Friday 12 March 2021

Qurbaan Hua 15th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Ghazala blames Neel for murdering Dr Baig


Qurbaan Hua 15th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Chahat enters the house where she sees with a gun pointed towards Dr Baig, they both struggle and Neel accidentally shoot Dr Baig leaving them all in a state of distress.

Some time earlier, Baleq places something in the coal which creates a lot of smoke, everyone tries to catch their breath when Jamuna sees that Naveli is missing, Neel opens the door and they all reach outside the restaurant where Godambari exclaims that Naveli cannot be found and neither can Sahil and Ghazala, Vyas je questions where is Chahat. Godambari pleads with him to save his sister, Neel recalls that when he saw Naveli wearing the clothes of the Muslims, he even then tries to reason with her however Baleq coming from behind asks if they cannot still understand the price which they would have to pay for trusting someone who belongs to the other religion, Jamuna exclaims that they cannot make Naveli a part of their revenge.

Baleq comes and hands Neel a sword mentioning he should cut anyone who comes in his path when Neel exclaims that fighting is not the only way of meeting an end, he believed him once but would never make any mistake and would not believe that Chahat is mixed in this until and unless it is proven, he leaves them all.

Chahat is in the trunk exclaiming she was not even able to inform Neel where she is, she recalls that when there was smoke was created, she came out while trying to catch her breath and saw Ghazala and Sahil taking Naveli with them, she even called Neel however he did not listen. She saw that the trunk of the car was open so was able to hide in it, she is adamant to save Naveli from the likes of Sahil and Ghazala as otherwise there would be fighting amongst the two communities once again.

Neel rushes to the house calling Naveli. The guard tries to stop him but Neel gets in a fight with him, he is able to overpower the guard and calls to Naveli, he in anger starts thrashing the house, Dr Baigh comes out explaining that they would not hand over Naveli so easily and he would have to make him his hostage which is the only way, he takes out a gun asking Neel to place it on his head however Neel refuses to perform such an act, Dr Baig explains this is the only way to save his wife and sister.

The car reaches the house, Ghazala asks Sahil to take Naveli to the storeroom where she would place some guards for his protection, Chahat thinks that she would have to take care of the situation and protect Naveli, Ghazala walks inside the house but is shocked to see Neel holding Dr Baig at gunpoint, he threatens to kill Dr Baig which worries Ghazala.

Chahat is struggling in the ca when a servant opens the trunk, Chahat rushes into the house but is shocked to see Neel holding her father at gunpoint, she tries to reason with him to let her father go but Dr Baig warns that they would not let Naveli live until he threatens them, Neel struggles with Dr Baig when a bullet hits him in the chest, Neel is not able to believe it when the lights go out and they both hear two shots first after which the lights turn on, Chahat rushes to her father and tries to see if there is a pulse, she turns and is shocked to see Neel also lying on the floor.

Chahat recalls that when the lights go out is when Neel was also shot, Ghazala asks Chahat is Baig Sahib is okay when Chahat mentions that there is no pulse, she recalls how her father would get excited whenever she achieved any milestone, she leaves his side, Ghazala is also crying, Chahat once again sits on the floor, Ammi Jan enters the house, she cannot understand what has happened, Ammi Jan gets tensed after seeing Neel then is shocked to see Rahil Baig also shot, Ammi Jan asks what has happened, when Chahat recites the verse which is recited at the time of death, Ammi Jan pleads that this cannot happen, Ghazala exclaims that it is because of Neel and he has widowed her, Chahat pleads that her husband is innocent, Sahil also comes asking about Dr Baig, Ghazala mentions that he is no longer alive as Neel has murdered him.

Chahat once again exclaims that he is not a murderer, Chahat sees that he is moving and so she rushes to him while trying to save his life, Ammi Jan in anger asks why is she trying to save the person who is responsible for the death of her father, Chahat doesnot believe them saying that she knows he cannot do anything, Ghazala says that she should let him die as he is their culprit, Chahat mentions she cannot lose her husband because she has already lost her father, Sahil asks if she thinks he would let the murderer of Dr Baig live, he takes the gun and points it towards Neel.

Update Credit to: Sona

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