Monday, 12 April 2021

Hamariwali Good News 12th April 2021 Written Episode Update: Akki tricks Sumitra


Hamariwali Good News 12th April 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts Adi and Mukund arguing for Renuka. Preeti says I will fix the rangoli. Mukund says let it be. He goes. Sumitra sees some shadow and follows. She doesn’t see anyone. She asks who is there, maybe I m imagining, there is no one, someone is following me, but why. Adi comes home. He sees the Rangoli fixed and asks Sumitra did she do this. She says no, maybe Preeti did it, what are you doing here. He says I can come here anytime I want, don’t know who is playing this game. Alok and Preeti come.

Preeti asks who fixed this rangoli, I didn’t touch it on Mukund’s saying. Adi says we didn’t do it, who did this. Preeti says just mum can make such perfect Rangoli. Alok asks did her spirit make the rangoli. Adi scolds him. Preeti says we have to find Renuka her way. She sits praying. Sumitra thinks to go and catch Renuka. She goes to check. She says what’s Renuka finding now, she has already taken the baby. Adi comes to Akki. He says I had a doubt on you, tell me, where is mum and baby, I wanted to catch you red handed. She says I don’t know.

He shouts and asks her to say the truth. She asks did you go mad. He says yes, you didn’t see my anger and hatred, tell me what is it. He threatens her of police. She says believe me, I didn’t hide them, I had a doubt on Sumitra that she is misleading us, she wants the property for herself, I had planned all this to scare her, I had done puja like Renuka and made Rangoli to scare Sumitra, I wanted to expose her, but this didn’t happen, even Sumitra doesn’t know where is Renuka. Adi says don’t know where is Renuka and baby, I hope she is fine.

Sumitra imagines Renuka and screams. Preeti and Alok come. Sumitra says Renuka was here. Mukund sees Renuka’s pic. Shikva gila…plays… He sits talking to her. He says I feel you are around me, say something. The windows open. He looks on. He gets Renuka’s call. She disconnects. He calls back. Mukund says if you love me, then answer. Renuka says very soon, I will end every conspiracy. He calls back. He gets number off. He asks is she in any danger, where is she. Preeti comes and asks him to tell her, if he needs anything. He says okay. She goes. He calls someone for help.

No Precap

Update Credit to: Amena

The post Hamariwali Good News 12th April 2021 Written Episode Update: Akki tricks Sumitra appeared first on Telly Updates.

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