Saturday 3 April 2021



Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Please, do keep supporting me like this. 

Episode begins with… 

Vansh calls an unknown person.. 

VANSH: Have you done all the work. We have to be there on time. 

UNKNOWN PERSON: Don’t worry sir. I have made all the preparations. We’ll be there on time.

VANSH: Make sure that none should know that place. Even I didn’t tell anyone about this plan. Only we have to be there in that place. And make sure that everything goes by our plan. One wrong step will land us in big danger. So, be careful..

Saying so, he cuts the call… 

Riddhima who was standing there overhears all his conversation.

RIDDHIMA: Which danger is vansh speaking about? Better, let me ask him..

Thinking so, she comes in front  of him.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, I need to talk with you..

VANSH: Riddhima, please leave me alone. I have an important work. I’m in no mood to answer all your questions…

RIDDHIMA: Ok let it be. You don’t want to answer me. Just hear what I’m saying.

VANSH: Riddhima..

RIDDHIMA: Vansh please. I know that nowadays you hate me. I know that you have nothing to speak with me. But, I have. Just give me five minutes.

VANSH:Tell me..

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, why are you behaving like this? What did I do? Till today, I didn’t get answer for this question. You don’t want to answer all these questions. I know that you hate me. But, I can’t hate you vansh. This is the first time you are hurting me. But its ok. I’m going to my friend’s house today..

Vansh is shocked… 

VANSH: What?? Why do you want to go? Still we have 3 more days.. It’s not safe for you to go out. You should not go anywhere.

RIDDHIMA: No vansh. I can’t stay here. Moreover, You don’t have any rights to order me.

VANSH: I’m your.. I’m your..

RIDDHIMA: You can’t answer vansh. Because, you can’t say that you are my friend. Anyway, when my tears doesn’t matter to you, my safety shouldn’t matter to you. I just want to tell that I’m leaving. Thank you for your valuable time…

Saying so, she turns to go. Just then.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, finally I just want to tell you one thing.. When you came from London, you said that you want me to always be happy. But today, these tears are because of you. Today,  you have broke your promise. You have cheated me by your false promises and false hopes..

Saying so, she wipes her tears and goes… 

VANSH: I’m sorry riddhima. I know that I’m the reason for these tears. But please forgive me. I made a promise to god for angre’s wish. And to keep up that promise, I have to break this promise. But this is only for your good. I can’t leave you alone. I’m hurt more than you. Just three days more. After that you don’t have to bear this pain. I’ll myself leave this country. I won’t return.. Just three more days. But before that, I have an important work. Today is my day. I should leave immediately.. But, what about my ticket? I asked them yesterday to deliver it to my office address. Still I have not yet got that.

Just then.. 

ANGRE: Vansh, which ticket are you speaking about?

Vansh turns and gets shocked to see Angre… 

VANSH: What? I didn’t speak about any tickets…

ANGRE: Vansh don’t lie to me. I can easily identify your lies. And the tickets which you are speaking about is with me. Your office receptionist gave me this. Now just answer my questions.. Why have you booked these tickets? You haven’t even informed me about this? What have you planned? Why are you going abroad? Just answer me..

VANSH: Angre, I can’t answer all your questions. But, please believe me that whatever decision I’m taking will be right..

ANGRE: I just need the answers..

VANSH: Angre, this is not important now. I’ll answer all your questions. But, not now. I have an important work. I have to go. You please be with riddhima.. Don’t allow her to go out. Please be with her..

ANGRE: Ok.. But, why are you so tensed?

VANSH: I’ll tell you later. Now, I have to go..

Saying so, he goes..

Riddhima comes to Angre..

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, there is something fishy. I heard vansh speaking( tells everything) 

ANGRE: Riddhu, even I saw him tensed. But, what will we do? He has asked me not to leave you alone. It’s not safe for you.

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, vansh is more important to me than my safety. Please, understand me. I can’t leave him alone and stay in the house. We’ll better follow him.

ANGRE: Riddhu, if he come to know about this..

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, I’ll talk to him. Now, please come with me.

Saying so, she takes angre along with her. 

Ishani comes out and sees both angre and riddhima leaving in hurry.. 

ISHANI: Where are they both going? Bhai has asked me not to allow them to go out. They both are looking tensed. Better, I’ll follow them both..

Saying so, she follows angre and riddhima.. 

Vansh reaches the location along with that unknown person. It is a godown. The place was totally surrounded by trees and mountains. It looked like a forest area.

VANSH: Just look at the place. If something goes wrong then, even we can’t escape. And make sure that there is none except us.

UNKNOWN PERSON: Sir, don’t worry. Everything is going by our plan. There is no one here except us. And even I haven’t informed anyone except those ten.

VANSH: Ok.. Just ask them to hide and wait till I say.

UNKNOWN PERSON: Sir, don’t worry. I have already informed them. They’ll come within 5 minutes..

VANSH: Ok.. Let’s go in. Wear your masks..

Both Vansh and that unknown person wears the mask and goes inside the godown.. 

Just then, angre and riddhima reaches there and sees Vansh entering the godown..

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, which place is this? And what Vansh is doing here?

Just then, ishani reaches there and sees angre and riddhima.. 

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, we’ll go in and see…

ANGRE: Riddhu, Vansh is there. We can’t go in..

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, look there. There is another entrance to enter that godown. We’ll go by that way.. I have a feeling as if something wrong is going to happen.. I can’t be here..

Saying so, she takes angre along with her and enters the godown.. 

Ishani who was standing a little far from them looks them entering the godown.. 

ISHANI: Why have they come to this place? And even bhai’s car is here. But, what is he doing here? Better, I’ll go in and see..

Saying so, she goes in.. 

Inside the godown there were fully tins and cans surrounded by a table and chairs.. Riddhima and angre hides behind those tins and looks at Vansh and that unknown person.. Ishani hides behind the tins and watches both angre and Vansh..

UNKNOWN PERSON: He has not yet come..

VANSH: He’ll surely come here. My guess won’t be wrong..

Just then, a person enters there.. 

PRECAP: Vansh is surrounded by goons. A gunshot was heard.. 

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made.. 

The post RIANSH- A CUTE BEST COUPLE (Episode 56) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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