Thursday, 23 April 2020


Kunal searches for Mauli in the house
kunal: Mamma , have you seen Mauli?
Radhika: Don’t worry dear. She will be here soon.

Kunal waits for Mauli.
Just then Mauli enters.
Kunal : Where have you been Mauli? . I got worried. where were you?
Mauli: Calm down dude. I went to get something for your birthday.
kunal: I can’t see anything . Where’s it?
Mauli: You can’t see… too bad.
kunal: Where’s it ?
mauli shows kunal a tattoo of his name on her wrist.
kunal: are you crazy?
Mauli: Crazy about you..
kunal: didn’t it hurt a lot?
mauli: I will do anything for you kunal.
kunal hugs her and says I love you.
mauli: I love you too..

Radhika: Areey, you guyz stay here hugging. who will have the breakfast?
Mauli and Kunal smiles. They have the Breakfast.

In room, Mauli and kunal is getting ready to leave for work.
Kunal hugs Mauli from behind.
Mauli: What happened dear husband?
Kunal: Looking at my hot wife.
They chuckle.

Kunal: I am not going to office today.
Mauli: Why? I accept that its your own office. But taking so much leaves … Very bad.
Kunal: What bad? … C’mon .. you too take leave today. We will have fun.
Mauli: Kunal yar… I took leave for you yesterday. Today let me go na.
Kunal: Why are you so dedicated?
Mauli: You never know how saving lives feel. Its really different.
Kunal : If thats so… We will leave for work then.

Kunal drops Mauli and leaves.
Kunal notices Mauli’s wallet in the car and stops the car.
kunal: I will have to go to the hospital now.

In the hospital,
Mauli enters and find some argument going on.
Mauli to the receptionist: What’s going on?
Receptionist: Mam, a crazy man has started to accuse us for killing his son.
Mauli: Oh is this that drug case?
Receptionist: Yes mam
Mauli: They have lost the ability to understand. And why is Dr.Karan still listening to it. Couldnt he respond?
Receptionist: Exactly mam.

The man gets angry and tries to hit the Doctor.
Mauli interrupts.
Mauli: What are you doing sir?
Man: Hey girl . Dont interfere in this. They killed my son.
Mauli: Why would they do so?
Man: You doctors are after money and when I couldnt pay the bill so you people killed my son…. Just move from my way or you will also get hurt.
Mauli doesn’t budge.
Man lifts his hand to hit Mauli.
Kunal obstructs him.
Kunal: Don’t you dare lift your hand to hit my wife . I will break your hand into pieces.
Mauli: Kunal…
Man: Ehh…..
Mauli: Sir,I admit that you had a great lose but Your son was a drug addict. He had already taken high doses of drug when he was brought here. Above that he didn’t neither reveal the name of the drugs nor the source from which he got it and without knowing the drugs its not possible for us to rescue him even though they tried hard . And instead of accusing us ,instead of trying to hit us why don’t you find the source of the drugs and accuse them?
Kunal: No, Mauli .  Not the source. Its his mistake. If had taken care of his son this wouldn’t have happened. Its his fault too…
Mauli: Exactly and you said doctors are after money, Not everyone sir. Not every doctors are after money. There is something above that, the feeling you get when you save someone’s life and why would we kill your son just because you couldn’t pay the bill. By doing that we will not get any profit.
The man understands his mistake and apologizes to everyone.
Kunal dismisses the crowd gathered due to the argument.

Man: I am really sorry. I was blind with anger due to my son’s death.  I didn’t realize that it was my mistake to not to take care of him properly. He was my only son. I don’t even have the money to pay the bill.
He cries
Mauli: Dont worry about the bill sir.
mauli goes to the receptionist.
Mauli: Cut his bill from my salary.
Receptionist nods.
kunal was impressed.

Man: That was not required doctor.
Mauli: Its okay. I just did it. now sir, you can go forward with other formalities .
The man blesses kunal and Mauli. He thanks them and leaves.

Kunal: Mauli, I am really proud of you.
Mauli: why?
Kunal: areey, you were so bold today.
mauli smiles.
Mauli: But what the man said was partially right.There are doctors who are after money only and dont care about lives and I hate those people.You know whats my biggest dream ? I will begin a hospital and will treat people for affordable rates.
Kunal : you are right.
Mauli: And thanks for your support dear husband.
kunal: I will do anything for you.
They hug.
Mauli: But Why did you come back?
kunal: Oh that… you had forgot your wallet in the car. Came to return that but saw that drama.
kunal gives the wallet to mauli.
Kunal: I will leave then. Bye .
Mauli : Bye.
Kunal leaves and mauli heads inside.
Mauli stops near the receptionist.
Mauli: Is Rishi on off today?
Receptionist: No mam he has got the afternoon shift. And mam you are very lucky to get such a husband.
mauli smiles and thanks her.
Mauli heads to her cabin.

Same night,
Kunal was thinking about something sitting on the bed.
Mauli comes and sits near him
Mauli : What are you thinking about birthday boy?
Kunal: Birthday boy? Really?
Mauli laughs.
Kunal: I was thinking about us.
Mauli: About us?
Kunal: Yes.
Mauli: What about us?
Kunal lays on Mauli’s lap.
Kunal: Our future.
Mauli: What are you trying to say?
Kunal gets up from her lap.
Kunal: Our future plans Mauli
Mauli: Like what?
Kunal gets irritated.
Kunal: Aren’t you understanding what I am trying to say?
Mauli nods no.
Kunal makes mauli lay on the bed and lays down on top of her.
Kunal: What’s this Mauli? I know you know what I am trying to say?
Mauli: I swear I didn’t understand.
Kunal moves his hand through her waist and moves closer towards her.
Kunal: I was talking about bringing a little Mauli .
Mauli smiles.
Kunal: Can I consider this smile as a yes?
Mauli pulls kunal further closer.
Kunal kisses Mauli on her forehead and then her lips.
He moves his hand through her waist.
They romance.

The post YEH RISHTA PYAAR ME KAISE BADLA – KUNAL AND MAULI (EPISODE 7) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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