Thank you everyone for your comments. I know some of you are angry at me for not updating as promised I am sorry for that. I’ll try to update next one as soon as I can. Hopefully the change in track will keep you guys intrigued.
The episode starts with…
VR mansion:
Ishani’s birthday party is going on. The guests start to pour in, and everyone is enjoying their time. The Khurranas also come and are greeted by the Raisinghania family. Everyone is enjoying themselves. Meanwhile Kabir goes to the back door to get his men inside the house.
Kabir and his men enter the house and mingle with everyone but after some time he pulls out his gun and points it at Vansh. Vansh and the whole family are completely shocked. Kabir asks his men to surround the whole family and keep them at gun point. Whereas he asks all the guests to leave. Looking at the guns the guests leave. But to Kabir’s surprise the men don’t do anything. Looking around Kabir finds Aryan, Janvi, Sejal, Sameer, Pragati, Shivam and Shashi smirking at him.
Meanwhile at the hospital:
Riddhima enters Siya’s room and sees her.
Riddhima: Siya, how are you?
Siya: I am fine now Bhabhi.
Riddhima (hugging her): It’s been so many years, I can’t believe I am actually talking to you. Everyone is waiting for this moment. Let’s go home the family will be so happy to see you back.
Siya: Yes, Bhabhi I am also very happy to be back. I can’t wait to meet my Vansh bhai.
Siya gets changed into her clothes and with Riddhima’s help and they slowly make their way to the VR mansion.
At VR mansion:
Kabir: What the hell! Why aren’t you guys attacking them?
Aryan: They won’t, because we bought all your men. We offered them more money than you promised them.
Sameer: Now there is no way for you to escape you better drop that gun or else I’ll shoot your mom (he points his gun at Anupriya).
Janvi (looking at Anupriya): You said that I won’t be able to prove anything against you but today your own plan has backfired against you.
Anupriya: What nonsense are you talking Janvi. Please respect the fact that I am your badi maa.
Shashi: Let me do the honours of beginning. I’ll start by introducing myself. I am Shashi, a PI that Riddhima hired to find your plan and I must say Kabir you are very lame, you made my job so easy by having no security in your warehouse.
Kabir: Riddhima hired you? Why? She has no relation with Vansh and this family why will she care at all.
Sejal: You don’t know Riddhima sadly even after dating her for few years you couldn’t understand how Riddhima functions.
Paragati: Riddhima may not have any relations with this family but you are also forgetting that Shovan and Shaina are also Raisinghanias and she is their mother she can’t let her kids’ family be in danger.
Vansh: What is happening can someone explain to me.
“I’ll explain bhaiya”. Everyone turns around and finds Siya with Riddhima at the door.
Siya: I can explain and hopefully clear a lot of misunderstandings.
Vansh runs to Siya and hugs her while the rest of the family follow behind Vansh.
Dadi: Siya my doll I can’t believe you gained consciousness. I am so happy today.
They are busy rejoicing Siya’s recovery when they hear Anupriya threatening Janvi at gun point. They all come back to the hall and find Anupriya pointing a gun at Janvi.
Chachi: What are you doing di how dare you point your gun at my daughter.
Aryan: Badi maa leave Janvi alone. I am warning you.
Anupriya: First ask Sameer to put his gun down and let my son go (Sameer pointed his gun on Kabir after Siya came to make sure he doesn’t escape but to his bad luck Anupriya took this opportunity).
Sameer: No, he is a criminal in a police officer uniform I am not letting him go.
Vansh: ENOUGH! Someone explain to me what the hell is happening why are they holding each other at gun point.
Siya: I’ll explain bhai, that day I heard Anupriya mom talking to someone on the phone about Ragini and confessing that she is the one that killed our mother.
Listening to Siya everyone was shocked to the core. They couldn’t believe that the lady that they all gave so much love and respect could do such a thing.
Vansh enraged takes out his gun and points it at Anurpiya.
Anurpiya: Yes! I killed her. I killed you mother so that I could take her place, I wanted all the money, power and status that she had. So, I killed her and married your father. So, that one day I could get rid of you and give all that you possess to my beloved son Kabir. But you came back.
Kabir: We set everything perfectly planned everything and got you falsely accused of Ragini’s murder, but you came back from your death. Our happiness was short lived.
Dadi: Anupriya and Kabir I am appalled at your truth. I can’t believe we gave you guys shelter.
And just like that Kabir and Anurpiya reveal their truth in front of everyone. How Kabir manipulated Riddhima into marrying Vansh, how he used her against him and how they killed everyone including Ragini to frame Vansh. Also, how he created false evidence against Vansh and blamed Riddhima for it to create problems between Vansh and Riddhima. Also, that they blackmailed Riddhima into marrying Kabir and the threat to harm the family to make her weak in front of them.
Everyone, both Raisinghanias and Khurranas are shaken with the new turn of events. None had expected that this would be the truth.
Vansh now completely out of his mind starts fist fighting with Kabir. During their fight Sameer, Angre and Aryan try to intervene but it’s of no use Vansh is overpowering everyone. Just then they hear a bullet sound and see the police standing at the door.
Inspector: Hands up Kabir and Anurpiya and drop your guns.
Kabir: Inspector I am one of you, why are you arresting me?
Inspector: Really, we heard your entire confession and you think we will believe you.
The police arrest the mother and son duo. However, Kabir was not in the mood to lose he snatches the gun off the officer and aims at Vansh. But he misses as Vansh moves aside. He fires again and misses it again. In the open fire Kabir accidently shoots Anupriya which kills her. Everyone is in two minds as they don’t know what to feel sad or happy for her death.
Kabir stands frozen looking at his mother’s frame that lay lifeless. Enraged Kabir tries to shoot Vansh but the officer shoots him dead to save Vansh. There is ghostly silence in the VR mansion with two lifeless bodies gathering the last essence of VR mansion that they can possibly get.
The police take Kabir and Anurpiya’s bodies away. While the whole family reasons with what just happened.
Vansh: Dadi, you need to rest you don’t seem very fine.
Dadi: I am fine beta. We need to apologise to Riddhima we have done very wrong with her.
Vansh: Yes, dadi you are right.
They look around but don’t find her.
Vansh: Sejal, where is Riddhima?
Sejal: Her and Pragati left after the shootout she went because her kids were alone at home their babysitter had to leave soon. And anyway, after what all she had to go through I don’t think she would like to stay here any longer. I am sorry for being mean, but it hurts to see my best friend in this state because of you Vansh.
Everyone looks on while Sejal and Khurannas leave to go back to their house. All the Raisinghanias retire to their rooms after the tiring events that took place today, they all need the well-deserved rest.
Precap: Vansh has a breakdown, Riddhima refuses to forgive Vansh. All the Raisinghanias arrive with their bags at Riddhima’s doorstep.
This is it for today guys. I know the episode is small, please bear with me. I could only scrap up this much for today. Next episode I’ll try to reach my usual length.
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