Hi friends iam back with 11th episode episode will be little longer one…please do tell me whether you liked it or not
journey of life- episode 11..
At anurag’s restaurant:
anurag and Nivedita keeps on looking at prerna and suddenly…
Anurag: I can’t see prerna with that uncle anymore…if I see him more than one minute now then his life won’t be there at next minute..
Nivedita: be cool mr.anurag..i think you are becoming possessive…
Anurag: what…me???
Nivedita: yes only..
Anurag: what are you thinking about me?
Nivedita: I think…I won’t tell but your heart will tell it to you soon which I think…
Anurag: madam..are you heart astrologist?
Nivedita: no iam love astrologist but you won’t understand it…
Anurag: ohh that’s great miss love astrologist.
both laugh at their fun time and after some time prerna comes there by somehow sending naaveen away…
Prerna: hey anurag how did you find my friend?
Anurag: hey prerna… anurag can even find a lost Pluto then how can I not find your friend?
Prerna: ok just don’t think yourself a superhero …first let’s make a plan..
Anurag: wait..we need one more person for a help
Prerna: how? Why can’t we plan something among our three?
Anurag: but I made a plan…
Prerna: ok then go and find some good person and come….
saying this anurag goes to search for a person and here Nivedita and prerna enjoy and take selfies..
by the way anurag goes and search for a person and finds some person sitting in the park and goes near him and…
Anurag: excuse me..
the person in the park is anupem..
Anupem:yes..hey you are my sister’s enemy’s brother right?
Anurag: of course..
Anupem : please don’t show your anger at me..bcz I myself is angry at my own sister..pls..
Anurag: hey mister..I dint come to talk about our sisters matter bcz that is their matter but we both are not enemies right? So I need your help…
Anupem: for sure brother..
both smile at each other and anurag takes him to his restaurant and while going he shares the problem of prerna’s…
anupem: we should stop prerna’s alliance right?
Anurag: yes..and one extra person in our group including prerna…
anupem thinks about tara and Nivedita..
Anupem: that person is not any killer right?
Anurag: what?
Anupem: actually all kinds of killers are in my life and I don’t want any more killers and that’s why I asked…
anurag laughs and finally they reach restaurant and goes near prerna and Nivedita who are turned opposite side and.
Anurag: hey prerna..I bought a good guy…
Nivedita without turning: hope he is a good guy not like a fool who I saw while coming to college
Anurag: first turn and see..then you will like it…
nivedita and prerna turns and Nivedita and anupem are shocked to see each other…
nivedita: you…
seeing Nivedita anupem falls down and..
at Goenka house:
deep makes a plan and phones tara and she too picks up…
deep: hi tara…
Tara: hi deep…
deep: I..I want you to meet immediately ..
deep had spoke to tara as if he had drunk as he planned something…but he dint drink…
Tara: why your voice is like that? Did you drink?
Deep: that doesn’t matter…but I want to meet you immediately at red hills park
Tara believes that he has drunk and says: okay but you come carefully as I think you have drunk a lot and tara cuts the call…
Deep smiles and in mind: I dint drink but I spoke as if I drunk bcz I want to suprise you my dear tara…and smiles..
at rocky area:
rocky thinks about teni and walks here and there…
Rocky in mind: did teni finished the work or not? Why is she taking this much time and I don’t want to hurt keerthi more…
rocky thinks about this and walks here and there…and finally..
Rocky in mind: no I can’t wait further as Keerthi would get hurt and so iam going to release her now and finally I took a decision…
rocky goes and frees Keerthi and Keerthi runs immediately without seeing her kidnapper’s face and she hits someone and also hugs him tight…
it is naksh…naksh is confused..
Naksh: what happened Keerthi..why are you scared and why dint you come to teni’s office as I was missing your funny time?
Keerthi in scared voice: I ..I was Kidnapped by someone and I don’t know the kidnapper himself have set me free…
naksh is shocked and gets angry too..
Naksh:what type of kidnapper is he? Have you seen his face? If you show him then I’ll punish him..
Keerthi: but I haven’t seen
keerthi gets unconscious as she dint eat for a day..
Naksh: keerthiii what happened?
naksh catches Keerthi who was about to fall and lifts her and with his fingers he moves her hair towards her ears and sees her and then he takes her to his home….
at ground:
maya is making arjun comfort while teni is still crying and suddenly she gets up and runs from there..and this shocks arjun…
arjun : what happened to her? But it’s better she ran away from my eye or else I would have slapped her so hard..
Maya: arjun ..please tell me what happened?
arjun tells her everything and maya is shocked…
teni is running on the road and hits parth who was standing there….
Parth: you again…yesterday you hit my car and today directly me?
Teni stumbles…
Parth: yesterday you left your phone here and I kept your phone safe in my house and please come and collect
Parth: by the way I will give you 12 hours time and you should find Keerthi bcz you are the reason behind her missing and if you don’t find then I’ll complain you to police…(parth says in anger)
teni who is already depressed gets scared of parth and gets more scared of hearing police name and again runs crying…
parth gets confused on her reaction and decides to follow her and he too follows her…
teni reaches the place where rocky is there but doesn’t go to him and she stands in between the road as her eyes becomes dizzy and she keeps her hands over head as she feels dizzy and suddenly a truck hits her ….
and she fells down with pool of blood on her body and it shocks rocky who was standing opposite side..
and it also shocks parth who was following her…
both the men goes near teni and shouts…
Parth: teniiii
Rocky: teniii…
both the men bends towards her and shakes her …parth catches teni’s face and shouts to get up but she doesn’t give any respond and his eyes gets tears….and gets remembered his anger towards teni..
1.parth remembers of he slapping teni and cries…(tum hi ho song plays)
2.he gets remembered how he scared her with police name and remembers his fightings and accusations and cries more keeping teni’s head on his chest( tum hi ho)….
rocky who was there near her moves back and cries…he gets remembered how he kept hot cigrette on her hand and demanded her to fulfil his wish forced by his mom and cries …
tum hi hi song plays in background…
Rocky in mind: it’s all because of sudha…nooooo..I did a great mistake by supporting her..i thought to have own mother but ..I..I don’t need her now..she have proven that she is only greedy not a good human and Even not a good mother….ohh god please make teni fine… don’t take her life please..if I dint forced her..she would have been happy with her family now but because of sudha….she is suffering…
suddenly rocky becomes angry..
rocky in mind: I won’t spare that sudha now…see what I do…ohh god please forgive me for my mistake…
Parth: excuse me man..are you from teni’s family?
Rocky: a.. actually no..iam her friend….please do a help,you take her to hospital and I will inform her family
Parth: okay..
saying this rocky goes angrily and parth lifts in his arms with tears in his eyes and also he looks her eyes closed and cries and all the blood gets applied to parth’s coat…
parth carries her to the hospital..
At sudha house:
Kartik: miss.sudha your dirty game that you played before 24 years do you remember or not? And before 22.5 years ago you stole naira from her mum for your revenge right?
it shocks akshara and sudha…
Akshara in mind: why are these years complicated with me? Before 24 years sudha tried to ruin our marriage and before 22.5 years my new born baby girl was declared there anything related to me?or did sudha ruined any other family like me and took naira for revenge? what’s this it is so confusing…oh god please show me a way…. do you know?
Naira: I overheared it…
Kartik: that’s when naira tried to suicide by jumping from jungi cliff and I saved her and became friends and I promised her to save her from you and I promised to find her real mumma and papa…
it shocks akshara…
Akshara: I..I misunderstood kartik at that time…iam sorry naira..I don’t know how much depressed you were at that time…I will find your mumma and papa but there is something related to mine and your past ..I don’t know why I feel that there is some link between us….
sudha gets angry and winks her eyes at mr.puru…mr.puru immediately understands and takes a log and goes to hit kartik’s head but….
precap: police arrest sudha.teni slips to coma.arjun feels guilt.deep records Tara’s conversation
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