Wednesday 17 March 2021

Molkki 17th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Virender calls Purvi characterless


Molkki 17th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Virender is thinking about Karan’s proximity with Purvi. A lady asks Virender why he is standing alone. You are very lucky to have a smart, beautiful wife like Purvi. Anjali calls her so she leaves. Karan walks up to Virender. It is true. You are very lucky. I feel jealous of you sometimes. I can do anything to have a wife like Purvi ji. Virender asks him what he means. Karan says you are mistaken. I only want to say that she is a smart lady who has taken care of your kids and the entire family. Plus, she is so smart in studies too. Anyone can go to any extent to have a wife like her! Virender warns him not to utter another word. I will bury you here alive. You got inside the house without invitation and are speaking nonsense now. Karan shares that he was invited by a very special person. Virender looks at Purvi whereas Prakashi’s eyes are fixed on Virender. Karan smirks. The cake was amazing. Virender holds him by his collar. I will kill you if you say anything now!

Anjali calls for everyone’s attention. The kids and I have made a special video to wish Purvi today. Let’s watch it together. Virender pushes Karan away. Prakashi and Karan smile evilly.

Virender sits down to watch the video. Prakashi gestures Anjali to find out what is going on but Anjali nods at her reassuringly. Juhi and Manas’s video plays first. The video is a cute collection of their moments together with Virender. Mama ji is next. Everyone is smiling. Prakashi wishes Purvi happy birthday in the video. This birthday should be memorable for you. The screen turns black. Prakashi asks Anjali what happened. She nods at Prakashi. Anjali tells someone to resume the video. The video starts playing again but this time it is the video of Karan and Purvi (Naina) coming closer. Juhi and Manas hug Purvi. She holds them tight and looks at the video in shock. Virender is fuming. Mama ji shouts to shut it down. Virender throws a vase and breaks it. Prakashi signals Karan who takes his friends with him. Purvi says it isn’t right. Anjali asks Purvi what she has done. You have maligned Jeth ji’s respect in front of everyone. A woman thinks 100 times before doing something like this. You dint think of the consequence even once? How can a married woman stoop so low? Why dint you leave Jeth ji if you wanted to do this with Karan? Purvi requests her to listen to her. Believe me. I haven’t done it. Anjali keeps badmouthing her. You cheated my simple, innocent Jeth ji. Could you not hold the fire burning inside you? Mama ji warns her to mind her words. There are guests at home. Virender makes a fist angrily. Anjali asks Mama ji she isn’t saying anything wrong. Purvi forgot that she is the DIL of this house, wife of Jeth ji and Mukhiyayin of the village! We gave a Molkki so much love and respect and this is what she gave to us in return? She got intimate with her lover! Purvi tells her she is saying anything that is coming to her mind. Please stop. The video is fake. Kids are crying in a corner. Purvi says I wasn’t with Karan in any room. You can ask him yourself. She calls out to Karan but he is nowhere to be seen. She requests Virender to believe her. I cannot do any such thing. She walks up to Prakashi. You know I cannot do any such thing. Please say something. Prakashi asks about the video.

Purvi is crying. She walks up to Virender. I am your wife. You know I can never even dream of doing it. Please tell them I cannot do this. She holds his hand but he slaps her tight. Don’t you dare touch me! Prakashi says she is your wife. Virender says I don’t have to hear anything. One must believe what they see over what they hear. What I saw in the video show her intention and place correctly. I don’t want to talk her or hear anyone’s opinion on this. She holds his leg and begs him to hear her out but he walks out of the room. Prakashi, Bhuri and Anjali smirk. Title track plays. Purvi breaks down. Mama ji looks on helplessly. Purvi runs upstairs.

Prakashi is looking at Vaibhav’s photo and eats cake. Anjali asks her if she is fine. Prakashi nods. These are tears of happiness. Anjali says they are earned with luck and hard work. Your hard work has come true now. Purvi and Virender’s happy life has been ruined now! Prakashi says this is just the first step. I will fill their life with so much poison that no one will come to help them.

Virender is thinking of all that he had seen last night and about the video. He is walking aimlessly. Purvi’s words about falling in love with someone who is of her age haunts him. A car is coming from the opposite direction. The driver stops the car just in time but taunts Virender before driving away.

Purvi is thinking about Virender’s reaction downstairs. Manas and Juhi come in. They tell her that they dint like how Baba slapped her or spoke to her. We wont even go near him now. Purvi tells them not to say so. He must have believed that I am wrong hence he punished me. The king of the jungle has to maintain the balance of the jungle. He was a good man, is a good man and will always be a good man. Manas says we will still be on your side. Juhi says we know you can never do anything wrong. Baba will also understand this soon. They hug her and request her not to cry.

Virender returns home. Anjali signals Prakashi who gestures her in return. Anjali asks him to eat something but he refuses. Prakashi says you can talk calmly after eating something. I know you are boiling with anger inside. I don’t know whether that was real or not but this is not the way to discuss the matter. Things can work out if you will remain calm. Purvi seconds her. I want to speak to you. I want to tell you that sometimes it isn’t how it appears to be. I am positive that the video is fake. Please talk to me once. Virender tells his mother to let her know that he doesn’t even want to see the face of a woman like her. He begins to walk away but his words shake Purvi. What do you want to say here? He shrugs her hand away. Purvi says you are doubting my character if you think I am wrong. I can accept everything but not being labeled as characterless on the basis of that video! I am letting you know clearly. Our relation will be over right away if you doubt my character even for a second! Virender retorts that their relation got over the day she did that. I told you to stay away from Karan but you dint pay any heed to me. Now I think it was you who wanted to be closer to him. Why are you speaking about character now? What you have done is something that’s done by characterless women! Such women can only find a place in brothels! She tells him to stop. You are saying anything. You should have thought of something before saying all that. He says I don’t have to think after what I saw with my own eyes. I can only think of adjectives like shameless and perverted! She shouts at him to stop. You are saying whatever is coming to your mind. I beg you to keep a hold on your tongue. You will regret your words one day. I promise you that I will prove my innocence very soon. I will change my name if I don’t make you apologize to me! Prakashi asks Virender to go to his room. We will speak on this topic tomorrow. Virender refuses to go anywhere. She reasons that he handles matters with grace and smartness as a Sarpanch. Wont you give a chance to Purvi to say something? I think you should summon Panchayat.

Precap: Update in Progress

Update Credit to: Pooja

The post Molkki 17th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Virender calls Purvi characterless appeared first on Telly Updates.

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