Wednesday, 9 December 2020


Hi Friends……. I got an instant approval, from tomorrow  onwards , i will try to upload  the episodes daily.

Recap :- After the marriage, Radha promise  her father. Sudevi parents left the barsana, due to her daughter’s  marriage.

Krishn bare the pain :-

Ayaan provoke radha against krishn. She fume in anger. She went to meet krishn in anger. She saw krishn was talking  with  Dauv and shouts krishn. Krishn turns towards  her and asks her….. what happened Radha, why you look so angry. She said only became of you, if you were not hear everything  will be alright  but know everything is so messed. The only reason  is you. Only became of your act, in barsan, every one parents are doubting their children and no believing them. Only because  of  you, my father also doubting me and take a promise from me. Our lives …… sorry, my life is spoiled after you entered. I lost my happiness, only because of you. I thought you were just a magician and trickster but I was wrong. You were more than a manipulator. You provoke sudevi to change her mind and oppose her parents decision. Only because of you and your stubbornness sudevi parents left the barsana and all were so disappointed.  Just go away from hear. (Krishn heart was crying, bleeding because of radha’s words. Her each and every word like an arrow entered into his heart and breaking his heart into pieces but he doesn’t utter a word.) After saying these she left the place.(while she was speaking in back ground sad version bgm plays with tunder sounds. Raaaadhaaaaaa…….. Krishna.)

On other side :-

All gokul people were to ready to leave barsana. But, vrishban and Kiriti Devi stopped them and ask why you all were leaving know, if you really want to left this place where did you go and live. Listen what yesterday happened it was unexpected to us and we all were disappointed but it doesn’t mean, I leave my friend in problem. So, please you don’t leave until you all find a place. Krishn interrupts the conversation and says, yes we want to live until we find a place, I will find a place for all of us then we will leave barsana after 1 day. Vrishban says, how will you find a place within 1 day. He says if our intension is good then definitely God will help us.

Ok friends……. today  update is completed.  I hope you all enjoy this one.



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12/09/2020 05:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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