Monday, 15 February 2021

Shaadi Mubarak 15th February 2021 Written Episode Update


Shaadi Mubarak 15th February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with KT coming to Kusum’s house. He asks Juhi about Preeti. She says she isn’t here. He says she said she will stay here at night. She says no. Preeti calls him and says I was leaving for office. KT asks where are you. She says at Kusum’s place. He says give my greetings to Kusum and Juhi. She fakes it. She says its Dev and Meera’s photoshoot today. He ends call and says no need to tell her that I had come here. He leaves. Juhi worries. Preeti says sorry to lie, every moment spent with you gives me more hopes, I have no right on you, this distance will be there until I m there.

KT comes to the venue and meets Preeti. He says you would have spoke to Kusum. Preeti says yes. He asks her to stop lying. She asks what lie. He says you hate lies, you have also lied to me. She asks what do you mean. He asks were you at Kusum’s house, no, its a lie, you were in the office, Sheena told me, I got to know it, answer me, you won’t go anywhere. She says leave me. He asks what was the reason, you couldn’t sleep in the room, just because of a little kiss between us. She recalls his words.

She says yes, I have lied, I can’t tolerate our closeness, I thought I should be alone, did you get the answer. She goes. He vents anger and throws things. He shouts I want an answer. He asks will you stay as my partner in Shaadi mubarak. She says its our workplace. He says I know, our story started here, you said we will not let this shatter, what’s happening, you are getting phone calls, you are lying to me, why do you hide truth, you are leaving Shaadi mubarak to work with other company. She asks how do you know.

He asks how did you decide this. He says we have decided to keep our friendship, nothing will change, you changed everything without asking me, why, maybe because I don’t love you, you want to punish me, I told you that we will keep personal and professional lives apart, some ethics… She asks what ethics, you should have not checked my phone, don’t lecture me, you ruined my trust. He says you have lied to me, I did this in worry that you are in problem, I m the problem for you, were you not going to tell me anything. She says I can’t talk to you. He says you are troubled by our company, I will ruin Shaadi mubarak. He throws the things. Dev and Meera look on shocked. Meera asks what’s happening.

Juhi gives her salary cheque to Kushala. She says I wanted to contribute from my side. Neil says Priyanka spoke to her company for loan, we hope it will help us. Kushala asks when did I ask you to beg her for money.

Update in Progress

Update Credit to: Amena

The post Shaadi Mubarak 15th February 2021 Written Episode Update appeared first on Telly Updates.

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