Read till the end!
The next morning,
As Vansh wakes up, rose petals shower on him..
Vansh : Rose petals ? What’s that special today? Oh…Valentine’s Day! Thanks Riddhima..
He smiles and goes to get ready..After some time,
In the school : (It’s not Sunday)
Principal : Ms. Verma, you didn’t come yesterday ? I told y’ right ?
Riddhima : I also told y’ I won’t come, right ?
Principal: Y’ need to pay for this!
Riddhima : How much ?
Principal : A very big amount..
Riddhima : Via cheque or cash ?
Principal : Ms. Verma , don’t take it as a joke, I’m very dangerous..
Vansh enters and says,” I heard, someone told himself dangerous..”
Principal : It’s time for your class, you may leave!
They both left..
Vansh : Happy Valen..
Riddhima : Vansh, we’re in school, so not now, focus on students..
She leaves.
Vansh : As you say sweet , I’ll talk to mom and dad about us and then, everyday we’ll focus only on..
The bell rings..
Vansh : I’m going..
He goes to his class..
In the evening :
Riddhima’s room is decorated beautifully..
Riddhima : Vansh, you’re too nice..!
A bright smile appears on her face. Vansh comes and hugs her from back..
Riddhima : Vansh..
Vansh : Happy Valentine’s day Sweet
Riddhima : Thank you and same to you..(in her mind) I’m getting bored..Vansh, troubling you frees me from boredom..
Vansh : Further plans?
Riddhima : What further plans ? I am too tired (yawns) my head is aching ..Good night..
Vansh : Aiinnnn…..Riddhima….
Riddhima lies on the bed and turns her face in the quilt..She giggles..
Vansh : Riddhimaa, not today yaar….
He worries..
Vansh : Idea! Are you sure y
ou’ve to sleep ?
Riddhima : 101% sure (in mind) No, I don’t wanna sleep..
Vansh : OK then..I’ll have to look for another Valentine..
Riddhima narrows her eyes…
Vansh : By the way, do you have any friend who can be my Valentine…
Riddhima : Hmm..One friend..
Vansh : Who ?
Riddhima : Vanshika..
Vansh : Vanshika ? Where’s she ? (in mind) Oh God! IF she does this in real then..
Riddhima : Wait, lemme bring her..
She gets up, takes a wig, saree and jewellery..She dresses Vansh and says,”Vanshika..”
Vansh giggles and holds Riddhima..
Vansh : So, Riddhima..I have an idea..we both are friends right..So, let’s have a sleepover..
Riddhima : Vansh..after wedding please..
Vansh : Who Vansh ? I’m Vanshika..It’s nothing wrong to sleep with a girl right ?
He winks..
Riddhima : Vansh..
He is back in VR look..
Riddhima : Let’s watch nature’s goodness in the open sky..(it’s not a movie, she’s talking about real)
Vansh : You watch your nature , I’ll watch mine!
Riddhima : Where’s your nature ?
Siya : Dumbo!
Aryan : He’s talking about you..
Riddhima : Di , don’t you think you’re interrupting..You should have knocked..
Siya : Right..We knocked 10 times but you both were busy in your own dreamland…
Riddhima : Sorry Natureland..
Siya : haa…that only.
Aryan : Waise bhi, in both the lands one thing is common for you..
Vansh : What ?
Aryan : For Vansh, it’s Riddhima and for Riddhima it’s Vansh..Simple..
They both blush..
Riddhima : Why did y’ come to meet us?
Siya : To disturb you..
Siyaan giggles and leaves..
Vansh : Riddhima, how’s your sister yaar…
Riddhima :And your brother yaar…
They both sit in the garden, holding each other’s hand watching nature….Then, wind blows and leaves get stuck on Riddhima’s hair..Vansh caresses her hair and takes out the leaves…She sleeps on his shoulder..
Vansh : I’ll love you forever!
After an hour, Riddhima wakes up, it’s 6:30..
Riddhima : Vansh..Vansh..Vansh..
He comes..
Riddhima : How come I am here?
Vansh (thinks) : She troubled me naa, now you see..
Vansh : Vo..vo…
Riddhima : What vo vo?? Tell clearly..
Vansh : You were watching nature and then , you kissed me on my lips saying let’s go inside..And..
Riddhima (in a scared tone) : And ?
Vansh : And..leave it..I won’t be able to say!
Riddhima : W….what happened V..ansh ??
Vansh : We had intimate moments..
Riddhima holds the pillow and says,”So..ry..but…wh…y ca…n’…t I remember…any…thing ?”
Vansh : I dunno..
Riddhima starts crying, Vansh sits with her and says,”sorry , I was joking..”
He bursts into laughter..
Riddhima : VANSH!!!!!
Vansh : Sorry..
He says with a smile and hugs Riddhima..Riddhima smiles..
Vansh : Vaise I’m thinking we should watch the nature once more maybe..(winks)
Riddhima throws pillow on him..
That’s all for the part..Happy belated Valentine’s Day! I’ll be back on 16th March for this ff…Heartiest Congratulations to whole cast & crew of immj2 for winning best series award in ITA Awards 2021 held last night..Keep growing..Watch immj2 at 7pm only on COLORS. For TRP updates, check my profile every Thursday around 12 noon and Instagram accounts..I hope y’ liked the episode..Lastly, Goodbye..I’ll miss you..and hope the same!
The post #Love from the heaven.. #28 Valentine’s Day.. appeared first on Telly Updates.
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