Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Ye Ishq Nahi Aasan #19 They Remember

When Abhay wakes up, he finds his love sitting beside him.

Piya: Are you okay? You fainted suddenly.

Abhay just nods. He goes to check on Riddhima or as he remembers now… Radhika.

Riddhima wakes up. She remembers everything. She knows.

Vansh:Are you okay, sweetheart?

Riddhima: I… I am oka Vi… Vansh.

She gets up. She knows that she has to talk to him. They need to do something before the wolves remember. They have very less time. Maybe none at all! The wolves might already know!

She goes out of the room to check on her brother. She sees him coming out. They look at each other. It was as if they were talking with their eyes. She knew she could not react. Neither could he. Because, nobody should know. As of now, they had to reach there. There… where it all had started…

Vansh: Wow! You both woke up at the same time!

Piya: Ya!!

Riddhima: I am hungry!

Arohi: Lemme make my special noodles for all four of my children!

Riddhima gave her a questioning look.

Arohi: Why are you giving me that look? Abhay, Piya, Vansh and you! My four children! 

Abhay: You know Riddhima! You should wait till you taste her food! She has magical hands!

Piya: I still don’t understand why you guys have to drink blood if you all can eat!

Riddhima: I agree!

Riddhima: So… (turning to Abhay) can I call you Bhai?

Abhay: Uh… Ya! Sure! I call your mother Maa so you are my sister!

(Vaishnavi, look at the irony! In your ff… Riddhima is staying away from Vansh because he is her brother’s best friend… and here, Vansh’s best friend turns out to be Riddhima’s past-life-brother!)

They both smile. Knowing what had happened. Knowing that they are indeed brother and sister. But fate has played its game. Here, her own brother is not her brother, and there, her real brother is…

They all have their lunch, and sit in the living room together.

Arohi: So! Are you both planning to stay here itself? Won’t you go for your honeymoon? That’s what you have told the family right?

Vansh: Yes, Maa… But…

Riddhima: Ya! Vansh! Let’s go! It will be a fun trip! And I suggest! Bhai and Maith… Piya should also come!

Arohi: Good idea!!

Piya: I am okay if you all are! And I will get to spend some time with Riddhima also!

Vansh: Okay then! If everyone says so…

Abhay: Okay! Then done! We all are going for a trip!

Arohi: Not me!!! Just you children! And I have to take care of those Sly Sharmas na!

Vansh: Haha! Good one maa! ‘Sly Sharmas’

Piya: But where are we going?

Abhay and Riddhima: *******






Guess! Guess! Guess! Everyone has to guess! 

And if someone gets it right… I will give another update today itself! Now guess!!

The post Ye Ishq Nahi Aasan #19 They Remember appeared first on Telly Updates.

12/09/2020 04:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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