Monday, 19 April 2021

#Opposites Attract Each Other #9 Engagement


Episode starts as..,

Scene 1 : 

Riddhima : Angre, find out who did this..I know someone is behind it..

Angre : Yes ma’am..

Rajat : Riddhima, get ready for your engagement, and remember to do all this investigation after that..

Riddhima : Dad-

Anushka : He’s right Riddhima..

Riddhima : Okay fine!!

Scene 2 : 

Vansh’s room –

Vansh : Mere sapno ki rani kab aayegi tu..chali aa tu chali aa..(When will you come, the queen of my dreams? Come..Come..Come)

“Knock! Knock”

Vansh : Oh Lord! You listened to me so early!!

He goes to open the door.

Devyani : Get ready for your engagement, here are the clothes.

Vansh : Ok mom..

Devyani goes. Vansh shuts the door. 

Scene 3 :

Party time..

Their dresses : 


Rajat : I welcome y’all to my daughter Riddhima’s engagement with her love Vansh Rai Singhania. 

Riddhima (murmurs) : Love,my foot..

Vansh and Riddhima slide rings into each other’s fingers. Rajat opens the champagne bottle and the celebration begins. The songs play one by one and they all dance in pairs. Vansh-Riddhima, Veer-Bani, Rajat-Anushka and Neil-Devyani, let’s eavesdrop their conversations.

RiAnsh –

Vansh keeps one hand on her  bare waist while another one holds her one hand. Riddhima keeps one hand on Vansh’s shoulder and another one is being held by his.They both are dancing closely, he is heading towards Riddhima again and again giving her a wink, which angers her. 

Riddhima : Listen, don’t TRY to be over smart or..

Vansh : Chill man, you are getting angry on your engagement with your LOVE

Riddhima : Love my FOOT..This is all because of my enemy, I’m sure..I’ll find out soon, and you stay in your limits.

Vansh : You naa, please give me a chart that shows what are my limits, ok?

He giggles. 

Riddhima : I’m serious..

Vansh : Mutual feelings, sweetheart..

Riddhima : I’m not your sweetheart..

Vansh : Ok SweetHeart..

Riddhima grits her teeth. 

Over to VaNi : 

The same position is with VaNi..

Bani : Hey Veer, shall I ask you something after all you’re my jiju’s brother..

Veer : Yupp!!

Bani : Shall I start calling y’ bhai too? My jiju’s bro, my bro..What say?

Veer : You can call me VEER that’s it..

Bani : Okok, don’t BLAST on me..Accha tell me, why are y’ so AKDU??

Veer : Tell me why are you so crazy??

Bani : Uhm..

Veer : Uhm..

RaNushka : 

Anushka : Rajat, y’are happy, naa??

Rajat : Yess Anu, at least we got a known boy..

Anushka : Hope he’ll tolerate her anger..

Rajat : He’ll do it for sure, I trust him! 

Anushka smiles. 

Neil – Devyani : 

Neil : And here we go!

Devyani : Our plan is successful..

Neil : Hope Riddhima won’t destroy anything..

Devyani : She won’t go against Rajat..

Neil nods. 

Precap :  “What rubbish!” 


That’s all for this part..I hope y’ liked it..Do comment, please it feels me motivated, “Good” “Nice” would too work and if y’ want any changes then comment, give your honest reviews either good or bad…Also, which dress y’ liked the most? Do tell..Toodles! See y’ soon..



The post #Opposites Attract Each Other #9 Engagement appeared first on Telly Updates.

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