Hey guys….plzz do comment and also read my nèw ff Manan:true love never ends and also MANAN AND SWASAN I LOVE U…and plzz do comment…
As Nandini goes to change,the smile goes off Mukti’s face… She looks at the washroom door and then at their wardrobe turnwise…
She gets up from her bunk and opens the wardrobe… She then goes to Nandini’s section and opens the Locker and takes out Ms. Fresher’s crown…
Mukti (to herself) :Why Nandu?? You are keeping secrets from me?? Am I not trustworthy enough to learn your secrets?? I am hurt… You lied to me… But I am also like your elder sister and best friend,this time,I will make you say the truth by your mouth and you won’t get to know it… Still… I am hurt that you lied to me that day…
Mukti and Nandini are in their room… Mukti notices a ring on Nandini’s finger…
Mukti :Wow Nandu… This is so beautiful!! And the way you are wearing it that means someone gave it to you and you accepted it!!! Tell me who is he??
Nandini :Mukti!!!! Relax!!! It’s nothing sort of what you are thinking… And this is not that ring… It’s my Fresher’s day Crown…
Mukti :Huh???
Nandini :Now I cannot roam around wearing that crown… It will look odd so I made use of Amms’s transfiguration lessons… I changed the crown into this ring and see,now I can wear it Everytime without this looking odd…
Mukti :Wow my super intelligent sisso!! You are great and this looks so beautiful!!! Your choice of design is perfect!! It looks like a real solitaire!!
Nandini adores the ring… At that time Mukti shakes that off her mind…
Mukti puts back the crown at it’s place and again sits on her bunk…
Mukti (to herself) :Today if I didn’t need your perfume,I would have never got to know that you lied..!! And now infact you came after meeting that guy only… I saw you hiding that mark… But who is he that you are keeping this such a big secret!! Is it so secret that you can’t even share this with me!!! Anyways,I am also Mukti Malhotra,your best friend cum sister and I will find that out at any cost…
Nandini comes out after changing… She sees Mukti lost in thoughts…
Nandini :Mukti?? Anything serious?? You know you can share anything with me right??
Mukti at once looks at her…
Mukti :(murmuring) I wish I could say the same… But you don’t consider me such…
Nandini: What??? You said something right??
Mukti :Nothing… I am tired and you must be as well… Anyways you have to report to Principal Murthy tomorrow morning… Sleep… Good night…
Mukti says and switches off her side of light and covers herself with the blanket…
Nandini (to herself) :What happened to her?? Is something really serious or I am thinking too much? Anyways, she is right… I must sleep now and I will find out about her in the morning…
She goes off to sleep…
There are three people sitting in long black silhouetted robe hoodie… The slimmest and tallest of all had a snake crawling all around at the leg… The faces are covered and they are talking in whispers…
A voice :We are safe here… It’s our place, there’s no need to worry now…
Another voice :He is right, we can get rid of this mask and hood cap for now…
Third voice :Alright… If you both say so…
They all remove their mask and pull off their hood cap…
Their faces are revealed…
Jaanki Naveli , Ramprasad Thakur and Sujata Thakur..!!!
Sujata :How long are we going to wait Jaan Di?? It’s been years since I have seen my child… And now that our children are in Hecate,we can see them but you are denying!! Why??
Janki :Calm down Sujata… I know what you are going through… Even I am away from my daughter… I wanted to see her and so I went there but there, I saw that Mansi’s daughter!!I can’t tell you how I felt seeing those year old wounds getting refreshed… I lost my mind and did a mistake!!
Ram :No Jaan Di… I understand… It’s not your mistake… Anger cannot be controlled for long… But since you have attacked her in the campus, it’s better to hold on for sometime so that rest of the works go on smoothly…
Janki :That Mansi’s son was also there and so I attack them both…
Ram : Sujata was about to attack at the Knock-turn alley but Nyonika’s son was also there as well to save her! These two are getting on nerves!! Vanshika Murthy very successfully hid her till she was 18… She knew that unless she has her wand,she can be harmed easily… They lived secretly and even hid your daughter Jan Di! They all should be punished and Vanshika Murthy will see her beloved grand daughter getting decapitated in front of her eyes only… I promise that Jan Di!! The Murthy family will pay for snatching away everything from you..!!
Janki :Thank you Ram and Sujata… My own sister betrayed me but you both never left my side… Thank you so much for being with me…
Sujata :Jan Di,you are making us strangers by being formal… Don’t say that please… We had to be by your side… You deserve that place which Mansi is enjoying right now!! She snatched your everything from you!! Now it’s your turn… Tit for tat..!! Vanshika Murthy can only limit your power but once you get Nandini’s or Manik’s wand, no one can stop you!!!
Ram :And me and Sujata are with you on this… We will get you justice and punish that Muthys… And I have a plan… We will be entering Hecate tomorrow… We have waited a lot…
The three smirk evilly…
It’s morning…
Vanshika is sitting on her table and in her cabin… Nyonika is sitting in front of her and Soha and Nandini are standing beside Nyonika
Vanshika :Indiscipline cannot be tolerated here… VP Malhotra… I am really happy that you brought the culprits here and punished both of them… I hope Ms. Murthy that by now you know that even you are at fault (Nandini nods…) Good… And Ms. Khurana There are reported Indisciplines on your part… May I know why these constant complains are coming??
Soha :Principal Murthy … I know whatever I would say,it will be of no use as you would favour your grand daughter… So just announce the detention and let me go… I have classes to attend… Anyways I have to get used to to the nepotism which is going to happen here…
Nandini (in a low warning whisper which is of course audible to all due to silence) :Keep your filthy mouth shut else you will never be able to open it!! How dare you blame her of nepotism!!
Vanshika :Ms. Murthy!! Thank you for defending the faculty but I think we are capable to do the same and Ms. Khurana… Isn’t Nandini standing here beside you the proof that there’s no place for nepotism in this college?? And if you have so much of problem with the rules and disciplines of the college,your parents can happily apply for the termination certificate… The college will be more than happy to provide it after erasing your memories of this college… But now,since you are still a part of this college and are here for detention,in the evening,both of you are going to accompany Professor Mansi Murthy to the Forbidden Forest and help her collecting and planting some of the herbs for potions and study purposes… She will decide what work is to be given to both of you… And for your information Ms. Khurana, Professor Murthy is also strictly against nepotism…
Nyonika :Principal Murthy,I want to say something (Vanshika nods) In order to assure Ms. Khurana,I want to accompany them to the Forbidden Forest…
Vanshika nods and all leave from there…
Mukti waits for Abhi…
Abhi comes there…
Abhi :What happened Mukti?? You look worried… Did that Aryaman again said something to you??
Mukti :No Abhi… He wouldn’t dare… It’s about Nandini…as a brother you should know…
Abhi :Nandu? Oh ya… she is getting detention today along with Soha… Don’t worry… She is more than capable of handling Soha alone…I know my sister…
Mukti :That I know… But it’s different matter… (Abhi looks on) Abhi… She is hiding something from all of us… Even from you…
Abhi :And you got to know the matter??
Mukti nods :She is in a relationship with someone in this college itself…
Abhi is shocked :what!!! No!!! You are kidding me!!! If something like this would have happened she would tell me…
Mukti shakes her head and tells him everything… Abhi thinks… Then he recalls Manik…
Abhi :Look Mukti… Don’t get angry… But I think I know who that person is (Mukti gapes and slowly her mouth forms and O shape and she points at him accusingly) No wait… Listen to me before jumping to conclusion… I am not sure that he is that person but I just doubt… And I have strong reasons for it…
Mukti :I want to know the name right now Abhi…!!
Abhi :Your brother… Manik!!
Mukti :What!! No!! Impossible… They fight like cat and mouse… They cannot be in relationship… And moreover,I know Manik… If it’s Nandini then trust me,I will be the happiest one but I know him…he must have found his Ms. Mystery and she is the one whom he is dating…
Abhi looks on pointedly at her… She bites her tongue realizing that she wasn’t suppose to spill that thing out…
Abhi :Mukti,what is that I am missing?? (Mukti shakes her head signing nothing) Tell me Mukti… Coz I think I know what you know and I just need to confirm it… And if my guess is right,I can tell you with surity who is that girl with whom Manik is going out…
Mukti :Ok fine… Manik has a specialty… (Abhi looks on and crosses his finger) he…. he can read minds… And before joining here—
She tells him about the market incident… Abhi is more than happy… Finally… Finally his sister got her Mr. Compatible,her Mr. Mystery,her mind reader and heart stealer… Her Manik!!
After Mukti finishes, Abhi happily hugs her and kisses her cheeks… Mukti blushes and turns red…
Abhi :OMG!! Mukti you don’t know how happy I am today for Nandu and Manik!!!
Mukti :Nandu??
Abhi :Mukti,your brother’s Ms. Mystery and mind reader is none other than my sister… My Nandu!! My guess was right… Mukti,even Nandu can read minds and I knew about the market incident!!! She is Nandu!! Your brother and my sister are in a relationship!!!
Mukti (elated… She hugs Abhi and he lifts her up) :Your sister and My brother!!! Oh My God!!! This is so amazing!!! (She then gets down and her expression changes…) But!!! How dare he!! he didn’t told me that!!! he is gone!!
Abhi :Definitely… They both have to answer but not this way (Mukti looks at him) we will catch them red handed…
Mukti smirks and does high five with Abhi…
MaNan are sitting in the same room where they kissed the previous day…
Nandini is sitting on his lap and giggling at his actions as he is busy nuzzling her neck and inhaling her sandalwood scent…
Manik :You are addictive… I want to hug you,kiss you, adore you,admire you infact eat you up altogether…
Nandini :Chi Manik you are sounding so lust stricken!! (He bites her ears) Ouch!! Control your hormones you wild beast!!!
Manik :You have not seen my wild beast till now baby doll… (She looks at him) But I am sure you will love it (he winks)
Nandini :Really?? (He nods) we will see it…
She now plays with his shirt buttons… She looks at him mischievously and breaks two of his upper buttons intentionally revealing his chiseled chest… He looks at his shirt then at her… She smirks while bitting her cheek…
He also smirks and pulls her closer by her waist… Their faces are inches apart… He also opens the first two buttons of her shirt… Nandini’s eyes widens…
Nandini :What are you doing??
Manik :Returning back the favor… And I expect you to do the same…
She looks at him with questions… He smirks and puts her hands on his bare chest… She realizes and blushes but then also slides her hand on his skin…
Manik kisses her and she willingly reciprocates… They part to take breath…
Manik turns her around by her waist… Her back is resting on his chest and his head on her shoulder… He slides his hand from her belly to up… Nandini loses her eyes and calls out his name which sounds as a moan… He opens her third button as well and moves his hand to rest it upon her half covered chest… He puts a little pressure there… She turns her face to his side of ecstasy and kisses his cheek…
He continues his work for a little more time while planting wet kisses on Nandini’s neck… While she keeps expressing her happiness by her actions and moans…
Manik (whispering in her ears huskily) :You see… Just 1% of the wild side in me gives you such feeling… What will happen of you when you will have to face the whole of me??
Nandini :Whatever percent it was,it was amazing and I am eagerly looking forward for the whole of you…
Manik smirks at her boldness… He again turns her around and they have another round of wild and passionate kiss followed by wet kissing sessions on their necks… After they are tired, they sit relaxing… Nandini still on Manik’s lap, wrapped in his arms…
Manik :So,you won’t be free this evening… I am going to miss you so bad!!
He buries her face in the crook of her neck…
Nandini :That’s why we are here now… Even I am going to miss you… Infact, missing you is better than being with that clingy Khurana and completing the detention…
Manik laughs at Nandini’s remarks regarding Soha… He hugs her and admires her cuteness… She hugs him back relaxing before facing the headache…
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