Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Mere Sai 4th July 2022 Written Episode Update Shirdi after one year.


Mere Sai 4th July 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

After one year.

Changulkar visit Shirdi, to meet his guru Sai, he is invited for pooja. He says Shirdi is so changed there is so much development in this village.

Sai meditating in Dwarka Mai, Vishwas visits him, Sharad says to Vishwas, Sai was meditating why did you disturb him. Sai says no worries come in, Sai says to Vishwas he is looking very nice, Sharad says I saw many kids wearing pant and shirt and got one for Vishwas and he insisted I should wear too, so we both are dressed this way. Sai says this is nice Sharad, but where were you two, Vishwas says we went swimming, Sharad says Vishwas wants to learn swimming so before going to mill, I teach him to swim, Sai says very good its important to give kids time, Sao gives him ladoo and says sorry Sharad I just have one, Vishwas says no worries and shares with Sharad, Sai says you have dressed different but I am happy to see you so kind, don’t change.

Changulkar reaches Dwarka Mai and says look at the roof its all ruined, Tatya says Sai doesn’t allow us to fiz it. Sai walks in and greets him, Sai blesses him. Sai asks him how are you Nana, Changulkar says Sai why aren’t you allowing to fix the roof, Sai says I am happy we have roof. Tatya says Sai allow us to fix it, there is no expense in this. Sai says I don’t need it, and so why change if not needed and where change is needed it’s happening. Tatya says Sai come to pooja, Aai is at Mama’s place and so if you would be there for pooja, it will be nice.
Sai leaves with Tatya and Changulkar.

Sharad asks his wife Vaishali for his hanky, she gives him and says since you have joined mill you have no time for family. Sharad says supervisor at mill is very strict and I want to impress him to increase my salary, Vaishali says we have enough why you wnat raise, Sharad says I have big dreams and also want to send Aai Baba to tirth yatra and Vishwas’s studies.
Vishwas says to Sharad we have to perform pooja.

Tulsidas puts a name plate on his house, Tatya, Sai and Changulkar passing by, Tatya asks Tulsidas why put name plate everyone knows this is your house. Tulsidas says I saw this in Mumbai, and since I have changed my house look as per city ao I thought I will adopt this too, Sai praises Tulsidas for his new house. Tulsidas says good we sold land, agriculture doesn’t have much money. Tulsidas says we cultivaed thrice more thab last year and that drought news was fake and I am happy we didn’t sell land, baba says land is our asset, right Sai. Sai says I want everyone to be happy and not forget their roots. Tatya says why will anyone forget their roots, Sai says their views will change became of money and so they may forget roots. Money brings happiness and luxury but brings in greed too and humans forget family, friends, society are more important than money and so those who don’t change are goid and those who change may God help them.

Sharad says to Vishwas he has to go mill, Vishwas says but we perform pooja every year why can’t we now, Sharad says now I am an employee and not a boss so I have to follow some rules. Vishwas gets disheartened. Sharad says we will go to fair don’t be upset. Bhiva calls Sharad to leave for work. Sharad leaves with Bhiva.

Sai at Tatya’s house making pooja arrangements. Patil sees Sharad and Bhiva and ask them to join, Sharad Bhiva says they are late for work and they didn’t perform pooja at home too as they don’t have land anymore and leave.

Balvant sees Kulkarni reading newspaper and asks do you understand English. Kulkarni responds in English, and aays Kulkarni can speak English. Balvant says this house, your appearance and you have changed in one year. Kulkarni says change is good. Balvant says but I paid for this house, Kulkarni says we are partners so things work for us and mill is doing great too. Santa Banta in servant outfit, Balvant asks what is this, Kulkarni says they are dressed as English servants are dressed. Santa Banta serve tea. Kulkarni says very good. They drop tea on Balvant, and start cribbing about their outfit, shoes and how uncomfortable they are. Balvant gets angry and leaves. Kulkarni says after lot of hardship I have used Balvant and there is lot more to take advantage of.

Patil upset about people forgetting their roots and how mill has changed life here in Shirdi and says people shouldn’t have sold their land. Sai says change is definite and everyone has needs and try to inculcate activities as per their needs, all are happy that is important, problem is when we try to change something for someone.

Pre cap: Vishwas tells Sai, he is going to fair with his father and is going to have lot of fun and requests Sai to join. Sharaf requests Supervisor to let him go early to be with his son. Supervisor says we need urgent order to deliver, I can’t let you go early.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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