Friday 26 February 2021

Arrest under love- Chapter 5


A familiar car stop in front of the temple. Ashwini gets off the car Virat stands in shock. Sai come and stand near Virat, and he unknowingly grabs Sai’s hand. Ashwini comes over and focuses on their bonding hand. She smiles lightly at Sai.
Ashwini: Did you think I would be angry at your sudden marriage? (stare proudly at Virat) M so happy Virat! finally I get my bahu. (Sai looks at Virat)
Virat: Ayii ( he can’t finish his sentence. Ashwini stop him)
Ashwini: M not going to listen to you now.let me introduce with my bahu.(She grabs Sai’s chin) wow!looks like a doll.where have you been so long? couldn’t come earlier in my son’s life? Let’s go ( Ashwini steps forward and Sai speak out)
Sai: aunty ji?
Ashwini looks at Sai, Sai tell her whole story and also about herself. Ashwini’s smiley face turn into sad face.Ashwini take deep breath and think for a while.
Ashwini: ok. so you want to go hostel?
Sai: yes,aunty.please give a lift to my hostel.
Ashwini: (smile lightly) but Sai beta, it’s too late now! I mean your hostel incharge won’t allow you at this time.
Sai: yes,it’s
Ashwini: I have an idea if you feel comfortable then stay in our house today. Tomorrow I will drop you at your hostel.
Sai: I have no problem,but My dad told me to inform him when I reach hostel. He might be in worry.
Ashwini: give me your dad’s number. I’ll inform him that you are alright.
Sai give Ashwini his father’s phone number and get in the car.Ashwini sit with Sai and Virat sit on front sit.The car stop in front of Virat’s nani’s house. Ashwini makes Sai and Virat stand outside of main door.And go inside.Every members of Chavan family comes to the hall. Ashwini comeout with Arti thala.Actually she text mohit to bring all members in her mother’s house. She planned something else.
Virat: ayii what’s that all? why we came in nani’s home in the place of our house.
Nani:Virat,my health condition wasn’t that good so Ashwini came to stay with me and then all of them came here behind her.
Ashwini: yes, and you come home after a long while. And Sai also come as our let me do this.Sai hope you have no problem with this ritual.
Sai:no aunty ji.usha masi also do it for safe me from evil vision.
Ashwini smile at Sai and start Arti. Ashwini in mind: ( A mother gaze fall on not letting you go have to enter my house.My eyes are restless to receive
you as my bahu) she start their arti.

After finish their arti ashwini feeds them food and take Sai and Virat in the room where Virat stay when he come in his nani’s place.mohit bring Virat and Sai’s bags there.

Ashwini: Sai beta stay here for some while. I’ll bring you in different room soon.
Sai noods yes. Ashwini and mohit go out.suddenly Ashwini close the door and locked it.Sai and Virat both scare and start beating on door.
Virat:ayii,what you doing?
Ashwini: marry is not a thing to play Virat. And destiny bring you both together.this relation made by heaven.I will inform Sai’s dad if he also agree then no one can stop me to take Sai home as my bahu.
Sai:aunty ji,please don’t do this. Aba can’t take this news.please aunty ji
Ashwini: don’t worry Sai. i know how to talk about a serious take rest inside.will talk with you tomorrow.(she left from there sai n Virat call her some time)
Sai stares at Virat with 7 degree anger.
Virat: Sai? me i mean am ,i really d don’t know about this.don’t angry on me.( he start to take back steps)
Sai take a plastic water bottle and throw that to Virat. Virat down his head and safe himself.Sai take a pillow from sofa and start beating Virat.she also pulls his hair.and about to throw a flower vase to him but he manage to run fast to washroom and locked himself there.
Sai:Virat sir! come out! i will kill you.
Virat in mind( she calling me sir and also beated me n now giving murder warning,oh God! you gave my marry with a disaster girl,now safe me please!!)
Sai:Virat sir! come out!
Virat: Sai madam? just think if you kill me you will be my widow then you can’t wear colorful things.
Sai: I’ll do another don’t need to worry about this.come out!
Virat:hey !hey! hey! If you are ready for another marry then what’s your problem with our marriage?
Sai: oh! so you have no problem with this accident marriage?
Virat: I had to get married.Today or Tomorrow.( feels shy)
Sai: oh then i was right. these all were your i will definitely kill you.just come out once.(become more furious)
Virat: why you making things up by your imaginations? and what kill you!kill you! I will put you in jail and you beated me two times today.I will file domestic violence case on physically abused you husband. I will do protest against those wifes who abused their husband physically and mentally.just wait and watch what I can do.
Sai get more furious.and scream more laudly
Sai: Mr.Virat Chavan! How dare you! stop calling yourself my husband.what you think yourself.I will complain against you that you forcefully marry a girl.
Virat:do whatever.Before that i will file domestic violence case against you.also mention in my case that you threaten me for murder.and if I die somehow you will be responsible.
Sai failed to make sentence.she sit outside of washroom’s door with angry and tension.Virat sit another side of the door.both become tensed to think about the next day.

precap: Sai’s father and usha come in Virat’s nani’s home.Ashwini unlocked the door.Sai and Virat both dying with tension.

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