for the delay. This episode is going to turn the whole story. Now the story is going to take a U-turn. Congratulations to the entire team of Immj2 and to our dear fd We did it at last. Now let’s proceed towards the episode.
Vansh (over phone): I am coming there.
Angre (over phone) : But –
Vansh(over phone): Don’t worry about my health condition. I have been waiting for this moment for many years. At last God has answered my prayers. You quickly come in the hospital and complete all the formalities. I can’t wait much.
Angre(over phone) : I am coming boss.
In Sharma Mansion
Raj: Do you think this is done by the Raisinghanias?
Ayan: No, uncle. I don’t think so. If it was done by the Raisinghanias then Vansh probably wouldn’t risk his life for Ahana.
Raj: It is one of the fact but I am unsure about Ajay. Do you think it may be done by him?
Ayan: I don’t think so. It has been more than one month that he has gome to India and he is stuck in a very important work. So I don’t think he might have done this work. He doesn’t even know about Ahana. So, there are no chances of it.
Raj: We need to find about that person. The person who can once try to harn AR, can try again.
Ayan: You are right. I have heard that Ajay was trying very hard to find about Sejal and Ahana.
Raj: I have asked Aryan to destroy all the proofs and he has done that.
Ayan: I guess he might have done that work perfectly as till now he couldn’t do any work properly.
Raj: I don’t know what to do with this boy. He is good for nothing.
In Riddhima and Sejal’s Residence
Sejal: Ridhu, tell me the new password please.
Riddhima: You yourself had forbidden me to tell you the password. Now you are telling me to tell it. It has been just 2 hours since I changed the password. I won’t tell you now.
Sejal (puppy eyes): Won’t you listen to me?
Riddhima: I will tell you the password after 48 hours at least.
Sejal: I will die within 48 hours if you don’t tell me your password.
Riddhima: Did AA come in the comment section?
Sejal: She came at last.
Riddhima: I have kept the same password for both your registered account and email.
Sejal: Tell me quickly. I need to log in.
Riddhima: The password is ‘SejalKaKuchNahiHoSakta’
Sejal: Who keeps such passwords?
Riddhima: Got inspiration from you.
Sejal: Looks like you are in a good mood today.
Riddhima: I am ought to be happy as I am close to achieve something special. (smirks)
Sejal (in mind): Whenever Ridhu smirks, I feel something big is coming. Don’t what she is going to do now.
In a hideout
A person was seen going under treatment. Vansh was seen being emotional seeing that person.
Vansh: I know many think that I am responsible for your death. But half truth is always dangerous. Nobody knows that you are alive. Kabir just wake up and tell me the name of your culprit. Don’t you want to see your Ridhu again? Your sister is trying to take revenge from me because she thinks that I killed her brother. Now will you wake up or do you want your best friend and sister against each other? Kabir at least respond to something. Kabir, I am very angry with you. I won’t call you by your nickname until you ask me. You are sleeping for so many days. Because of sleeping you have forgotten everything around you. Do you remember the first time I had talked with your Ridhu? A lot of things have changed in these years. But the anger of your sweetheart is still the same. Looks like you need to scold her. Get up soon. We both will give her punishment
Vansh: Kabbu, get up.
Kabir(sleepy): Two minutes more.
Vansh: How much more will you sleep? You are becoming a like a mini panda now a days. Wow! I found your new nickname.
Kabir (sleepy): Yaar….baad mein suna lena. Let me sleep now.
Kabir’s phone start ringing and Vansh picks it up instead of Kabir. Vansh sees that someone named ‘Sweetheart’ is calling Kabir. He understood that it was Kabir’s sister. He picked the call.
Ahana (over phone): Bhai, do you know what happened in yesterday? I tried to make cake for the first time. I was actually missing your chocolate cake a lot. Instead of chocolate cake, I made coffee cake. Bhai and I found it delicious but your ladli without even tasting it said that my cake taste was horrible. I was feeling to bake her brain instead. Her brain needs to develop. God knows why she can’t tolerate coffee.
Vansh (over phone): Don’t know about her but for now your brain needs to develop.
Ahana(over phone): Excuse me?
Vansh (over phone): Kabutar ki jaan kitna bolti hai.
Ahana(over phone): Who the hell are you?! Why is my brother’s phone with you?
Vansh (over phone): Don’t shout so much. My ears will start bleeding if you continue screaming. I am not any thief that I will steal your brother’s phone. Kabutar is still sleeping.
Ahana (over phone): First of all tell me your name and handover the phone to my brother.
Vansh (over phone): Didn’t I tell you that Kabutar is sleeping?
Ahana (over phone): I asked about my brother, not about any Kabutar.
Vansh (over phone) : Don’t tell me that you don’t know about ‘Kabutar’. Kabutar is your brother’s nickname given by me.
Ahana (over phone): How dare you to call my brother ‘Kabutar’ ?
Vansh (over phone): I call your brother not only Kabutar but also – (Before he could complete the sentence, Kabir snatched the phone from him)
Kabir (over phone) : Sweetheart, I will talk to you later.
Ahana (over phone) : But bhai – (before she could complete the sentence Kabir ended the call)
Kabir: Vanshu, have you gone mad?
Vansh: What happened, Kabbu?
Kabir: Kabbu?
Vansh: I gave you promotion from ‘Kabutar’ to ‘Kabbu’.
Kabir: Why are you hell bent on giving me promotion? I don’t want any promotion. ‘Kabutar’ is thousand time better than ‘Kabbu’.
Vansh: I got the idea of ‘Kabbu’ yesterday. It’s very cute yaar.
Kabir: We will talk about my nicknames later on. First of all tell me why you said about Kabutar to my sweetheart.
Vansh: Your sweetheart deserves to know your sweet nickname.
Kabir: What did she say?
Vansh: Oh God! Your sweetheart shouts so much. God knows how you tolerate her.
Kabir: Only I and Ayan can control her anger.
Vansh: I am wondering if she reacted this way after knowing that I call you ‘Kabutar’ then how would she react will know about your name ‘Kabbu’.
Kabir: She would have killed you with her black coffee.
Vansh (laughing): How can she kill me with her black coffee?
Kabir: You will be able to know about it when you taste it once.
Vansh: Kabir, I want to say one important thing to you.
Kabir: What?
Vansh then slaps Kabir in a moment of time.
Vansh: Happy Slap Day!
Kabir: Vanshu!!
Vansh: Kabbu has gone on devil mode.
Vansh starts running and Kabir starts running behind him.
(Flashback ends)
Doctor: Mr.Raisinghania, I want to talk with you.
Vansh: Okay, Doctor.
Doctor: All these years, we had lost hope to see him recovered. But today a miracle happened. He moved his finger for the first time in all these years. There is a huge possibility that he will gain his consciousness in 72 hours.
Vansh: Make sure that you give your 100%.
Doctor: We doctors try our level best. It’s upto God who saves lives.
Precap:’I know it well who ‘AR’ is. She forgot that I am Vansh Raisinghania. It’s not so easy to play with me without letting me realise it.’
‘Now the real game will begin when I will implement my plan.’
Author’s Note : Some question are surely coming in your mind like-
1)Did Vansh know from the start that AR is Riddhima?
2)If he knew AR is Riddhima then why asked Angre to find about AR?
3) Was Vansh’s love fake?
4)Will Riansh be together in the end after so many deceptions and games?
5) Will Kabir wake up before anything disastrous happen
6)What will be Riddhima’s reaction when she comes to know that all her plan will be a failure as Vansh already knows about her real identity and motive?
All the questions will be answered soon.
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