Friday, 7 August 2020

Ishq Subhan Allah 7th August 2020 Written Episode Update: Kabir requests Zara to come and meet her family

Ishq Subhan Allah 7th August 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Zara recalls Kabir’s words that she is his wife and she will come back to him because of their love. Zahida comes there and says Nargis you are not playing rhythmic music because you are not at peace so have this milk. Zara drinks it and says I thought I was healed with your healing but I lost my cool today and scolded Kabir. Zahida looks on and smiles at her. Zara lies in her lap. Zahida starts playing an instrument to calm her. Zahida says I have seen you sad and disappointed but this is the first time I saw you getting angry and I realized that it’s your old wounds. I saw the truth in Kabir’s eyes, when Kabir comes back then tell him your grievances. Zara says no I don’t want to change my path, I want to continue this new path. I don’t want to question Kabir on anything, he is a liar and I have heard his lies with my own ears.

Irfan prays to God and says if Zara is alive then bring her back, my eyes are dying to see her again. Please give us our daughter back. Salma comes there and hears it. She is shocked and says Irfan Sahab?

Scene 2
Kabir comes to the house and recalls Ruksaar talking to a shady person in burqa. He says I smelled man’s perfume from that woman that met Ruksaar and then the same smell of the person that attacked Zara. It means Ruksaar…

Salma tells Irfan that Zara is alive? I want to meet her, where is she? She cries so Irfan hugs her.

Kabir looks around in the house and is angry on Ruksaar. He comes to her room and says who was the person in the clinic and you sent to Zara? Ruksaar says I didn’t do anything.. He raises hand but doesn’t slap her. He says don’t test my patience, who was that person? He drags her from there and calls Zeenat.. Ruksaar snatches her hand from him and falls down. She hits her stomach and cries. Zeenat comes there and says are you crazy? She is pregnant.. it all turns out of be Kabir’s dream. He says no.. I can’t do that. Kabir says what to do? I can’t punish her because of the innocent soul attached to her. I can’t punish her but I can question her. He goes to check on her but she is not in her room. Kabir gets a call from Irfan and is shocked? He says I am coming right now.

Salma is crying in her sub-conscious state for Zara. She says make me meet my Zara. Irfan asks her to calm down, everything will become fine. Kabir and Imran look on. Salma says I want Zara here, Zara.. Zara.. Irfan turns to Kabir and says God has some bigger plans of us humans, he takes something and gives us back something. I can’t stop my heart since I know that my Zara is alive. I can’t see my wife like this, she just wants to hear Zara call her Maa.

Scene 3
Zara is teaching her student. Her mother says she is smiling after a year. Zara says if anyone comes to me with hope then I try to help them. Kabir comes there and says I have come with hope too, your mother Salma Khala.. She is very ill and she wants your treatment. She can’t come here so can you come? Zara looks on. Her student leaves. Zara ignores Kabir and wipes her tears. She turns to him and says what happened? Kabir says she knows that you are alive, she doesn’t eat anything and just wants to see you. Come with me and give her some hope. Zara suddenly laughs and says you are very smart and a good writer. Kabir trie to control himself and says I am telling you about your mother’s illness and you are laughing? Zara says this is a lie, you are lying. Kabir says I am saying the truth. Zara says you are a good liar head priest and you don’t even trust this mode of treatment and now asking me to go with you? Kabir says I am sorry but I don’t trust this evil way of treating someone. I want to take you to your mom for another reason. Zahida says what reason? Kabir thinks that once I make her meet her parents, she will drop her facade. Zara says answer us. Kabir says I know you are Zara. Even if I believe that you are Nargis but you look like Zara so I am just asking you to come and meet her once, call her Maa once. Zara says you think I am a fool that I will believe you and come with you? I will never. Kabir says she has been crying for 2 years, she has stopped living, she doesn’t have any hope left so come with me and give her hope. It’s for your mother. Zara controls herself and says you can leave. I don’t buy your big words and I request you to not come here again with some useless reason.

PRECAP- Kabir tells Zara that I am not lying, your mother is depressed, what is wrong with you? Zara says I am Nargis and you can’t blackmail me. Kabir says if you lose your mother then everything will be finished.
Kabir asks Zahida if she can help him convince his Zara? Zahida says don’t lie, don’t force. Follow the path of truth and if you are then God will be with you always.
Kabir shouts at Zara that I will not go anywhere without you. I am standing here waiting for you. Zara leaves from there.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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