The episode starts with Vansh going to Riddhima to check on her and give her medicines.
Vansh: Do you know that if I’ve found you still working till now I would be very upset from you that you have broke your promise to me, but I’m really happy that you are listening to my words and you didn’t broke your promise to me. Not bad sweetheart!
Riddhima: When I promise my husband, I can’t break that promise whatever the circumstances especially when it comes to our child’s matter. I must to be very careful and take care about the child’s health.
Vansh: That’s my girl.
He takes her to his office so she can rest and then he gets to her food and a juice.
Vansh: You must eat all those food and drink the juice so you can take your medicines.
Riddhima: Vansh, I really don’t feel hungry I will just drink the juice and then I will take the medicines. But I really can’t put any food in my mouth!
He comes near her and he was trying to handle her.
Vansh: Come on sweetheart! Your actions are literally like the young children! How you will handle our child when he/she arrive if you are doing this childish actions?! You must eat even if you don’t feel hungry. You are a doctor and you know that it isn’t good for you or for the child’s health if you didn’t eat. So please try to eat anything for my sake.
She starts to eat a little bit for Vansh’s sake and then she makes him eat with her as she doesn’t like to eat alone and she also knows that he doesn’t care about himself and he didn’t eat.
Vansh: You are making me eat all your food, this is called cheating by the way!
Riddhima: I listened to your words and I start to eat a little bit, but I will can’t finish the whole meal and actually you also didn’t eat. So why the husband could not complete the task that the wife didn’t complete it?!
Vansh: The husband will do anything for his wife.
Riddhima: So complete the food without talking too much and I will drink the juice to take the medicines.
Vansh and Riddhima were enjoying their moments with each other and they were trying to relief their worry and stress about the entrance of Dr. Ahana to their lives.
At the same time, Siya was observing Ahana’s weird behavior. Siya was observing how Ahana is trying to plead any hard work is done in the hospital and she was trying to search about any wrong action is happening in the hospital. She was very surprised from Ahana’s actions.
Siya to herself: I don’t know why Dr. Ahana wants to prove that we are doing a bad work in the hospital?! I can observe that she is trying to trap us in a problem with the government and the ministry of health, but I really can’t know the reason! I don’t know what is the reason that could make her doesn’t do her work in a proper way and she is just busy to trap us?! There is something weird is happening and I have to know it. Actually, I must go to Angre to discuss with him what Dr. Ahana is doing.
Siya went to Angre to discuss with him about the things that is worrying her about Ahana’s behavior.
Siya: Angre, I feel that Dr. Ahana is coming with an evil motive otherwise why she could cause problems so she can be able to trap us?! Why instead of being loyal and write what she really see in the hospital in the reports, she is trying to concentrate on the small details so she can find anything that she could prove it against us?!
Angre: Maybe you are misunderstanding Siya. Why would Dr. Ahana do such a behavior?! Maybe she is a very hardworking doctor and she is trying to be so loyal and accurate while doing her work. So please don’t overthink, but I promise that I will check and see what she is doing so I could be sure that she will not cause any problems to us. You just mustn’t worry a lot as I can’t see my beautiful wife stressed or worried.
He comes near her and he hugged her to relief her worry. She was very happy being with him and she was observing how much he is caring about her and doesn’t want to see her stressed and worried.
Siya was very happy and blessed that she is having a caring husband like Angre and she thanking God that he sent Angre to her at the right time to be her soulmate and her true love.
Angre wast just trying to calm Siya down to not make her worry, but he was worried so much from what Siya has said and he starts to feel that Ahana is going to cause a lot of problems in their lives.
Angre to himself: I must do my investigation very fast as I can observe that Dr. Ahana has started her plan and I can observe that Vansh and Siya are right. Dr. Ahana is hiding a lot of things and I must unfold her secrets very fast before she could succeed in trapping us.
While Vansh was going with Riddhima to leave the hospital and go back to the house, some nurses and doctors stopped him as they were wanting to tell him a very important thing.
Nurse: Dr. Vansh we are sorry that we are disturbing you and interfered while you were leaving, but there is an urgent thing and we must discuss it with you. So can you please come with us for awhile and we promise you that we will not take much time and we will not waste your time.
Vansh: Okay I will come with you. Riddhima dear, go and wait for me in the car as I will see what the doctors and the nurses want from me and I will come to you fast and don’t worry I will not be late and I will not make you wait a lot for me.
Riddhima: Okay Vansh, I will be waiting for you in the car so don’t be late as I and the child will be waiting for you.
Vansh: Of course I will not make my lovely wife and my cute child to wait a lot, just go now and take care of our child until I come.
Riddhima: Okay.
After Riddhima left, the doctors and nurses start to tell Vansh the weird stuff that Ahana is doing and how she is trying her best to trap the hospital in a lot of problems from the first minute she entered on it the hospital.
One of the doctors: Dr. Vansh we don’t know the reason that could make Dr. Ahana do such a weird behavior, but we believe that she isn’t coming to help us she is coming to trouble us and destroy the hospital. Because we respect you so much and love our work so much in VR hospital we decided to come to you and tell you everything is happening so you can be aware of Dr. Ahana’s actions.
One of the nurses: Please Dr. Vansh observe what is happening and try to stop it. We don’t know if what we have observed is the whole truth or not so that’s why we went to you so you can know the whole truth. We just hope that everything become fine and nothing could disturb us in VR hospital.
Vansh: I don’t want anyone to be worry and I will search about the whole truth and I will not make anyone cause any problems in VR hospital. I just want everyone to complete their work and don’t talk with anyone about what you have told me about and I will make everything fine so no one of you must worry.
After the doctors and nurses have left, Vansh’s doubt towards Ahana starts to increase and he starts to feel that Ahana’s motive isn’t good at all and he decides that he must know her motive as soon and as possible before she could cause problems in VR hospital.
Vansh to himself: I will not leave you Dr. Ahana and I will fix everything you have done and I will forbids you from trying to destroy my hospital. I just must know the reason behind your actions and must be sure to have all the proofs against you so no one in the government or the ministry of health could cause to me any problems.
Vansh went to fix all the problems that Ahana has done so she doesn’t be able to put anything against the hospital in her reports.
Then he went to see what she is doing to confront her and stop her from what she is doing.
Then he hears her being so angry that he has succeed in solving every problem she has done.
Ahana to herself: How this is possible?! How Vansh could stop my plans?! How I will mention the wrong things that is happening in the hospital when he has fixed everything I’ve done?! My plans were really perfect so how he succeeded in destroying them?!
She was very angry and she starts to break everything around her and then Vansh entered and stops her from doing those nonsense things.
Vansh: What are you doing Dr. Ahana?! What nonsense are you doing?! Don’t forget that you are in a hospital and not a normal hospital, you are in Vansh Rai Singhania’ hospital. So you must be very careful and polite in my hospital! I don’t allow anyone to make any noise in my hospital. You must follow my own rules because you are in my hospital so you must follow my rules.
She got shocked when she saw him in front of her and she was worried that he could has listened to her words.
Vansh: Why you are so shocked like that?! Yes Dr. Ahana, I’ve listened to your words and I’ve known that you have a huge motive by your arrive to my hospital and trust me I will not leave you without exposing you and knowing your motive. I will not give you the chance to cause any problems in my hospital. You don’t know who is Vansh Rai Singhania. Vansh Rai Singhania never make anyone defeat him or cause any problems in his life. I will not leave you Dr. Ahana!
Ahana clapped for Vansh’s intelligence and she starts laughing.
Ahana: Wow Dr. Vansh! I can admit that you are so clever, you didn’t take a lot of time until you have known that I’m not just coming by the permission of the government as I have my own motive. I can observe that you still didn’t know my motive and that will make you can’t do anything to me as you know that I’m coming by the permission of the government so how you will defeat the government without any proof Dr.Vansh?! Why you are so surprised like that?! Do you think that I will defend myself and I will try to fake a story?! No Dr. Vansh, the game will be more interesting and funny when the two players are aware of that game. It will be an interesting thing to defeat you Dr. Vansh Rai Singhania and play with you. Now you will not stop me, I will destroy your career and your hospital in front of your eyes and you will can’t do anything as you actually don’t even know my motive so how you will stop me?! What is the problem if you have fixed the problems that I’ve done today?! I still have much time to cause more problems to you and to your hospital and you will not be able to stop me this time.
Vansh: I will not give you the chance Dr. Ahana, I will always be alert for your actions and I will trap you in your own plan and I will succeed in knowing your motive and I will collect a lot of proofs against you and I will expose you in front of the government and the ministry of health. You have done your first move in this game and the next move will be by me. The next move will be by Vansh Rai Singhania. Just wait and watch Dr. Ahana.
Vansh left Ahana and he called his men to keep an eye on Ahana and forbids her from causing any problems until he could know her motive and expose her.
Then he enters his car and he found Riddhima very upset from him.
Riddhima: You are very late Dr. Vansh Rai Singhania! You promised me that you will not make me and the child wait a lot for you, but you have made us wait and we really got bored. My beautiful baby is also so upset from his/her father.
She found him very nervous and angry so she has observed that there is something bad that has happened.
Riddhima: Vansh, what is going on? I can observe from your face that you are very nervous and angry! So please tell me as I can help you.
He starts telling her everything has happened and he tells her everything Ahana has done and how she is planning to destroy VR hospital.
Riddhima: Oh my God! I really didn’t imagine that there is still people who are wanting to destroy our lives! I thought that we have got rid of all our enemies, but I can observe that there is a new enemy arrives! Actually, I also was worried from her attitude, but I thought that I’m just overthinking. Don’t worry Vansh, we will trap this girl very fast and we will know her motive.
Vansh: I’m just wondering the reason behind her hate towards us. Actually, I didn’t know that girl before so how I will have done to her something that could cause this all hatred that she owns towards me and my family!
Riddhima: Please Vansh try to relax and don’t put pressure on your mind and I’m sure that the great Vansh Rai Singhania will expose this girl and will kick her out of the hospital very soon. Please don’t be angry so much like that as this anger will leave angry marks on your face and this will make my lovely child will not be able to notice his/her father. Please baby say something to your father and make him stop his anger.
Riddhima takes Vansh’s hand and putted it above her tummy to make him feel the presence of his child and to relief his stress and anger.
Riddhima’s actions and words relived Vansh’s anger and she made him be happy and satisfied and he decided to forget anything about Ahana and enjoy his time with his wife and his child and don’t think about that Ahana for awhile.
Vansh to himself: I will not make that Ahana disturbs me and prevents me from being with my family and I will think about her issue later, but I promise you Ahana that I will never leave you and I will expose you soon. I just now must enjoy being with my sweetheart and my lovely child.
He hugged Riddhima very tightly to try to relief his stress and worry and try to feel safe and comfortable in Riddhima’s arms.
The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.
The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 47 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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