Monday, 12 April 2021

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 12th April 2021 Written Episode Update : Vibhuti in trouble


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 12th April 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Vibhu asks Anu what kind of massage she would like, Anu asks what he wants in return, Vibhu says it’s my selfless love. Vibhu says sometime I feel so guilty you fight all alone, Anu says wrong you should be guilty all the time not sometime, Vibhu says I want 5 lakh for start up, Anu says now you talking, Vibhu says this time I have full proof blueprint, I am opening ice cream parlour, Anu starts laughing, and makes fun of Vibhu, and denies money. Vibhu says I will show you and leaves.

Angoori performing morning Tulsi Pooja, Vibhu greets Angoori, Angoori says I was waiting for you, actually the garbage disposal van didnt come and its smelling so please take garbage to disposal station, Gupta passing by, Vibhu asks whats wrong, Gupta says I got robbed, Tiwari asks what weren’t you home, Gupta says I was and sleeping and they stole, Tiwari says I wake up with pin drop sound as well, Vibhu says god lies you snore so loud, Angoori says quite he sleeps so peacefully, Vibhu says I will prove it, Tiwari bates 500₹.

Tiwari and Angoori asleep, Thief enters he hears a sound and hides, Vibhu enters and sleeps beside Tiwari, and dances around, Vibhu leaves with a flower pot. Thief steals jewellery and leaves. Vibhu gets to his bedroom, Anu switches on light and asks where were you, Vibhu says I went to see Prem, Anu asks why, Vibhu says his wife was hitting him I went to save him, Anu says and im return he gave you flower pot, Vibhu thinks god I forgot about this, Vibhu says his wife was throwing things at him and so I caught it and forgot to keep it back, Anu says so believable, Vibhu says trust me please, Anu says go to sleep. Vibhu says thanks for trusting me.

Tiwari meditating next day, Vibhu walks to him with a bag, Tiwari asks why are you here, Vibhu says I have gift call bhabhiji, Tiwari calls Angoori, Vibhu shows flower pot and asks do you remember this, Angoori says it’s ours, Vibhu says so whole night it was in your bedroom, Tiwari says yes, Vibhu says I took it last night, and proved Tiwari wrong and won the bate, Angoori goes to get 500₹ and comes shouting says her jewellery 5 lakh necklace is stolen. Tiwari and Angoori look at Vibhu, Vibhu says I didn’t and runs away.

TMT sees a astrologer and walks to him, Baba reads their hands and say these are the worst hands he has seen, Baba says live a Satyug life for sometime, trouble no one, support the truth and then soon you will marry, TMT get very happy, Baba asks for money, Teeka gives money and they leave happy.

Pre cap : Anu says I don’t where Vibhu is, Tiwari forces her to tell. Anu says Vibhu is hiding inside bedroom

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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