Wednesday 6 January 2021

#Love from the heaven.. #5 Cafe talks!


Next morning, 

At school : 

Vansh and Riddhima both are teaching in their classes . After some time, 

Riddhima : So, students we will meet tomorrow 

Vansh (to his class) : We will meet tomorrow ..

They both come out of their classes. Vansh comes towards Riddhima. 

Vansh : So, what about lunch ? 

Riddhima : I..I haven’t thought yet..

Vansh : So , let’s go to a cafe? 

Riddhima : Cafe ? Ha ok, but we have to be back in 20 mins till recess finishes. 

Vansh : Don’t worry..Principal is like my friend 

Riddhima : Mine too , but rules are rules

Vansh : okkk

They drove to a cafe. 

In cafe : 

They have their seat and order . 

Vansh : Riddhima ma’am , may I ask a question ? 

Riddhima : You already asked 

She laughs. 

Riddhima : Anyways, ask 

Vansh : You seem to be polite but yesterday you were in full attitude..

Riddhima : Actually, Ishani spoke about my parents, I couldn’t control…So…and one day they were in the mode of dying due to a heart attack. From that day , I cannot listen to anything against them…If she felt bad, then sorry from my side..

Vansh : No it’s absolutely fine..

Riddhima smiles.

Riddhima : May I ask something ? 

Vansh : Ya

Riddhima : I have heard that you are a very dangerous person but it doesn’t seem like..

Vansh : Vansh Rai Singhania is dangerous to those who cheat him  and you aren’t cheating on me ..

Riddhima : Obviously 

Vansh : So friends ? 

He moves his hand towards her for handshake

Riddhima : Friends 

They both handshake and share eye lock . From behind Riddhima, a girl comes and pretends to cough . They both release their hands and look towards the girl. 

Riddhima : Siya, what are you doing here ? 

Siya (Riansh moment’s troubler in my ffs) : vo I came for lunch with my friends..Anyways, Di boyfriend ? Shall I tell mom and dad ? Else buy me that dress

Riddhima : Siyaa…you spoke in one go , wow..And you can tell them but wait, will they trust you more than me ? Moreover, Vansh sir is better to be boyfriend than that fool Aryan.. 

Siya : Shut up and enjoy..Bye

Riddhima giggles. Vansh was witnessing the scene. 

Vansh : Aryan ? He is Siya’s boyfriend ? 

Riddhima : Ha , you know him ? (hits her head) Oh, I am a fool he is Aryan Rai Singhania , your brother..

Vansh : Ha, chalo that’s good , now I will tease him..

Riddhima and Vansh smile. 

Riddhima : Hey, let’s go 

Vansh : Wait…

Vansh calls the principal and tells them they will be late.

Vansh : Wait for some time, I wanted to talk something about Aryan and Siya..

Riddhima : Say

Vansh : Are they seriously in a relationship ? 

Riddhima : You don’t believe me..ok , wait..

She takes her phone out and shows pictures of Siya and Aryan. 

Vansh : But Aryan never told me about Siya..

Riddhima : Will a boyfriend tell anyone about his girlfriend ? And that too you knowing you are dangerous ? 

Vansh : Ha but..still I am angry..

Riddhima giggles.

Riddhima : Let’s go now..

Vansh : Ha

They pay the bill and leave. 

In the car : 

Vansh was fuming with anger. 

Riddhima : What happened ? 

Vansh: Aryan…

Riddhima : Vansh sir , calm down , listen 

She keeps and hands on Vansh’s shoulder which calms him.

Riddhima : It’s ok na, even I too didn’t tell about Kabir to my parents..

Vansh : But you told Siya na..

Riddhima : Vansh it’s ok , maybe he tells you today..

Vansh : Possible..

Riddhima and Vansh reached school in their cabin .

Vansh (thinking) : I was consoled by Riddhima ma’am , I never felt like this ever..

Riddhima (thinking) : How did he know about me telling Siya ?

Riddhima moves to Vansh.

Riddhima : Sir , how did you know I told about Kabir to Siya ? 

Vansh : Vo……I eavesdropped when you were breaking into Kabir. Actually , I went there to give you your wallet but then..

Riddhima : Ohok 

Precap : Vansh : Aryan , tell me do you really love Siya ? 

              Aryan : Yes bro, we wanna marry 

              Vansh : Hm…Interesting..Very interesting..

I hope you liked the episode. Do comment your reviews down . Sorry for being late…Keep loving..

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