So guys! As promised… I have to give the second update… So Here you go!
And congratulations! Shikha(G) for the correct guess!
Riddhima and Abhay (jump and shout): Udaipur!
Vansh and Piya look at them with a have-they-gone-nuts look.
Arohi: Done! Even the family knows that! Go there only!
Vansh: Maa! You know, I met Riddhima there only! And you know, how we met! It is hilarious! She was…
Arohi: I know! I know! You told me a lot of times! She was walking and there was some other person who was following her who turned out to be Kabir and you had thought she was in trouble and it is not at all hilarious!
Piya: Hahaha! Really? That’s how you met? On a walk?
Riddhima: Ya! But you know, after that, I saw Daddy and I started running.. And I took him with me too! And… Oh! Wait! How did you and Bhai meet?
Piya: Arey! Ours is really funny! And the best part is… We met in Udaipur too!
Riddhima: Really!!!?? Wow!! Now I am curious! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!
Piya: Yaa! Ya! I was attending my friend’s wedding in Udaipur…
Riddhima: WOW!!!! Me and Vansh were also attending a wedding!!! I was the planner though… He was a guest.
Piya: Reall? Wow!!! So I was at a wedding… And I decided to explore the place… So, I was…
Abhay and Vansh were looking at them with a like-seriously!? look.
Abhay: Girls! Girls! Sorry to interrupt! But you both can continue your session after we reach Udaipur!
Riddhima: Okay! Okay! But Vansh! Our clothes?
Vansh: Sia had already packed yours and I had asked Abhay to pack mine…
Abhay: Your suitcase is in the car.
Piya: Right! So, how are we going Udaipur?
Abhay: Vansh! Let’s book the tickets!
Vansh: No need! I already did that!
Riddhima: Means, you knew that we would go to Udaipur?
Piya: How?
Vansh: I got a vision of us four at the Pichola Lake.
Riddhima: Vampires can see the future?
Piya: No, not all… All vampires have a certain special power apart from speed, strength, etc… Like Abhay can speak to anyone without actually speaking… through their mind… similarly, i think Vansh can see the future.
Vansh: Ya! But from what we know until now… It is just fragments… and it changes with people’s choices…
Riddhima: Okay!!
Abhay: So! Guys! Let’s fulfill his vision! City of Lakes! Here we come!!!!
They all are famished by the time they reach Udaipur. So both the couple retire to their respective rooms.
Vansh: Riddhima! Go and freshen up! I’ll go after you!
Riddhima: No, Vansh. You must be tired. You go first.
Vansh: No, it’s okay. You go!
Riddhima: Arey! I will go afterwards you go!
Vansh pulls her close and wraps his arms around her.
Riddhima: Vansh! What are you doing?
Vansh: This ‘You first! You first!’ the argument is not going to end… So let’s do one thing!
Riddhima: Hmm?
Vansh: Let’s take a shower together! (I don’t know why… But I am laughing like mad while writing this… Vansh is romancing… and I am laughing!)
Riddhima: Shut up! You are going first and it is final!
Vansh: Okay! Your Highness!
(Poor Riddhima… She doesn’t know… I have not copied only the Edward-Bella equation from Twilight… I have copied Alice’s wardrobe trick too… ;P)
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