you all for reading it.









The post Our Limitless Love(A Riansh FF….) Promise! …. Ch-32 appeared first on Telly Updates.

5/17/2021 12:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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