Saturday 3 April 2021

Riansh Os : His Love (completed) + Another story


The first Os I have written when I was still so freshly writing so please ignore the mistakes. The second I have completed just today and it’s about obssession.

First Os: I Am Pregnant

Well ..i am riddhima ..i am married to vansh..our marriage occured due a promise between elders ..vansh refused at first but after being blackmailed he gave up and we got married..
I had a crush on him since our childhood ..i opened my eyes for the first time to find him there but he grow up to be room at home is full of his pics ..i am so much crazy about him ..but i didn’t go far than searching for his last news ..taking his new posted pics ..I am not bold enough to confess it to him ..moreover there is age difference between us ..he is 10 years elder than me & as much as i know he thought i am childish nature..well he’s right i am just 18 years old what did he expect ?..
Our first night
I was sitting tensed ..I know i have crush on him but that doesn’t mean i can sleep with him..moreover i don’t know anything about intimacity ..i am so scared..
V’s pov
I am damn frustrated ..they got me married to a child will i handle her !..she was my little friend during childhood but i got busy with studies and work connection with her was lost ..Now i am married to her ,i did not see her face properly brother offered me a juice ..i needed it to calm myself ..i drank it fully and headed toward my room..
R’s pov
The door was opened suddenly and vansh walked inside ..I was covering my head with a veil mom ordered me to stay like that till he lift it himself..
V’s pov
I lift her veil..oh my god…is she riddhima?? Where were my eyes that i couldn’t observe her ??i was feeling intoxicated and slowly i lost my senses..i kissed her eyes slowly her cheeks ..her forehead and then i looked at her face ..she was closing her eyes tightly innocent wife ..i kissed her slowly while biting and licking her lips ..she moaned and made me out of my skin totally ..i traveled my lips to her neck marking her mine slowly ..with the increasing desire and passion ..we lost ourselves in eachother ..and made love …
The morning
My head was aching badly ..what happened yesterday??..why can’t i rememeber??..i tried to move but i realized i have no clothes on my body ,i looked beside me and found my beautiful wife sleeping ..she opened her eyes slowly ..then understanding the situation ,she covered her chest properly .
V:mmm can you look at the other side ?i want to wear my clothes ..
She turned her face ..and i wore my clothes and headed to the washroom..i took a bath ..
I noticed her tears ..she is hurted ..oh my god is it because of me??
V:riddhima what happened are you hurted??
R:it’s aching
She was holding her stomach and i got it ..
V:i am so sorry ..i had no intention to touch you..i think i was drank ..please forgive me ..
R:it was something mutual between us ..
Wow this child is much mature than what i thought..

But how did i loose conscience ..i didn’t drink ..
Aryan?? Damn him ..he gave me the juice …my thoughts were interrupted seeing my gorgeous wife looking breathtaking in red ..
V(huskily):Red is your color..
R(blushed heavily)
V(bite her cheeks):i thought i touched you because i was drank but now you are intoxicating me making me loose my mind ..
V:oh god
Knocks on the door tore us appart ..
The afternoon
I was walking down the stairs when i stumbled with something and fell on the stairs ..and there my wife was laughing finding it funny situation ..I told them she’s child..
V:ahhh my leg …
Realizing i am really hurt she came running to me ..
R:is it paining?? Come i will help you
She is annoying but cute in the same time..
A 2 weak passes
My wife is annoying and attractive..I can’t sleep without holding her in my arms ..Although sometimes she behaved like kids but it’s cute ..
I was having breakfast when she come there holding something ..
R: i am pregnant !
R’s pov
Seriously he lost his conscience !..what’s so horrible about me being pregnant??
R: vansh ..hey …wake up ..
Even though i behave childish to annoy him ..serves him right ..i will make him regret calling me kid…i mean i am 18 years old for god’s sake..i am young but not child…
V’s pov
I heard her voice calling me ..i opened my eyes only to find my whole family are looking at me strangeley ..i slept here?? I am glad ..
V:it was a dream right?? No nightmare ..
V:ha you told me you’re pregnant ..
R:oh wait
She brought a jug of water and put some ice in it ..oh i really need to drink cold water… suddenly i felt myself wet and so cold daaamn …she pulled me with her to our room
V:what was that??
R:my way to wake you up ..i am pregnant got it
Omg how will i handle 2 kids?? Her and our baby?i can’t imagine it..
R:i will take care of the baby..(encircling her arms around my neck) & you’ll take care of me your wife &the mother of your child ..
V:but you are
R:don’t say child or else i will torture you for more days ..
V:what your childish behaviour was on purpose ??
R:of course you made some theories and i played for sometimes..
Smiling pulling her waist ..
V:playing with your hubby ..(sucking her earlobe) talented wife ..sorry for judging you ..i was ridiculous to think that way..
R:i want to confess something ..
R:i had a crush on you for years..
V(wide eyea):whaaat?
R:your pics are all around my parent know about that ..but they didn’t say anything because of that promise ..
V:wow ..crush on me haa?..i feel attracted toward you..i guess i have crush on you too

(kisssing her stomache) i am glad i’ll be dad soon…
R:and i am so excited for motherhood ..
They rest their forehead against each other while vansh put his hand on her belly feeling blessed with the moment ..

It had been month since i heard the good news ..she is so weak due to the pregnancy ..vomiting and hating the food smell..she ate nothing but juice or some fruits…whatever she ate she throw it out immediately & i feel sad for her ..mothers suffer right !…i am in kitchen now ..yes vansh raisingania is actually trying to make something for his pregnant wife ..I searched in the internet and found a recipe of apple pie ..i think she will love it because of her love toward apples..
I finished it i am an awesome cook (not like the awesome wife guys 😜)

(Try to believe it 🤗)

Emm so delicious smell

Emm so delicious smell…I walked out of kitchen toward my room she was licking something ..what is that bottle?…parfum?????…has she gone mad??
She jerked and was about to fall due to my sudden scream..but i held her staring angrily at her ..
R(grinned):vansh emm i …i was ..just ..trying it ..good smell
V:really?? Do you think i am blind ?? I saw you licking it …yewww
R:i was craving for it ..
V:what ???? Who craves for parfums??
R:not for parfums…(smiling) for your parfum ..
Oh she was actually craving for me ..
V(smirked):so why using the parfum when i am here ??
R(whinned):not now ..i am hungry ..but this baby doesn’t let me eat’s are the reason ..
V:what do you mean by this? Did i rape you ?
R:shut up ..don’t irritate me please..
V(kissing her hair):just kidding love..see this apple pie is for you ..
R(suprised):wow you prepared it?? Even i can’t prepare it like this (me too 😂).
V:now taste it dear ..
She started eating it & thankfully she didn’t vomit it ..
For my wife’s sake ..i cook sometimes for her ..husbands ought to suport their wives ..
Continued on next page…

The post Riansh Os : His Love (completed) + Another story appeared first on Telly Updates.

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