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Episode begins with..
VANSH: Riddhima, you like ice cream right?
RIDDHIMA:How do you know?
VANSH: I saw you once with angre. You both were enjoying eating ice cream..
RIDDHIMA: Not only me.. Bhai too likes eating ice cream..
She gets sad..
VANSH: You are feeling sad, right?
RIDDHIMA: No.. Everything will become normal.. I’ll try.. Everything needs a time to get settle down.. Time will heal all the wounds.. As you said..
VANSH: Okay.. Come, let’s have ice cream..
Vansh and riddhima comes near a ice cream shop.
VANSH: Which flavour do you want to have?
Riddhima stands silent..
VANSH: Riddhima, I’m asking you..
Riddhima goes to the ice cream vendor and asks him for vanilla flavour and chocolate flavour. He gives both. Riddhima takes both and comes to vansh..
VANSH: Thank..
RIDDHIMA: Both are for me..
VANSH: What?
RIDDHIMA: Actually, I have the habit of eating both flavours at the same time..
Vansh laughs at her..
RIDDHIMA: Stop your laugh and go..
Vansh goes and buys ice cream for him. He comes to riddhima and looks at her licking both chocolate and vanilla flavour. He smiles. They both spend some time and comes home.
Riddhima asks vansh to get ready fast..
VANSH: Why are you in a hurry? Is there any meeting today?
RIDDHIMA: First you get ready?
Riddhima and vansh comes down. Uma sees them..
UMA: Vansh, where are you going?
VANSH: Who knows? Ask this dev..
Riddhima angrily looks at vansh..
Vansh immediately leaves. Riddhima follows him.
RIDDHIMA: What were you about to say there?
VANSH: You know that very well..
Riddhima was about to kick him but vansh sighs her not to do and reminds her about the park incident.. Riddhima goes. She sits in the car and asks vansh to sit..
VANSH: Where are we going?
RIDDHIMA: Just sit..
Vansh sits. Riddhima drives the car. She stops the car in front of the jail.
VANSH: Why have you come here? To meet Varun?
Vansh and riddhima goes in. Riddhima shows the court notice to the jailer to meet Varun. Riddhima and vansh comes to varun’s cell..
Varun sees riddhima and gets angry.
RIDDHIMA: I know you won’t like to see me here. Even I don’t like to see you. But, still I’m here for sarla, your aunt..
Varun gets shocked..
RIDDHIMA: I know you’ll be shocked. Even I was shocked when I saw her. But, she wanted to spend her last stage of life with you. She is having a hope that she’ll be able to correct you. She wanted you to live your life in right path. She doesn’t want to die with this guilt..
Varun gets angry and comes forward to slap riddhima. But, riddhim aholds his hand and twists it. Vansh pushes him..
RIDDHIMA: Vansh, leave him.. I know that he won’t realize his mistake. But still I don’t want to hurt that old lady.. Let her try.. I know that her hope won’t win. But, still I’m giving this chance for her. Varun, I’ll take you out on bail. But, if you do anything wrong to shwetha, I won’t let you stay out. I know that you’ll try to hurt her. But, don’t for get that I’m still by her side. I’m not threatening you. I’m warning you. Don’t take it as a joke. I have thought 1000 time before taking this decision to take you out. But, I won’t even think once to send you again to this jail. Remember one thing.. Next time, your punishment will be more worser than this.. Be careful..
She turns to go. Varun comes forward but, vansh stops him..
VANSH: Again and again you are making the same mistake. Not only shwetha don’t try to hurt riddhima too..
Saying so he goes..
Both vansh and riddhima comes out.
VANSH: What are you doing? So, getting him out was your decision..
RIDDHIMA: Vansh, I know that this is not safe. But, think about sarla aunty. Her only hope.. I don’t want her to die with this guilt. I’m taking this decision for her. Think about her. She asked me for a chance. She begged me.
VANSH: Did you thought of the consequences?
RIDDHIMA: Yes.. I have made a seperate arrangement for that too.. But, for now my first work is to get him out. Yesterday, you told me to find the key for my lock, right? You asked me to search for the key with my full heart, right? This is the key which I got.. This key can even get me out of my guilt.. I don’t want again to be the reason for a son’s seperation from his parents..
VANSH: What?
RIDDHIMA: I meant already bhai is suffering a lot thinking of dad..
Riddhima sits in the car..
VANSH: Devil, I know the route for our house. So, let me drive now..
Riddhims agrees. Vansh drives the car.. While driving..
VANSH: Okay, I accept your decision… but, why did you come here? I don’t think that you came here to just warn Varun..
Riddhima stays silent..
VANSH: Your silence proved me that I’m right.. Tell me, why you came here?
RIDDHIMA: Actually, I had a little hope that Varun would have realized his mistake atleast by now.. But, I was wrong..
Vansh hears her and drives the car fast..
RIDDHIMA: Vansh, what happened?
VANSH: Wait..
Vansh drives the car at a very high speed. Riddhima panics..
RIDDHIMA: Vansh.. Vansh..
Vansh reaches his house. He immediately comes out and runs in. He sees uma sitting on the sofa. He goes to her. Riddhima follows him and comes in and sees him.
VANSH: Mom, I won.. You lost..
UMA: What?
VANSH: Do you remember I told you that riddhima is the biggest idiotic fool in this world?
Riddhima looks at him and gets angry..
UMA: Vansh, riddhima is seeing you..
VANSH: I know mom.. But what did you say? She is very intelligent, right? But, today she proved you wrong. Today, she proved me that I’m right..
UMA: What happened? Why are you laughing like an idiot?
RIDDHIMA: Mom, it because he is an idiot..
VANSH: Yes.. But, I have become like that because of staying with you.. Today, after hearing your conversation in the car, I’m happy that I won.. You are really a fool..
Riddhima gets angry. She punches vansh in anger. He falls on the sofa. He gets shocked. He coughs..
VANSH: Did you punched me?
RIDDHIMA; Why? Can’t you see me?
VANSH: Wait.. I fell on this sofa because of your punch? Am I weak or you are strong?
UMA: Option b.. She is strong.. Moreover, she knows boxing..
VANSH: What?
RIDDHIMA: Women’s boxing Club champion…
VANSH: Boxer.. You.. When did this happen?
RIDDHIMA: During my college days. Even today, your irritating laugh forced me to bring out that boxer in me.. Better don’t show your teeth next time. Or else, I’ll break it..
Vansh goes.. Uma and riddhima laughs..
Riddhima comes to her room..
VANSH: Riddhima, why didn’t you tell me that you know boxing?
RIDDHIMA: I learned it during my college days..
VANSH: When you know boxing why didn’t you try to escape from that rowdies that day, when I left you?
RIDDHIMA: Sometimes, we become weak. On that day, I didn’t had the courage to fight back..
VANSH: It was because of me, right?
RIDDHIMA: Yes. I know that you are sorry for that. To err is human.. Even today, I’m like this because of you.. If you are sorry for that day then, I must thank you for today..
Vansh smiles..
RIDDHIMA: Okay, I have spoken to the lawyer. He asked me to come. Will you join me?
VANSH: Of course. You go down.. I’ll come now..
Riddhima goes..
VANSH: Riddhima, you are trying to save shwetha but his anger is fully on you. He won’t leave.. I’m sure he’ll try to hurt you. You have taken this decision because you want to get rid of that pappu’s guilt.. Your pain will fade when virat accept you as his sister. I’m waiting for that day. But, this Varun is not like that. Till today, virat tried to snatch that company. He tries to beak you emotionally. But, he had never harmed you. Varun is totally different from virat. You won’t understand that.. But, I won’t let that Varun even touch your shadow..
Riddhima waits down from vansh..
RIDDHIMA: I won’t allow that Varun harm shwetha.. I’ll protect her..
VANSH: Varun can’t harm you until I’m there.. I’ll protect you, riddhima..
Vansh comes down. Both riddhima and vansh leaves. Both comes to meet the lawyer. Riddhima asks the lawyer to file the bail papers. He asks him to get the approval by tomorrow..
PRECAP: Riddhima and vansh brings Varun to meet sarla..
Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made. Guys, if you have any problem with the storyline please do comment your view. But, please don’t stop reading and commenting. Do keep supporting me..
The post RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 64 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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