Friday 19 March 2021

Imlie 19th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Malini’s Fear


Imlie 19th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Aparna imagines Imlie and cries missing her. She gets more sad missing Malini. Pankaj asks what happened. Aparna says she is missing children and hopes something wrong will happen. Pankaj consoles her saying just like birds even children will fly away and will return home soon, she performed her duty of a mother and a MIL and shouldn’t feel sad.

Mithi tells Satyakam that she got happy seeing Adi staying back with Imlie. Satyakam says she is right. Prakash says its Adi’s duty and she need not praise him. Dulari enters and yells that Adi doesn’t love Imlie and they both are just acting, their lamp will blow off as god will not support them. Satyakam warns her, but when she yells at Mith, he raises hand. Mithi stops her and after a long confrontation says lamp will never blow off. Dulari decides to blow it off.

Adi feels drowsy while protecting lamp with Imlie. Imlie asks him to go and rest at home. He says panditji informed to support his wife and he is staying here for her. Their discussion continues. He asks her to return to Delhi with him. She says will not return to Delhi and they can’t think logically always, she thinks trust and belief is everything, she trusts on this mannat and god and believes lamp will protect him from danger; he called her his wife and that matters to her the most; he should return to Malini and fulfill his promise; she doesn’t need anything from him, etc., and goes to get water asking him to protect the lamp as its a symbol of their relationship. Dulari watches them hiding.

Malini holding his and Adi’s wedding reminisces Pankaj and Aparna’s advice on relationship and thinks papa is right that she has also good memories along with bad with this wedding. Adi on the other side thinks he doesn’t believe in mannat and should have same feeling for Imlie like before. He shields lamp and goes to search Imlie. Dulari silently flips off lamp and hides. Adi notices lamp thread on floor and picks it in his hand. Imlie notices Dulari hiding and Adi protecting lamp thread in his hand. Imlie requests Adi to drop off thread as there is no logic in it. Adi says he is just protecting her trust. She pleads him again to drop the thread and think if Adi is doing it for her and brings another lamp. Malini notices wedding photo frame catching fire due to candle nearby and tries to set off fire with her bare hands. Daadi and Mithi rush to her and stop her saying photo is completely burnt and cannot be saved. Malini asks who will decide that its irrepairable, she cannot let it burn completely. Anu realizing her fear thinks she will not leave her in pain and will have to speak to Adi’s family. Imlie applies mud on Adi’s wound. He says it will get injected. She says it will protect his wound and goes to protect lamp. Adi sits thinking why he is so worried about Imlie. Malini continues crying and tells Dadi that she could save photo. Daadi says Malini is right that things can be bought again and not relationships, so they need to protect relationships.

Next morning, Dulari wakes up and panics seeing lamps under her feet. She shouts for help. Imlie asks what was he doing in temple last night. Dulari acts as crying. Imlie says she will not fall for her fake tears and says because of her, Adi’s hand is severely burnt. Dulari yells at her and calls Imlie for help. Imlie rushes to Dulari. Imlie informs what Dulari did last night. Adi enters and says she should respect Dulari’s age and not trouble her. Mithi informs Imlie that her lamp lit for long and it means their relationship will be very long. Imlie gets happy hearing that.

Precap: Dulari tells villagers that Imlie and adi’s relationship is fake and insults Imlie. Adi warns to dare not insult his wife and says marrying Imlie was his compulsion, but he loves staying with her.

Update Credit to: MA

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