Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Imlie 3rd March 2021 Written Episode Update: Aditya And Imlie On A Mission


Imlie 3rd March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Imlie gets bored while studying and thinks she used to think herself as intelli womaniya, but is very dumb. She hits her head murmuring. Adi asks why is she hitting herself. Imlie says she is unable to understand anything. He says that is because she is studying continuously and needs break, he will drop her to the hotel where family has gone by taking hotel location. He takes her on bike and midway gets his colleague’s call who informs that contractor Tripath Singh is meeting his underworld contact in a hotel named Grand hotel. He thanks colleague and says he will reach hotel right now. Colleague asks him to be careful. He tells Imlie that he needs to rush to a hotel, so he will take her along. She says she will go home alone with Seeta maiya’s help. Adi says Seeta maiya was with her during all her problems, so he will not let her go home alone and take her along. He makes her sit as pillion and speeds bike towards hotel.

Anu walks to Malini. Malini asks her to go as she doesn’t want to talk to her. Anu says everyone thinks her wrong and even she hopes she is wrong this time, she will not let Malini repeat the mistake she did. Malini asks what mistakes, she should tell what wrong happened to her. Anu says she gave lenience to Dev as is an artist and needs to meet many people, but he misused his freedom. Malini says nobody is misusing freedom as Adi is having work in office and will come here directly to meet here. Anu says neither he has work nor he is coming directly to meet her and shows Adi entering with Imlie. Malini says how did he come here as she didn’t send him this address, maybe Nishant has sent him address. Anu asks what about that girl. Malini says he must have picked her up from home, what is a big deal. Anu says let us wait and see where they go. Malini asks what she wants to prove. Anu follows Adi and Imlie. Adi searches contractor’s underworld contact Bunty and sits at a nearby table. He orders tea. Anu tells Malini that Adi must have felt this place is safe and hence came here with servant thinking his family member will not come here, Tripathis trust them a lot and now she will inform them what their son and servant are doing. Malini stops her and says she doesn’t want her family’s happiness to be spoilt, so she will question Adi alone later. Anu says Adi is alone with servant. Malini thinks why did Adi bring Imlie alone, does there is something she has to worry about.

Adi looks at Bablu while acting as looking at menu. Imlie asks why is he staring at them. Adi asks him to keep quiet or else she will create a drama and let anyone know that he is here. Imlie says if she knew he would come here disguised, she would have brought some sabji along. He says 2 of them know him, so he is hiding his face. She asks who are they. He says these are the people because of whom bridge collapsed. She asks if Malini is hurt because of them. Adi says one is contractor Tripath Singh and another is gangster Bablu whom 3 states’ place is searching, he wants to hear their conversation and wants someone to keep recorder near their table. Imlie agrees to do it for him. He goes very closer to her and says she will keep recorder near table silently and then walk away as they are very dangerous if she is caught, she should go away after keeping it and he will call her while leaving hotel. She takes recorder and walks away saying yes boss. Anu asks Malini till when she will try to convince herself and give excuses. Anu says she doesn’t have to give any excuses and will meet Adi right now.

Imlie hides recorder in toy car and fixes it under table with a boy’s help and then acts as scolding the boy. Adi hears their conversation. Malini walks to him and asks what is he doing here, whole family is here, and why did he bring Imlie here separately. Adi says busy hearing conversation says Imlie was confused after studying, so he brought her here. Malini asks why is he ignoring his wife. He says he cannot talk to her now. She says let us go to family. He says he cannot and asks not to inform family as they will come to him, she should go from here. Malini walks away fuming. Imlie apologizes Bablu and walks away scolding the boy. She returns to Adi. Malini returns to family. Aparna says Adi didn’t come yet, she should call him and find out where he is. She says she spoke to him and he said he is busy, so they can finish food and go home. Family starts dinner.

Adi hears contractor telling Bunty that he will be caught as he used inferior quality material to build the bridge. Bunty says nothing will happen to him and asks to send money regularly. Adi then feels guilty that he rudely spoke to Malini for whom he is doing this investigation. He walks to Malini and apologizes for being rude and says he came here for a secret mission. Anu asks why did he come with Imlie then, Imlie is found everywhere whenever Malini is in trouble and repeats all the incidents. Malini asks her to stop as its proved that she is wrong. Anu warns that Imlie is problematic and if they don’t pay attention, Imlie will create a rift between them and they won’t be able to identify each other. Malini asks Adi to finish his work and takes Anu away. Adi drives home back with Imlie and thinks Anu is right that there are misunderstandings happening between him and Malini because of Imlie; he felt Malini felt bad seeing him with Imlie, she was shocked and what will happen if she finds out about his and Imlie’s marriage. He reminisces Imlie telling that marriage happens once and no one else can come in her life again. Imlie tells Adi to expose culprits soon. Adi thinks whatever happened is not Imlie’s mistake, she is very small and cannot spend her whole life working in his house; before 3 lives are ruined, he has to do something.

Precap: Adi tells Imlie that whatever happened in Pagdandiya was wrong and illegal, nothing wrong happened between them; he wants her to study well, live her life freely and marry someone else.

Update Credit to: MA

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