Monday 5 April 2021

Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 54


The episode starts with Vansh being still confused and shocked from what he has heard from Kabir.
Vansh was in huge shock and confusion.
He wasn’t able to believe that what he was doubting about it is right.
He wasn’t believing the there is really an enemy from his family members who want to destroy him and get rid of him along with getting rid of Riddhima.
Vansh: Can you give me a justification for what you have said Kabir?
Kabir: Vansh, I can’t tell you more than that stuff as I still doesn’t have any proof to prove with it what I have known. What I could be able to tell you about is that the danger is still around you and around Riddhima. That hidden enemy could do anything just to get rid of you both and you have to be very alert.
Vansh: I can observe that you have the whole truth Kabir. I’m sure that you are knowing everything. I’m sure that you are the saver angel and you know the whole truth and you have to say it to me. You are the one who has protected Riddhima and I at the haldi ceremony from that poisoned haldi.
Kabir: Do you know about it?
Vansh: Yes Kabir I know about it. I was just wasn’t knowing that saver angel and now I have known him as that saver angel is you Kabir and if you are the one who has saved Riddhima and I from that danger so that means that you know who is the one who is behind all that cheap games.
Kabir was silent and he was just listening to Vansh.
Vansh: Your silence makes me sure of what I believe. So you have to tell me everything now Kabir. I have to know who is that person who wants to get rid of me and Riddhima. You have to tell me everything especially after you have told me that this hidden enemy is one of my family members.
Kabir: Trust me Vansh I will can’t tell you anything because I still doesn’t have any proof to support what I have known with it and I know that without a strong proofs your heart will never accept that especially when it comes to a family member to you.
Kabir comes closer to Vansh and he has putted his hand on his shoulder to support him.
Kabir: I know that it isn’t easy at all on you to know that your biggest enemy is one of your family members, but trust me Vansh the ones who cheat their own family doesn’t deserve to be called family members. I’m sure that you will reach to the deep of the truth by your own self and you will collect all the proofs that you need it to expose with it that enemy and don’t feel pity on that person.
Vansh: I can’t just think about which one of them could be the one who is betraying me.
Kabir: I’m sure that you will be able to know that person. You just must think carefully and be very alert and I’m sure that you will get to the truth by your own self. Collect everything together Vansh and the truth will come in front of you. I just has came to you to make you more alert and make you start your own observations and investigations and I’m sure that you will collect the proofs that I haven’t reached to it yet.
He has looked at Vansh in a supportive way.
Kabir: I know that the great Vansh Rai Singhania will reach to the proofs against that enemy even before the police officer could be able to reach to it! But you also mustn’t worry because I will complete my investigations and I’m sure that I will reach to the proofs very soon along with that I will complete protecting you and Riddhima and I will not allow that enemy to cause any problems to you both. You just start concentrate on your family members’ behaviours and I’m sure that you will get to the truth by yourself.
After Kabir has finished those words, he has left Vansh to think alone so he could reach to the whole truth.
Vansh was very shocked and he wasn’t able to think at all.
He was feeling as if his brain got to stop.
His heart wasn’t able to accept that he could be betrayed from a very close person to him which is a family member.

He was till trying to concentrate very well and connect everything together so he could know the identity of that enemy.
Vansh to himself( being shocked and confused): I can’t imagine that one of my family members could hate me that much. How a family member could want to destroy me that much?! How could a family member of mine hate me that much along with hating Riddhima?! I’m not able to understand anything! I just have to control my anger and think very carefully as I have to know the whole truth very quickly. I can’t live peacefully without knowing the identity of that hidden enemy and get rid of that person forever. I have to go to Angre now. He has to get me all the information very quickly as he can’t be more late.
Vansh has gone to Angre who was with Ragini enjoying their time together.
It was noticeable on Vansh’s face how he was very angry.
Vansh( in a kind of strict way): Angre, I want you in a very important business matter so please follow me now. I’m sorry Ragini that I will take Angre from you, but there is an urgent stuff and I need him on it as he has to do that job to me and I will not leave him without doing it so I hope that you will not mind that, but I promise you that I will get him back to you. You just must make him do that stuff to me quickly so he could come to you fast.
Ragini: It so okay Vansh. Take your time as I will be waiting for you Angre. You both must just come fast as the ritual that is after your marriage with Riddhima Vansh will happen after some time so you both mustn’t be that late.

Vansh: Don’t worry Ragini. We will be able to come before the ritual starts.

Ragini: Okay.

Vansh has taken Angre with him to the office.

Vansh’s worry and stress was very noticeable on him and that what Angre has noticed it.

Angre: Boss, are you fine? Why you are looking that worried?

After they have entered the office, Vansh has closed the office’s door.

Then he starts screaming and shouting.

He was trying to get out all the stress and shock that has gotten inside him after what he has known from Kabir.

Vansh( shouting): How I could be fine Angre and the danger is still around me and around my Riddhima?! How I will be able to live peacefully and there is still an enemy that is living near me and I’m not able to know about that enemy. You have to get me the whole truth very quickly Angre. You have gotten to be very late Angre and I can’t wait more. You have to be more alert and fast than that.

Angre has came near Vansh and he has putted his hand on his shoulder to support him.

He was trying to make him feel that his support will be with him not just with being his employee, but because being his close friend.

Angre: Relax boss and please calm down. Everything will be fine and I promise you that I will get you the whole truth very quickly.

Vansh: I just want you to get me everything about my family members.  Every single detail and every secret no one knows about it as I have gotten sure that this hidden enemy is from my family members so you have to investigate about each one of them so we could know whom of them is the one who is betraying me.

Angre(shocked): What?! The hidden enemy is from your family members?! How?!

Vansh has told Angre everything Kabir has told him about it.

Angre was shocked and surprised.

Angre: But how this is possible boss?! How one of your family members could hate you that much and be wanting to destroy you and your business with it?!

Vansh: This is the thing that I want you to get me its answer Angre. I want you to get me who from my family members who has a very evil motive and is trying to hide it from all of us. Investigate about them all and get me the whole truth.
Angre: Actually, I’m observing from your face reaction that you are already doubting someone.
Vansh: To be honest yes. I’m doubting two people which are either Siya or Sejal and I really hope that none of them could be that hidden enemy as I will be very shattered if one of them got to be my hidden enemy. Those two are the only ones who were having some problems with Riddhima.
Angre: But Vansh what has happened wasn’t just affecting Riddhima as it was also affecting you. That enemy was wanting to destroy you and your business.
Vansh: And that what is breaking me from inside as I can imagine that one of them could be wanting to destroy me that much. Why they could hate me that much?!
Angre comes near Vansh to support him.
Angre: Don’t worry boss I’m sure that everything will be fine. I promise you that I will do my best to get you those information very fast.
Vansh: Yeah Angre please do that. I don’t want today’s day could pass without I could know the whole truth. So please stop romance just for today and solve to me this problems and then you are free to spend your whole time with your dearest Ragini.
Angre has smiled after hearing Vansh’s words.
Angre: Don’t worry as I know how to manage those two stuff together! Anyway, please try to relax as you have to enjoy those rituals with bhabi and trust me I will get you everything very fast.
Vansh: I will can’t be satisfied or enjoy my time with Riddhima without getting rid of that enemy who doesn’t want to see Riddhima and I happy. I have to concentrate on everyone’s behaviours and I’m sure that I will get to know that person.
Angre: I’m sure that this will happen fast. So I will go now to manage some stuff with my team and we could do our investigations and I hope that I could get you everything very soon.
Vansh: All the best to you Angre. I’m sure that you can do it. I have putted all my trust on you and I’m sure that you will never break my trust.
Afterwards, Angre has left Vansh in his office.
Vansh was in a very bad mood.
Riddhima has came to his office and she has found him standing and giving his back to the door.
So she comes from his back and she has hugged him very tightly as she was observing his worry.

He got relaxed when she has hugged him.

He was feeling very comfortable while she was hugging him that closely from his back.

Riddhima: What is disturbing my husband that much? What makes my Vansh busy that he didn’t came to his wife all that time?!
He grabs her towards him.

He was wanting to be very close to her as he was wanting to feel secured and relaxed and this doesn’t happen with anyone other than her.

Afterwards, he makes her sit on his lap.

Vansh: How I could be disturbed when I have a very caring and loving wife like you? When I feel worried or stressed, you always manage to feel that and you come to get me out of that worry and stress. Your presence is just enough for me to make me relaxed. Just be that close to me and I will be fine. I just want you to hug me very close to you and I will be all right.
She comes closer to him and they have hugged each other a very warm and long hug.

Vansh( making Riddhima closer to him): Yeah finally I have gotten into my comfort zone. I’m absolutely fine now.
Riddhima was feeling Vansh’s worry.
So she was just hugging him more closer to her to calm him down.

Afterwards, they have gotten out from each other’s arms and they were standing without saying any words.

Vansh wasn’t wanting to make Riddhima worry if he has told her what he has known.
So he has decided to keep quiet as if he starts talking he will not be able to hide anything from her and he will tell her everything.
Riddhima was observing that actually she has already known from Kabir what he has said to Vansh.
So that’s why she has came to him to be with him and support him.
Vansh was going to leave to try his best to not make Riddhima know the reason of his worry when Riddhima holds his hand to stop him.

Riddhima: Where are you going Mr. husband? Don’t think that you will be able to hide your worry from me. I have known everything so you don’t have to hide anything from me.
He gets surprised after hearing her words.
So he immediately gets closer to her and he pulls her to the nearest wall.

Vansh: And how you have known that?!
She has putted her hands on Vansh’s face and she had kissed him in his forehead.

Riddhima: I have my own ways Mr. organizer. I could easily know anything about my dearest husband.
Vansh has smiled from Riddhima’s confidence.

Riddhima has also smiled seeing him smiling.

Riddhima: Here is my target got completed! I was wanting to see that beautiful smile on your face my dearest husband. Please always smile that lovely smile. I’m sure that everything will be fine and you will be able to expose that hidden enemy and get rid of that person forever. Just cheer up and don’t be that worried as I don’t like you when get to be that worried.
He has kissed her hand to express to her how he is very grateful to have her in his life.

Vansh: Thank you sweetheart for making me has gotten out from that bad mood. Thank you for always being here to support me. You have given me a huge encouragement and I’m sure that by your support I will be able to solve that problem. I’m really nothing without you sweetheart. I love you so much.
He gets closer to her to feel her breathes.

Then they gotten into a sweet and short kiss.
Riddhima: I will always be here for you and I will support you. I love you more than anything my dearest husband.
Afterwards, Vansh and Riddhima have went to the hale of the house to start the morning ritual that is after marriage.
Dadi has made Vansh and Riddhima sit together.

Then she has blessed them and she has hugged them very closely to her.
Dadi: Congratulations my lovely and dear children. Seeing your both happiness really means the world to me. I hope to always see you both that happy. God bless you Vansh and Riddhima.
Chanchel: So let’s start first by blessing the new couple so we could protect them from the evil eyes.
Kabir has looked at Siya at that moment.

She was being sure to be there to not make anyone doubt her along with thinking about a new plan to finish with it Vansh and Riddhima’s chapter forever.

She wasn’t concentrating or caring about Kabir’s irritating looks.
Siya to herself: Not any blessings will be able to protect Vansh and Riddhima from the evil eyes as the most evil eye is on them and their end will be very soon.
Afterwards, everyone has done the the blessings to Vansh and Riddhima.
Vansh and Riddhima were smiling very much and they were very happy enjoying their time together.
Vansh was holding Riddhima’s hand very hardly to feel comfortable and relaxed while feeling her presence.
She was happy while he was holding her hand that close.
They were both staring at each other very much.

Ragini: So let’s start that ritual that you have told me about it dadi as I’m really excited to see who from them will win that game.
Riddhima: What is that ritual?
Dadi: That ritual is a kind of game to see which of the married couple will boss that relationship by doing a competition.
Chanchel: We will get a bowl full of milk and we will put on it a ring and you both must put your hands on that bowl and search about the ring.
Dadi: And the one who will get the ring first will be the one who will boss that relationship.
Riddhima got very excited for that ritual.

Riddhima: I’m sure that I will be the one who will find the ring first.
Vansh has looked at her in a challenging way.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! Don’t you think that I will leave you find the ring and win against me that easily of course not sweetheart. Don’t forget that I’m Vansh Rai Singhania who never has made anyone win against him.
Riddhima: So you have to get ready for the first failure in your life Vansh Rai Singhania as Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania will be the first person to win against you.
Vansh: Let’s see Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania.
Riddhima: Let’s see.
Ishani: I think that we have to start that ritual now otherwise the two new couple will have a crash together and they will turn the ritual into a very huge debate!
Kabir: Yeah I also think about the same.
They all have laughed.
Then dadi has gotten the bowl that is full of milk.
Dadi: So let’s starts guys.
Sejal has interfered at that moment before Vansh and Riddhima could start the ritual.
Sejal: Before doing that ritual, I want to say a very important thing. Actually, it could be a shocking thing to everyone but I have to say it and I have to fix everything before that ritual.
Everyone was worried.
None of them was knowing what Sejal will say.
They were just hoping that she couldn’t cause any problem during that ritual.
Precap: “Sejal will not do that. So that means that is Siya who has done all of that stuff!! Siya is the hidden enemy!!”



The end of the episode. I hope you like it. You don’t know guys who much I’m very tired and not in a good health at all and everything has just happened suddenly, but at the same time I wasn’t wanting to break my promise and I have written the new episode. I really can’t see due to the tiredness especially that I have faced another problem which is after I have written the episode it got deleted! So I got to write it all once again! I just hope that you could enjoy this one and please pray for me and keep supporting me. Thank you so much guys for making has succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I hope you make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode so I could be encouraged to update the next episode. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond. The next episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target soon so I could be encouraged to update the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you all will help me in reaching to my target. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

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