Saturday 13 March 2021

Angels and Suitors ft. Mishibir, Kuhukunal, Samaina and Mineil – Episode 35


Hi all!!!!


This is my 8th year in TU. Thank you so much for all those who comment, support and encourage me to write the episodes!!!! When I started to read TU episodes, to my knowledge, I found ff’s featuring only of single serial. I had a wish of seeing my favorite couples together. So, I started to write on YRKKH, YHM, BALH, MATSH and NAAGIN. Then it continued with DABH, KB etc. I took a break of 4 years and then continued to write and again I took a break and continued during lockdown. So, thank you once again for all my friends and supporters for your constant support. Special thanks to JASMINERAHUL, SESHA, TREESA, ZINGO, BHUBANESHWARI, RADHAKRISHN and etc. Sorry I forgot some names. But these members were supporting me throughout my journey. Thanks to everyone!!!! 

Recap: Parul’s truth!!!

Episode 35

Scene 1

The next day!!!!

Naina and Preethi convince Bela and her husband to come for the wedding.

Beena: Naina, why should we come there? Even you should not go.

Naina: Please taiji, come with us. Sameer’s mom will come there. You can have a talk with her.

Rakesh: Yes bhabi, please come.

Beena’s husband goes out in anger…. Beena is worried.

Naina too runs to her room and cries…Seeing her Beena feels sad.

Rakesh and Anand leave!!!!

Bela: Preethi, take food for Naina. She has not eaten anything from morning.

Beena is shocked.

Beena: What? She didn’t eat anything?

Shanti comes there…. Preethi introduces her to Beena and Bela.

Shanti: Naina was there in my home from morning. Even I tried to make her eat but it all went in vain. She said that she won’t eat until her taiji and tauji forgives her.

Beena cries and takes food for Naina and goes to her room. Bela, Shanti and Preethi follow her.

Beena: Naina….

Naina: Taiji….

She hugs her and cry!!!!

Naina: Sameer is a good boy taiji. This engagement happened suddenly. Even I didn’t expect. Please forgive me.

Beena wipes her tears…

Beena: Naina, though I might be strict with you and Preethi, I always loved you both. I just wanted you both to have a happy life and not to get involved in any sort of problems. Yes, when I saw you with Sameer, I got angry. But after thinking, I feel that Sameer is the right boy for you.

All gets happy hearing her….

Beena: But I can’t go against my husband. He doesn’t believe in love marriage. And also, he worries about the status difference. He worries that they might degrade you.

Naina: No taiji, Sameer won’t do such things.

Beena: Sameer won’t do. But marriage involves two families right. If their family members hurt you for status, we can’t tolerate that. Because we brought up you three girls as our princesses.

Naina: Taiji, nothing sort of that will happen. Trust me.

Bela: Didi, yes please trust Naina…

Beena: I do trust her Bela but when it comes to wedding, my heart worries. Ok, today you all go to that wedding. Me and your tauji will won’t come.

Bela: Let kids and Rakesh bhai alone go to that wedding.

Beena: No Bela, you too go. You can get to know about Sameer’s family better.

Bela agrees.

Beena: Now are you happy Naina?

Naina: Yes taiji. I love you.

She hugs her and kiss her. Preethi too hugs them….

Beena: Fine, you both eat and then get ready to leave for wedding….

Naina and Preethi nods!!!!

Scene 2

Kuhu: Kunalllllll….

Kunal: Why are you shouting????

Kuhu: Look at this earring. It got broken.

Kunal: Wear other earring.

Kuhu: Hey idiot boy, this is a wedding. I should look great.

Kunal: Excuse me Kuhu madam, you need to know about two things. Number 1 is I’m not an idiot boy, I’m your husband so you should have some respect and number 2 is wedding is of your sister’s not of you.

Kuhu: Ok Kunal jiiiii… and the word wedding is enough for a girl to get ready for a perfect look.

Kunal: Ok now what you want me to do?

Kuhu: I want matching earrings.

Kunal: Where will I go now?

Meenakshi: You don’t want to go anywhere Kunal.

They both turn and see Meenakshi and Parul standing…

Kunal: Ma….

Meenakshi: We heard everything. So, we brought this jewellery set for you Kuhu.

Kuhu: But how did you know ma?

Meenakshi: We heard your shoutings…

Kunal: Thank god. Ma, you saved me from her. You take care, let me go to bhai.

He leaves….

Meenakshi: Kuhu, this is of Parul’s.

Kuhu is surprised.

Parul: Kuhu, this is Kunal dad’s ancestral jewellery. My mother-in-law gave me this during my wedding. Now we both are giving it to you. Please accept this.

Kuhu: But, why didn’t you give me before?

Parul: In what right I would have given you? Now you know the truth. So, have it.

Kuhu looks at Meenakshi. She nods to accept.

Kuhu: But Mishti is also bahu right. Even she has right on this jewellery. You can present it to her today.

Parul: We have for her also. Don’t worry. This is for you. Wear it.

Meenakshi: Yes Kuhu, get ready soon and check on Mishti. We will go down.

They leave!!!!

Kuhu: Parul ma is so loving. I will somehow make Kunal to accept her and treat her with love.

She gets ready and goes to see Mishti!!!!

Scene 3

Kuhu goes to Mishti’s room and sees her getting ready.

Kuhu: Oh, my sister, you look so beautiful.

Mishti feels shy.

Mishti: Kuhu, please stop it. Ma and Badimaa were pulling my legs. Now you too joined with them.

Kuhu: These things happen in wedding.

Varsha: Kuhu, does the video call is connected and all the setup is ready?

Kuhu: Everything is ready. I spoke to Naira didi, they will get connected with us soon.

Mishti: I miss Naira didi and Ananya didi.

Anjana and Zoya come in…

Anjana: Wow, you look pretty.

Mishti: Bhabi, how are you? How my little baby is doing in?

Zoya: We both are fine. You just met us yesterday. But you are asking as if we had not seen each other for a long time.

Mishti smiles….

Meenakshi and Parul come to Mishti’s room.

Everyone greets each other.

Meenakshi: Mishti, this is for you.

Mishti: What is this ma?

Meenakshi: This is from Abir’s dad’s ancestral jewellery which is given to family’s bahus.

Mishti accepts it and seeks blessings from elders.

All bless her and leaves.

Meenakshi: Zoya, you bring Mishti downstairs and you both be there with Mini. Kuhu, you come now. You have some rituals to do.

Kuhu goes!!!!

Mishti then continues to get ready!!!!

Scene 4

Mini and Preet are getting ready!!!!

Preet gets a call…

Preet: Mini, I’m not getting signal here. I’ll go and talk outside.

Mini: Ok Preet.

The beautician then sprays something. Mini faints!!!!

Beautician calls calls Isha….

She comes out from the cupboard.

Isha: Poor Mini, what did you think of me? Will I let you marry Neil? No never…

Beautician: Isha, there is no time. Make her to lie in that bag.

They lock the door and pack Mini in a bag.

She makes Isha to get ready…

Preet is about to go in. Just then Babita comes there and calls her for some important work.

Babita: Preet, come with me. There are some rituals to be done by bride’s sister. I want you to do that.

Preet: Me???

Babita: Yes, you both are like sisters and no one will be perfect to do this.

Preet agrees and goes with her.

Beautician then fixes a mask look like Mini’s face on Isha.

Isha: Now, everything will become mine….

She smiles evilly…

Scene 5

Vishaka comes for the wedding.

Rajshri: It’s good you came atleast now.

Vishaka greets everyone.

Naina’s family comes. Sameer and Naina prays to god that everything should go smoothly.

Naina and Bela greet Vishaka but she goes!!!!

Naina then introduces Rajshri to all!!!!

Rajshri: Don’t worry about Vishaka. She will change soon. I like Naina a lot. You have given her good upbringing. Please come in.

Rajshri talks with Bela, Rakesh and Anand.

Naina goes behind them but Sameer pulls her to the side…

Naina: Sameer, what are you doing? If anyone sees us?

Sameer: No one will see us. You look so beautiful today.

Naina blushes…

Naina: Even you look great.

Sameer: We will take selfie.

They both click selfie and enjoy….

Vishaka sees this and fumes….

Pandit and Preethi look at each other but doesn’t talk anything…

Scene 6

Abir and Neil gets ready and Abir calls Mishti…

Mishti disconnects the call.

Zoya: Mishti, why are you disconnecting the call.

Mishti: Bhabi, this is a video call. I want to Abir see me only in mandap. Only then it will be good.

Zoya: Atleast call him and tell this.

Mishti: Ok fine…

She calls Abir.

Abir: Oh, madam won’t come in vc?

Mishti: Abir, I wanted you to see me only in mandap. Only then it will be exciting.

Abir: Ok madam….

Kunal comes and calls the grooms.

Abir: Ok Mishti, now I’m leaving to mandap. I’ll see you there.

Mishti smiles and disconnects.

Zoya: Mishti, Meenakshi aunty told us to be in this room. She also told Mini will be here. But Mini has not come yet.

Mishti: Yes, why she is taking so long? We both started our makeup at the same time.

Zoya: I’ll call her.

She tries her phone but no one attends….

Mini then come with Preet to that room.

Zoya: Just now I was calling you Mini.

(Friends, now Isha is in disguise of Mini, so don’t get confused with the name)

Mini worries….

Zoya: You have mobile in your hand but didn’t attend?

Mini: It was in silent itseems.

Just then her mobile rings…

Zoya is shocked… Mini too get shocked!!!

Mini: Ah…just now I removed from silent…

Mishti: Bhabi, come here we will take pictures….

Zoya goes but eyes Mini suspiciously.

Mini also joins for photos.

Preet sees her phone.

Preet: Mini, when did you change your phone?

Mini is hell shocked….

Mini: This is gifted by Neil.

Mishti: Neil gifted you, but Abir didn’t tell me.

Mini gets irritated by the questions.

Mini: What is there in this Mishti, maybe he didn’t tell Abir itseems. We also need some privacy right.

This hurts Mishti. She also feels strange about Mini.

Preet: But this looks like an old phone.

Mini wonders what to tell…

Just then Ashok and Mita come in….

Ashok: Mini, I know you will be angry on me. But this bangle is for you from our side. Please accept.

Mini (to herself being greedy): Ah it’s a diamond bangle. So nice…

She accepts it.

Mita: I’ll help you to wear.

Mita then makes her wear the bangle but is shocked to see a different mehendi design in her hands.

Mita: Mini, what is this? Yesterday you had some other design. Now you are having a different design.

Mini thinks what to do?

Mini: No, this is the design.

Parul and Naina comes and calls the brides to the mandap.

Zoya: Naina, you take Mishti. I’ll come now.

Naina takes Mishti and Preet takes Mini.

Ashok also leaves!!!!

Zoya: Are you sure that the mehendi design were different?

Mita: Yes….

Zoya: Even I have some doubt?

Mita: What?

Zoya tells her about the phone incident.

Mita: I too feel something is wrong.

Meanwhile, Adi does some ritual to Mishti and Mini before entering the mandap.

Just then, Kia and Arya come running to Mini. But she ignores Arya and kisses kia. This shocks Adi, Naina, Mishti, Preet and Parul. They were the ones who are there.

Mini then realizes that everyone are eying her. So, she manages the situation by hugging Arya.

All are relieved….

Then they take them to the mandap.

Zoya calls Adi to come in.

Adi goes in.

Adi: Zoya what happened?

Zoya and Mita tell him everything.

Adi tells them the incident which shocks them both.

Mita: I feel she is someone. Not our Mini.

Adi: We need to something before the wedding.

Zoya: What it might be Isha’s plan.

Mita: Isha?

Zoya tells her about Isha.

Mita: Oh, now. She might do anything to our Mini. Come let’s stop this wedding.

Zoya: Wait a minute. First, we’ll check in her room.

They three go into the room and see Mini’s phone and also missed call of Zoya.

Zoya: This is Mini’s phone. Now I’m damn sure that a swapping has occurred.

Adi looks at the window. He sees the beautician and some man carrying a luggage.

Zoya too see her.

Zoya: She is the beautician. What they are carrying.

Adi: It looks like a human body.

Zoya: She might be our Mini.

Mita: Zoya, me and Adi will go behind them. You go down and please ensure that the wedding shouldn’t happen until we come.

Zoya: I’ll too come.

Mita: You are pregnant. So, it’s better you be here.

Adi too agrees and goes behind that beautician’s car!!!!

!!!To be Continued!!!

P.S: Sorry, I couldn’t able to upload more pictures. Some error is coming.























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