Monday 5 April 2021

Love Beyond Limits (A RIANSH LOVE SAGA) Chapter #26


Chapter 26: “The breakfast madness!!”

The episode starts with the rising sun of the next day. The early sunlight was coming from the window in Riddhima’s room and falling directly on her eyes. This made her awake. She rubbed her eyes, holding her head and got up. She was sitting on the bed holding her head and remembering everything that happened yesterday. Rubbing her face with her heads, she looked up and found Ajay standing beside the door.
R(smiles): Good morning Dad! How are you? Why are you standing there? Come sit!
A: Should I be fine looking at you in this state?
R(observing herself) What happened to me? I am absolutely fine!
A: Really? You think I can’t even understand what’s going on inside my daughter’s heart and mind? You think I am dumb?
Riddhima bowed down her head as she knew that she has no answer for his questions and now, she is going to receive a good amount scolding from him. So, she simply bowed down her head making herself ready.
A: Nothing is going to change by bowing down your head. Look at yourself in the mirror! What have you done with yourself? I don’t understand why you want to torture yourself. Have some pity Riddhima! Have some pity on me! You think I am very happy seeing you suffering and sinking day by day? Tell me! Till when are you going to hurt yourself? Or is it for lifetime? And I should stop hoping that One day, My Riddhima will be the same as before. Alive happily, full of life as she used to be before. Tell me. I will stop expecting anything then. You have made yourself like this as a punishment. You think that you will take your revenge, you will give justice to him with this personality. But I am sorry to say that If you think this personality shows you strong and powerful then you are wrong. If you think that with being emotionless and stone hearted, you can defeat him, then you are doing nothing but fooling yourself. This is not going to help Riddhima! This! (Pointing towards her head) This injury which you consider your pride, This is nothing to be proud of. In my eyes, This is the thing that is not letting you move on. This is the thing with which you have not been able to cope up in all these years. This is the only fear that is stopping you and I never expected this that something could scare or stop my Riddhima!! You are not becoming powerful. You are getting weak! With each passing day, you are sinking!!!
Listening to this, Riddhima looked up at him with helplessness and pain. She was not able to say anything.

A: I can clearly see helplessness in your eyes Riddhima! This is not you. This was never you. With this behaviour, You are not only hurting yourself but you are also hurting me, Vansh and everyone else. And specially him!!!!
Riddhima finally spoke in pain,
R: I know Dad! I am disappointing you all. What do I do? The more I try, The more I become weak. When I take one step towards my aim, something happens that pushes me 10 steps backwards from my destination. This life is not mine and you know that. God gave me this life just for one purpose and I have to fulfill that. I don’t hate Vansh. Its not that I can’t forgive him. I felt the same pain yesterday that he felt. I was hurt because of what he did but I was also hurt by looking at his condition. I don’t want to feel any emotions towards him because I don’t want him to be my weakness. I don’t want him to suffer because of me. Even if I move on with him, What is the guarantee that he is not going to suffer again because of me? Where is the guarantee that if I move on, my fear will not show up again in front of me and destroy my life once again?
She bowed down her head again in her misery with teary eyes.
A: Vansh is not your weakness Riddhima! Vansh is your strength! You should know that. He loves you alot. You know when He knew about your condition,he was….
Riddhima realized something and being tensed, spoke cutting him,
R(tensed): Have you told him about….???
A: No! I didn’t told him or anyone that your fainting and bleeding was the side effect of your injury otherwise, they would have questioned regarding all that. But I had to tell them about your nervous breakdown. I know you won’t permit but Sia is a doctor. If I hadn’t told them, she would have find it out sooner or later.
R: Its completely fine dad! You don’t need my permission. You did right! And…(smiling painfully) This is not just an injury dad! It is my one of the most horrible and painful memory.
She lighlty moved her fingers inside her hair, at a point on her head above her right ear, as if touching the old mark of her injury.
R: Its a mark that scares me every night in my nightmares. Its a mark that keeps me reminding that I am living for a definite purpose. I am living for my promise and my revenge. The fears, the dangers are hanging on me and I can’t let it fall on Vansh too. I am keeping my distance because I don’t want history to repeat itself. Whoever comes close to me, he dies. I can die thousand times, but I can’t let anything happen to Vansh.

Meanwhile, Vansh came with a tray of food with Riddhima. From outside, he saw Ajay and Riddhima talking. So, he stopped there and started listening to their conversation.
Inside, Ajay cupped her face in his hands and said,
A: Nothing will happen to your Vansh! He is your Vansh! He is just like you. And you both make the most powerful and strong team. No one can defeat you until you both are together. So, Enough of this resistance for your own feelings. Try to find your inner peace Riddhima! Everyone faces many battles in their life. Everyone has his own issues that they can’t share with others. There are many incidents that stop us from moving on. But neither the time stops nor the life stops. Everyone has to step ahead one day to live a better life. No one lives for a survival. They live seeking happiness. If they had to live just for survival, then they would just eat in the morning and at night and then sleep. They wouldn’t do anything else. No one stops living Riddhima. No one makes himself lifeless so that he couldn’t feel anything or have to face anything again. Life goes on and so does the hurdles too. Try to find your inner confidence Riddhima! Try to find happiness inside you. Your biggest enemy is your own self that is stopping you from living. You are not the slave of your thoughts. Try to live. Live happily. If the problems continue all through the life, then happiness also seeks you all through your life. Try to find it. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Be strong and….Don’t again take the name of going back to Delhi. Because,..
Ridhima looks at him in confusion,
R: Because?
A(smirks playfully): Because Yeh main hoon, Yeh mera ghr hai, (pointing towards Riddhima) Yeh meri beti hai Or hum Yanhi rhenge..(This is me, This is my house, This is my daughter and we will stay here only)
Ajay laughs at his stupid joke. Riddhima has a little smile too.

R(smiles): Your habbit of cracking jokes at the very wrong time will never ever go.
A: Its not the wrong time. Its the most suitable and best time. You know I can’t remain serious all the time. A person should be cool and crazy.
He winks.
R(proudly): You are the world’s best and the coolest Dad! You are the best!
Ajay kisses her forhead. Vansh also smiles listening that and adores the conversation of father-daughter duo.
A: Oh! What a stupid Dad I am! I forgot to get breakfast for my daughter.
R: You have given me enough dosage with your scolding. I don’t need more. I am not hungry.
A: You will definitely need breakfast. No ifs and buts. I will be right back.
He got up and turned. At the same moment, Vansh found it the right time to enter so he knocked the door.

Ajay smiles,
A: Look! Who got breakfast for you Riddhima!
R(making a face, murmurs): Khadoos RaiSinghania!
She looks in other direction.
Ajay starts moving out. While passing by Vansh, he whispered in his ear,
A(whispers): Lucky You are! She is in a good mood. I hope your efforts don’t get wasted. Good Luck Son!
He winks at Vansh and Vansh smiles in return, saying in a low tune,
V: Thanks Dad! I really need it now to face this atom bomb.
They both suppressed their smiles before Riddhima could notice. Ajay goes out closing the door.
Vansh and Riddhima both looked at each other.

Vansh came forward with the tray of breakfast and sat beside Riddhima. Riddhima started making face.

Neither she said anything nor Vansh spoke. He took the knife in his hand and started cutting slices of the apple. Riddhima was observing him silently. After doing it, he picked up the plate in his hand. Before he could say or do anything, Riddhima spoke,
R: I am not going to eat it.
Vansh acted to be a rude like her,
V: I didn’t offer you even. I have cut it for myself. Obviously, You are going to show tantrums. For that, I need energy for myself. So I am eating.
He started eating the apple slice with a fork. Riddhima was pissed.

R: Go eat somewhere else. You find this place only for your morning breakfast?
V: This is my house Riddhima! I can sit wherever I want to. Have you got any problem?
Riddhima was more pissed but calmed herself. Vansh offered her a slice,
V: Want a bite?
R: No!
V: Are u sure?
Riddhima stared him narrowing her eyes.

R: You got it for yourself. Then, why are you offering me?
V: Well, actually I got it for you. But I am sure Your are not going to eat it as you are so stubborn. So, thought to Finish it myself.
He ate the whole apple and then, got up. Riddhima looked at him confusingly.
V: Done with getting some energy. (Rubbing his hands together) Now, Time for some action.
R(confusion): What action?
Vansh smirked and went towards the door.

He locked the door and picked up the jug of water in his hand. After this, he spilled the water on the floor making it wet. Riddhima was confused.

R: What ARE you doing Vansh?
V: Oh! Nothing much. Just preparing for my mission.
R: What mission?
V: Mission: Make Riddhima finish the whole breakfast!
R: What?
V: Hmm
Riddhima was not getting what he is trying to do. Showing her attitude, she spoke,
R(smirks):Do whatever! I wont eat!
V: Even your angels will eat today! Just wait and watch.

He made the whole bedroom wet except the bed. He closed the washroom door too. Riddhima was irritated. She stood up and went toward him angrily.
R: What do you thi….
In her pace, she slipped and fell in his arms. He placed his hand on her waist in reflex to stop her from falling. His hands were on her waist and her hands were on his chest. They have an eye look. Vansh smiles.
Ishq mein marjawan plays.

Looking Vansh smiling, Riddhima balanced herself and looked at him angrily. Vansh spoke,
V(plaufully): Well, I know you have not forgiven me so I am not your friend. That means I am not going to save you from falling again. So its better you sit down on the bed.
He had a broad smirk.
R(pissed): You think I will run away when you will insist me on eating. Thats why, you closed the door and making the floor wet so I don’t run away???
V: Smart Riddhima! I must say.
R: You think I am a fool? Riddhima never runs away from anything.
V: Then, go sit on the bed.

Riddhima being frustrated, turned back and sat on the bed.
Vansh came towards her and bent down very close to her.
R: What….
Vansh hold her hand and handcuffed it to the bed. Riddhima was shocked.
R: What is this stupidity Vansh?
V: You have not even seen it yet Riddhima!
He brought the tray forward towards her and put two plates in front of her.
In one plate, he cut some slice of apples and placed the toast and in other,…well lets see.
Riddhima was observing him,
R: I told you before I Won’t eat.
Vansh placed a wrapped tissue in other plate. There was something inside it.
R: What’s in this?
V: See it by yourself!
Riddhima slowly unfolded the tissue. Vansh put hands on his ear to cover them and winked. After opening, looking at the thing, she gave a loud shriek and jumped on the bed but because of being handcuffed, she couldn’t run away.

R(panicked): Vansh!! Its a lizard!! Take it away from me. Make it away! Are you mad? Make it away from me!!!
Vansh pushed the plate having lizard more close to her.
Riddhima shouted again,
R: Are you mad? You know I am scared of lizards!! Take it away.
V(smirks): Not until you finish the breakfast!
R: So, all this is for the breakfast!
V: Yeah! You love challenges na! Here it is for you!
R: I am not going to eat! Do whatever you want to! Who does this madness of getting all the room wet and trying to scare with lizard just to win a challenege! Tell me Who does this?

V: Vansh RaiSinghania! Got any more questions??

R: I will not eat still.

V: You are so stubborn Riddhima!
He smirked and stood up again!
R: Now, What else are you going to do? You….
He got a jug of water and spilled it on Riddhima! Riddhima was drenched in water. She was shocked.
V: Nice!
Before she could react, He grapped a pillow and with knife, he tear it apart. He made all the cotton and feathers of pillow to fall on Riddhima. As she was wet, the pillow material stuck with her clothes.
She was feeling disgusted! She gave him angry glares. He came close to her and removed all the hair pins from her head and again made the tray of breakfast close to her.
The room looked like a mess and Ridhima was feeling disgusted with the a dead lizard in front of her and she being wet and feathery.
Vansh gave out a loud laugh.

V: You look like a pigeon!

R: Shut up Vansh!!

V(laughing): Ladies and gentlemen! I present you the Chief of Military Intelligence, The sacry pigeon, Miss Riddhima Shah!!!

R(pissed): You!!!
V: Now, I am going out. When you come out of your ego and feel like coming out of this mess, then start eating the breakfast. When it is finished, give me a call and I will free you out from this mess. And your hairpins are with me so, no chances of opening your handcuffs.
R: Seriously! You did all this to make me eat breakfast! You could have asked simply.
V(sarcastically): Oh! It was that easy? I thought you are the most egoistic person here. So, you will not agree easily. My bad!
Riddhima was now exhausted.
R: Fine!! I am eating!

V: That’s like a good girl!
Riddhima gave him angry glares.
R: Where did you get this stupid idea by the way?
V(smirks): Diamond cuts diamond!
R: What?
V: Well, In an altered way, Stupidity can be killed only with more of stupidity. Attitude can be destroyed only with more of it. So,….
R: Have your brain cells stopped working?
V: You better focus on eating. Otherwise, I will put this lizard on your shoulder.

R: Dare you!
She started eating. Vansh adored her while eating and was smiling.
V: I didn’t know that you are sacred of lizards uptill now. A chief of army intelligence is scared of Lizards!!! Seriously??
R: I am chief that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be scared of lizards.
V: Why so?
R: Old habits die hard!
V(sarcastic): Really? I don’t think any old habit of yours is left in you. Whether they are actually dead or you made them dead.
She stared him but didn’t say anything. After finsihing her apple, she picked up the toasts. She kept one for herself and forwarded other one to him. He looked at her.
R: I am sure you will not have eaten anything else except the energy apple.
He smiles and takes the toast and starts eating with her.
V: By the way, How was my idea?
He suppressed his smile.
R: Extremely stupid!!!
V: Just like you!!
She smiles at this. For the first time, she smiled which relieved him from inside.

After finishing, she spoke,
R: Can you remove this lizard now! I am done with it. Look I have finished breakfast.

V(bossy): The juice is still left behind.
R: I was about to drink it Vansh! Don’t try to act so smart!
V: Learnt from you only.
R: Remove this mess from me. Open me so that I can take shower.
V: First, I will take a picture of yours!
R: What?? No!! Not at all!
He removed his mobile and clicked a picture of Messy Riddhima.
V: Finish your juice!
He smirked and Riddhima again glared him angrily before drinking the juice. They were having an eye lock with Vansh having a smirk and Riddhima having sternnes. All of a sudden, someone knocked on the door. They both came out of their dream land!
R: Vansh Stop! Open me first!
V: Shut up!
He got up and opened the door. Dadi and Ajay were standing there.
D: Vansh beta! Where is Riddhi….
Dadi stopped speaking when her eyes fall on the mess created in the room.
She was shocked and Ajay was too. They both entered the room and saw Riddhima handcuffed to the bed, all wet and covered with feathers.
R: Goo….Godd morning Dad!
D(shocked): What have you both done with this room?
V(chill): Oh nothing Dadi! Just trying to make a stubborn kid finish the breakfast.
He winked at Ajay. Ajay suppressed a smirk.

D: You mean that all this struggle for a breakfast only! Vansh???
V: Diamonds cut diamonds Dadi!
Ajay laughs and high-fied with Vansh. Riddhima was staring him surprinsingly.

R: Was it the plan of you both?

V: Don’t try to run the horse of your brain so fast! As I said before, Diamond cuts Diamond! Iron sharpens iron!

he winks! Riddhima gives him dangerous glares.
D: Means what?
V: Actuallly…
R: Nothing Dadi! Your grand son has gone mad only!!!
Dadi smiles. She pulls Vansh’s ear.
D: Why are you teasing her Vansh?
Vansh smirks. Dadi smirks too. Riddhima also gives a slight smile noticed by Ajay.
A: Well, you both finish this mess and come downstairs. Everyone is waiting for you Riddhima!
R(hesitating): Yeah ok!
V: No one is going to eat you up Riddhima!
R(narrowing her eyes): Whatever!
After that, Vansh opened Riddhima’s handcuffs in front of Dadi and Ajay. He whispered in Riddhima’s ear,
V: Till the time, you will not forgive me, this madness will go on! Even I don’t know what I am going to do next.
Saying this, he leaves with them. Riddhima goes to washroom to take a shower. When she comes out, the whole room was again clean, clear and tidy.
R: Thank God!

She found a note on the side table, she read it.

”How was the breakfast madness today?😉” (Vansh)

She smiles.
She took a glass of water from the side table and was about to drink it when she thought,
R(herself): This Vansh has gone totally mad. Maybe he would have mixed something in the water too. God knows what is he upto? What is this stupid way of asking forgiveness! He has gone Mad. Totally Mad!!! I need an escape before he comes up with another stupidity.
She saw Vansh’s reflection in the mirror and makes a face.
R(herself): So, he is hiding here. Vansh RaiSinghania! Do whatever you want to. I am not going to agree. Stupid!!
She thought so and suppressed her little smile. Then, she remembers Ajay’s words about Vansh and moving on with him. She also remembers about her promise and her revenge. She had mixed feelings. She thought,
R(herself): I don’t know what I am going to do but right now, I really need an escape from this madness.
Thinking so, she goes out.
Vansh comes out of the curtain,
V: Go wherever you want to. This is not going to end until I get you back!!! Its my promise sweetheart!!!
He smirks.

The post Love Beyond Limits (A RIANSH LOVE SAGA) Chapter #26 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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