Tuesday 18 May 2021

Infatuated Enemies FF : Chapter 4


Author’s pov

Kabir ordered a man: Track this number, Mishra! I want the location urgently! Only a few hours are left!

M: Kabir, It’s not easy to reach it! I am trying my best! Wait for more time!

K: Damn! Do it fast !!! I will go to bring the footage!

M: I Will inform you of the updates!

Vansh returned to his room but couldn’t relax! He was thinking what is the message’s meaning !!

V’s pov

If she was kidnapped, Then the kidnapper would have asked for Ransom! But The message I got is to save her before the deadline, Why? If they want to hurt Ishaani, Then Why sending such a message, IS it a game of an enemy? What will he gain by keeping my sister captive! Why doesn’t he ask for whatever he wants!

I leaned back on the sofa and closed my eyes trying to think when I heard knocks on the door !

V: come! (in the same position shirtless) What are you doing here?

: m..mmm I I a..m Sorry!

V: And?

R(looked the other direction): I want mmm to ask you about what am I going to wear! I have nothing!

V: Typical Story game!

R(confused): Whatt?

V: The girl who doesn’t have anything to wear ask the handsome Hero to give her his shirt and He got lost in her, Ain’t it?

R: Excuse me?

V: Excused! Sorry, but in our story, There are changes, Because Here VR is the Hero! He isn’t like the typical heroes in those stupid novels!Thus Mrs.Dsouza will bring Ishaani’s clothes for you !

R(under her breath): Khados !

She rolled her eyes at him, and He looked ar her standing up going close to her till her back hit the wall, He leaned toward her ear while He enjoyed looking at her wide big eyes !

R: W..h..a.t A..r..e

V(Cut her talk): You are welcome, Down to earth girl!

R: C..a..n y..o..u mmm Plz Ba..c..k Off ! I am not comfortable !

V: Aren’t you? I thought coming in this hour to my room, asking for my clothes is an act of a comfortable girl!

R: See I am not like that !

V: You are not? How did you know? When you don’t remember even your name ! Or (huskily) You do remember?

R: Not at all, Mister! It’s my inner feelings that tell I am not cheap girl, So Try to maintain distance from me !

She slightly pushed him and walked then stopped turning toward him: I asked for your clothes Because  I had no idea That you have a sister! I didn’t know you’ll be treating me like this !

She departed his room upset with his weird behavior! He called Dsouza !

Ds: You need something sir?

V: I want you to give Ri( she looked at him confused ) The girl who is staying with us, Ishaani’s clothes and order clothes for her !

Ds: Yes sir!

He sat remembering her tiny figure, Ishaani’s clothes won’t fit her still He thought she’ll look cute ! as a small baby !

V: WHat Am I even thinking of ! The theatre she made here is obvious! and I won’t buy such act!

Kabir was looking at the security as they said theydon’t have any idea how the footage was deleted!

K: you want now to convince me that anyone can erase the data. From the system you have no backup? ! Well! It is going to be hard to!

Sec: it’s up to you either you believe it or not! But I don’t have any desire to lose my job by challenging Mr.Raisinghania! Believe me, you are wasting your time here!

Kos pov

Damn! Whoever behind it! Has set up everything very well so that we don’t reach him! I have to see where Mishra reached!

Just then a message reached him !

Kabir called Mishra : Are you sure?

M: yes sir, I am 100% sure!

K: great!

Kabir sat in the car driving fast only to reach an isolated place!

K: no one is here!(looked at his watch) only 5 mins are left,I have to look for

He stopped talking as He found a letter on the ground near the phone  “Better luck next time “

He clutched his fists angrily calling Vansh : Boss! It was a trick! Whoever did it, he was mocking us! And wasted our time at the wrong place!

V(worriedly):Ishaani! (Furiously)Come back Kabur and prepare the men! It is going to be a war against all my enemies if it is necessary!

He heard the tambours playing loudly near the mansion and frowned wearing his shirt, and heading toward the gate! What the hell is going on here! Who is playing it!

He looked around only to find a girl in bridal attire covering her face! For a moment he couldn’t recognize her but then his eyes were open: Ishaani? Oh God Ishaani !

He went to her and hugged her: Where were you ? What are you wearing! Do you know that I couldn’t sleep the whole night trying to find you!

: We know, After All, That was the aim behind my message!

He looked at the man who is covering his face too: What is this Drama? Who is He, ishaani?

: Don’t you have eyes to see? Obviously Her better Half! Her husband!

He said as he removed the sehra Uncovering his face!

V(shocked): Angrey sharma?? Husband??

Angrey smiled: and Presenting to you, Mrs.Angrey Sharma ! My wife ! Isn’t it baby?

Ishaani kept mum While Vansh shook her: Talk Ishaani ! Tell me He is A blo*dy liar who is willing to die!

He said while taking his gun out, Angrey smiled sarcastically: Ops ! You scared me! However Now, I have to respect you! You are like my brother now, Ain’t it, Ishaani?

She smiled a little bit uncomfortable, And Vansh’s anger increased more: What THe f** he is talking about? WHY ARE YOU QUIET???

Ang: Easy on my wife, Vansh! She has a husband now, A VERY POSSESSIVE ONE!

Vansh lost control and hold his collar: You and her husband? On my dead body!  It isn’t going to happen ever !!

I(scared): Bhai !! He isn’t lying ! Angrey is my husband now! We got married!

Vansh’s grip on his collar loosened as he looked at her dumbfounded: What?

Ang: And Like A Good Bro, I brought her so that you say a permanent goodbye to her! Besides My wife is so attached to her stuff here, therefore, she came to take it Or else I am very able to bring the world under her feet! My wife deserves it !

V: scre** that : Scre** this marriage! I won’t let you take her ever! Got it ! You are going to get a divorce! I can’t trust his intentions!

Ang: I love my wife so much, But if she is willing to stay here then I am going to fulfill her wish !

V(to him): Very good for you ! Get the hell out of here ! (Held Ishaani’s hand)And you come with me ! I know why you are doing all but

He stopped as she jerked her hand: I married him wholeheartedly and I am going to go with him, Bhai! I came only to say goodbye! Angrey, Let’s go back to our House!I don’t want to take anything now !

Ang: As you wish, My love !Goodbye  Bro!

Said ANgrey to a shocked Vansh who did not give any head to him, All he was thinking of is how His sister chose his enemy over him!

They left and Vansh kept drinking in his roomtill he wasn’t able to stand! Riddhima who witnessed the whole scene since the beginning felt bad for his state! He looked angry and Broken too!

R: Are you okay ?

He looked at her opening and closing his eyes to concentrate on the face in front of him!

V(approaching Her face): Y..ou A..gain

She closed her nose because of the wine’s smell!

R: You have to stop drinking! You drunk too much!

V: Still I am wide awake! And at this state too, Fooling me is out of your hands!

R(frowned): I came to check on you !

V:Drama!  Drama ! Don’t think it’s your chance  Because you saw me in this state ! Naaa it is the Calm Before the Storm!(to himself) Angrey Sharma, for taking such a step, you’ll pay !! I swear you’ll do ! !

R: I came as I felt genuinely Bad for you ! But I think I made a mistake !

She left him again while he threw the bottles breaking everything in his room !

Angrey was in the best mood he can ever be in, He looked at Ishaani: You look gorgeous!

She eyed him in disbelief,Angrey carried on: Come On ! Don't give me that look ! I didn't Force my decision upon you, Did I ? 

She eyed him in disbelief,Angrey carried on: Come On ! Don’t give me that look ! I didn’t Force my decision upon you, Did I ?

I: I have no way !

Ang: I understand your helplessness ! Your brother doesn’t ! By the way, I liked the way How you remembered what is going to happen if you try to break our Contract !

I: As per our contract, I have to bear it only for one month! After that, We’ll divorce !

Ang: Definitely! (To himself) And Till then I will destroy your brother completely, Ishaani! And at ghe same time, you are going to stay where you belong! You and My child!

Ang: Definitely! (To himself) And Till then I will destroy your brother completely, Ishaani! And at ghe same time, you are going to stay where you belong! You and My child!

(Imagine  him in groom attire )

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