“ No, no please don’t do anything to her. Please leave her.” A woman is requesting to a man.
“ Listen, if u do anything to my daughter, u will face the worst consequences of your life. ” another man says to that man.
“ Even if I give u your daughter u will not let me go. So u both also should get punished along with me. ” Saying this the man holding the girl jumps off the cliff.
Everyone shouts “ NO..”
Kiara wakes up from her sleep. She is drowning in her sweat. She wipes her sweat and washes her face. She drinks some water and checks the time. It’s morning 4’oclock.
Kiara’s pov
“ I got this dream again. But it’s been so many years. Dad said this is the dream of mom and him saving me but the man jumped off the cliff along with me but then I was saved by dad. But dad made me wipe out my memories by brainwashing me saying that it would be too much for me to handle. But why do I always feel that it’s not mom and dad in the scene but someone else. And I don’t even know who my mom is. I didn’t even have her pic .And it is more weird that I got this dream after so many years. God, please help me.”
She tries to sleep again and goes to sleep. Sun rises and it’s morning 8’o clock. Rhea comes and wakes up Kiara.
“ di, come on wake up.”
Kiara wakes up. Rhea notices her eyes being little red.
“ di, why are your eyes red? Did u have proper sleep? Dad ordered u to seep well, didn’t he?”
“ relax Rhea, I am fine. It was just a bad dream.”
“ no wonder dad asked u to not to take any stress, but I was an idiot to tell u about Kiara di.”
“ hey, this has nothing to do with it.”
“ di, can I ask u for something?”
“ any more weird feelings?”
“ no, di. Promise me that u will not tell anyone anything about what I said yesterday night.”
“ ok. I promise. And can I ask u something?”
“ u seem to be a lot merrier. May I know the reason?”
“ well…. It’s your big day so I am happy for u.”
“Hmm? Tell me the truth?”
Rhea blushes.
“ well di. I had taken one of the biggest decisions of my life.” Rhea says blushing.
“ and may I know. What it is?”
“ di, I fell in love. It’s the guy with whom I get those weird feelings. ”
“Oh…so u are in love?”
“ yes, di. I always thought I loved Ranbhir, but I was wrong. I was completely obsessed with Ranbhir. I was brought up without my mother. My father was the only person whom I loved more than anything in this world. But when my father started liking Prachi, I couldn’t digest it. I liked Ranbhir for his looks. I thought we would make the best couple in front of the world. But while caring about the world, I forgot to care about my heart. If Ranbhir had loved any girl, probably I would have let him go but he fell in love with Prachi, so probably I felt that she is snatching everything in my life.”
“ Probably?”
“ No, I am sure I felt it. Because of that I got mad and did many things to get him but I couldn’t get him. Even after Prachi’s death Ranbhir didn’t stop loving her. Ateast then I should have understood. Probably, I refused to understand, but after meeting this guy, I feel so happy. I was never able to confide in Ranbhir but I was able to confide in this guy. I feel very happy when he is with me. I feel completed. He made me understood what love is. I always used to think I am bad but he made me feel better. He made me believe that there are so many people who loves me. I want this forever. ”
” Does he like u?”
” I don’t know. But whatever his reply is I am ready to accept. I just want him to know about my feelings, so that I won’t regret it later. If he agrees , then consider me the happiest girl in the world.”
Kiara hugs her and congratulates and kisses on her forehead.
“ well, I want to meet that guy, Rhea.”
“ u know him, di.”
“ what?”
“ well, u didn’t see him but u spoke to him. No no u saw him but u don’t that my man and that man are same.”
“ whoa.. this is quite tricky.”
“ I will show him to you tonight. He will be there a the concert. U were the first one to know about my love and u will be the first one to meet him as my boyfriend. ”
“ Ok, well, wait, won’t u be there for my performance?”
“ I am gonna propose him after the program.”
“ ok, then I am gonna wait.”
In the office quarters
“Prachi what happened to u? why are u so silent? Shouldn’t u leave early?”
Prachi doesn’t respond. She sees Prachi in tears holding a greeting card(gifted by Ranbhir during their proposal).
“ Prachi? What happened? why are u crying holding this?”
In Srinivasans house
“ This is the day I met Prachi for the first time two years ago, Aryan.” Ranbhir says holding Prachi’s bracelet.
“ U still remember this day?” Shahana asks Prachi.
“ I remembers each and every moment I spent with her whether it’s good or bad. I love each and every memory of her’s.” Ranbhir says to Aryan.
“ I saw him after such a long time but I couldn’t even talk to him. I was angry with him. But even he didn’t ask me how am I doing?” Prachi says to Shahana
“ She ran away before I could ask her anything. If she would have waited for a minute I would have picked her and brought her home and would have never left her.”Ranbhir says to Aryan.
“ I don’t know whether he loves me or not now but I still love him. And he might have got married to Rhea”Prachi says to Shahana.
“ I will always Prachi , no matter what happens. And Ranbhir Kohli can have only bride in his life that is Prachi Mehra.”
“ I am sure Ranbhir loves u still, even if he had got married to Rhea.” Shahana says to Prachi.
“ U will see her very soon and u both will get married and live happily.” Aryan says to Ranbhir.
Praanbhir remember the moments they spent together. Aryan and Shahana think to bring Praanbhir together.
In King’s house
“ So did u find anything any thing about Kia? Oh.. ok msg the address to me.”
King’s pov
“This is Mehra mansion address? What is she doing over there? Ok,fine I will know when I go there. “
Suddenly he receives a phone call. He speaks to someone. The man informs him about the concert tonight.
“ Thanks, man. Hopefully I will find my daughter today.”
In Mehra mansion
“ But I really don’t understand how is Arya related to King singh, Aliya?”
“ It’s bcoz Arya is King’s daughter, Meera.”
“Oh… what? So what are we gonna do now? Are u gonna reveal the truth?”
“ well, bhai trusts her lot, so it’s of no use in me revealing the truth. Either we should have solid evidence or we should make her reveal the truth. I think we should go for plan A bcoz bhai is not going to allow me roam anywhere near her today. I asked someone to find out more information about her. Until then we wait.”
Rhea and Kiara come for the breakfast. They see Aryan missing.
“ Mom, where is Aryan?” asks Rhea.
“ Aryan is in Srinivasans house. He stayed there with Ranbhir yesterday night. He wanted to help Ranbhir for something.” Replies Pragya.
“ or maybe wants to spend time with his Mishti. He is gonna get married in a day but can’t stay away from his fiancée.”says Rhea with a laugh.
Everyone smiles to Rhea’s words except Kiara.
“ Forget Aryan, what is it with u , Rhea ? u seem to be so cheerful. What’s going on?” asks Abhi.
“ well, dad it’s a big day for di, so.. I am happy. That’s it. And it’s gonna be special.” Rhea replies with a blush.
Rhea imagines Ishaan.
“ Rhea, Rhea….” Pragya jolts Rhea to bring her out of trance.
“ Mom, what are u doing ? why are u shouting my name? I am right here.” Replies Rhea.
Kiara giggles.
Rhea understands and she leaves from there embarassed.
Ishaan calls Kiara.
“ Hello, who is this?”
“ Hello I am Ishaan Srinivasan, and are u Arya?”
“ yes.”
“ well, I heard that u didn’t check your costumes yesterday so I want u to go the venue to check. Costumes has already been shifted there. My friend is the costume designer. I already informed that u are coming.”
“ oh.. ok. I will leave right now.”
Kiara leaves to the venue.
Prachi, Kiara and King reach the venue.
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