Saturday 20 February 2021

Is it really love?? Episode 66: Happiness with Love♥


Hello Everyone!!

The episode starts as….

In RIANSH’s room,

Vansh and Riddhima entered the room and locked the door. Vansh went to freshen up and when he came out he saw Riddhima standing near the window, looking outside. He went close to her and back hugged her, startling her. But she composed herself on his touch. They closed their eyes on clearly feeling each other’s presence. It calmed their minds, their hearts, their souls. They opened their eyes.

Vansh: After so many years, I feel that I’m alive!

Riddhima: I feel you Vansh! I missed you so much, I always wanted you to be there.

Vansh: I am sorry for not being there.

Riddhima: You don’t need to be, you didn’t leave me intentionally but promise me, next time you won’t leave me.

Vansh: There’s no next time! I am always there for you.

Vansh started inhaling her scent as he went close to her neck and gave soft kisses to her. He pulled her closer as his hands were on her stomach while her’s were on his. He turned her over, to face him. She kept her palms on his cheeks.

Riddhima: I love you Vansh! I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Everything in the house is the same, the way all of y’all had left.

Vansh: Except for one thing.

Riddhima: What is it?

Vansh: Rivan!

Riddhima: Well, Rivan was here because of the beautiful and amazing deeds you did with me.

Vansh: If you want, I can still do those. I haven’t forgotten any! *winks*

There was knock on the door breaking the duo’s thoughts.

Vansh: Who is my enemy? I just came back and they don’t want me to romance with my wife.

Riddhima: First go and open the door then check who’s disturbing us.

Vansh went and opened the door and but found no one in front of him.

Rivan: Mumma!

Vansh looked down and saw Rivan. Rivan ran to Riddhima and hugged her legs. Vansh adored the mother-son duo. Rivan got back and turned to look at Vansh.

Rivan: Why did you take so much to open the door? I wanted to see Mumma!

Vansh walked closer to Rivan and bend down to his level.

Vansh: But you just saw her downstairs. Why again?

Rivan: I come to see Mumma after every 45 mins. Mamu had told to do so.

Vansh(tease): Now you don’t worry, I am there to do that.

Rivan: Mumma, Did you hear what Dada said. He will not allow me to come and see you.

Riddhima giggled on Rivan’s framing of sentence. Because it’s clearly meant the other way round.

Riddhima: If Rivan doesn’t come to see Mumma, then Mumma will come to see Rivan.

Vansh(interrupting): Along with Dada!

Rivan smiled brightly.

Rivan: Really y’all will come?

Riddhima and Vansh nodded.

Rivan: Okay! So I’ll go now! After 45 mins, y’all come to search me.

Rivan went out leaving his parents alone again.

Vansh: He’s so cute, just like

Riddhima(interrupting): Me! I know! Because he’s my son.

Vansh: He’s your son?

Riddhima: Yes!

Vansh: So do you think that there’s no contribution done by me? I can remind you well! *winks*

Riddhima: *blushes* *smacked his arm* You are even more shameless.

Vansh: I was really shameful but the day you arrived in my life, I removed the word ‘shame’ from my dictionary.

Riddhima: Enough Vansh!

Riddhima tried to go away from him but he pulled her back to him, directly landing her hands on his chest. Their faces were coming near, eyes closed, breaths mingling, and in no time, their lips touched. It was a gentle kiss just another remind that their partner is still there besides them, promising their existence. It was a kiss to complete themselves. It was a kiss which was filling the other’s heart and consoling it. When their lips departed, their foreheads touched, breathing heavily.

Vansh: I love you!

Riddhima: I love you too!

At 12:00pm,

Riddhima was in the kitchen, preparing lunch. Someone came and back hugged her and she very well knew who the person was.

Riddhima: Vansh! Not in tye kitchen.

Vansh: What? I didn’t do anything, did I?

Riddhima: No but….

Vansh(interrupting): I know, we met after long time but that doesn’t mean you keep thinking about romance. I can come to kitchen to drink water too.

Riddhima: Then why are your hands on my waist rather than the glass.

Vansh: If you look s*xier than the glass, where do you think, I’ll lay my hands?

Riddhima hit her elbow on his stomach lightly, separating him from herself. Just then Rivan came there and saw Vansh in the kitchen. Rivan didn’t enter inside the kitchen just stood near the door.

Rivan(hurriedly): Dada, come out of the kitchen.

Vansh(confuse): Why?

Rivan: Mumma, doesn’t allow anyone inside the kitchen when she’s there. Come out, and play with me! If you stay inside more than five minutes, lunch cancelled for you.

Vansh smiled on his child’s answer but looked at Riddhima confusingly.

Vansh(to Riddhima): For me also lunch cancelled?

Riddhima nodded. Rivan heard it and giggled.

Vansh(whispers): Think what you are agreeing to sweetheart! I can have *eyeing her head to toe* my ways.

Riddhima eyes go wide while Rivan couldn’t hear a word.

Rivan(loud): Dada, let’s go na!

Vansh went to Rivan and picked him up in his arms.

Vansh: Let’s go!

Vansh and Rivan went to Rivan’s room and sat down on bed.

Rivan: Dada, let’s play ghoda-ghoda!

Vansh: Arrey, you are Vansh Raisinghania’s son, we’ll not play ghoda-ghoda, we’ll play sher-sher!

Vansh bend down on the floor on his knees and palms, while Rivan sat on his back.

Vansh started to crawl while Rivan was laughing.

Rivan: Chal mere Sher! [Translation: Walk ahead my Lion]

Riddhima came to Rivan’s room in search of the father-son duo and saw the scene in front of her.

Riddhima: What is this?

Rivan: Mumma, you came! Come sit on my lion.

Riddhima: Y’all lion will fall flat if I sit.

Vansh: Don’t underestimate the lion.

Rivan got down from Vansh’s back and pulled Riddhima along with him. He made Riddhima sit side ways on Vansh’s back and sat in front of Riddhima.

Rivan: Come on Lion! My mumma should know that we shouldn’t underwear anyone!

Vansh laughed and fell down lying completely on his chest with the mother-son duo on the back.

Vansh: It’s underestimate and not underwear.

Rivan: I am chota baccha, so mistakes happen!

Riddhima smiled on Rivan’s words.

Rivan: Now start walking!

Vansh: I don’t have any energy in myself, my battery died.

Rivan: So let me get the charger. Wait!

Vansh: No baccha! Just tell your Mumma to give me a kiss, I’ll be alright and then will walk.

Rivan: Only this much! Okay! (To Riddhima) Mumma, give my lion a kiss.

Riddhima’s eyes went wide open but Rivan kept on insisting so Riddhima got up and levelled herself to Vansh.

Riddhima(whispers): Atleast, don’t use our innocent for your tricks

Vansh(whispers): He doesn’t want you away from me, I am just helping him. But please charge me na! *winks*

Riddhima places a kiss on Vansh’s cheeks but by now Rivan had gone out because of Rishi’s call.


Guys, please let me know, how this episode is! For the first time, I guess, it’s a full RIANSH’ episode and how do y’all like Rivan? 

Moreover, do y’all want the ending to be happy with some other good news or to take it round by bringing back some kidnapper again(ruining the track). Let me know so that I can plan accordingly. I thought y’all must be missing Riansh scenes due to the rona-dhona of the previous episodes, here it is! 

Thank you 💗

The post Is it really love?? Episode 66: Happiness with Love♥ appeared first on Telly Updates.

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