Thursday, 10 December 2020

Shaadi Mubarak 10th December 2020 Written Episode Update: Preeti decides to get Arjun’s DNA test done

Shaadi Mubarak 10th December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with KT asking Nandini to answer Arjun’s call. Arjun says mom, I m fine, I m coming to the hotel. She says thank God, Arjun is found, he is going back to hotel. She holds KT’s hand. KT says fine, I will drop you to the hotel. Preeti says its too late, KT didn’t come. She waits for him. KT comes. She acts to sleep. He says you didn’t sleep, don’t act, leave acting for me. She says no, I m trying to sleep, why did you get late, Papa was asking. He says I want to ask you, why did you force me to go with Nandini. She says for Arjun’s sake, he is your son. He says he isn’t my son, you don’t know how Nandini left, don’t interfere in this matter.

Nandini says Preeti is failing our plan. She gets angry. Arjun says Preeti had no answer when Dadi said I m KT’s son. Nandini says nice. KT asks Preeti to sleep on the bed. She recalls KT kicking her in sleep. She says I can’t sleep on the bed. He asks do you want me to request you every day. She says I don’t want to apply balm every day. He asks what do you mean. She says you don’t sleep, you play some sports at night, you kicked me and I fell down the bed, its true. He smiles and calls it a lie. She says I m not lying, its truth. He says I don’t believe it, no one sleeps like that. He plays match. She goes to switch off the TV. She sees a serial going on. She gets an idea to get DNA test done. She says this will be right. He comes and says no, tv won’t get off soon. He watches again. She thinks KT doesn’t believe Arjun is his son, DNA test will bring out the truth. Its morning, Preeti recalls everything. She thinks I can find out if KT is Arjun’s dad, if its true, then Arjun will be away from dad’s love, I have to get DNA test done. She checks about the DNA test online. She goes to cut KT’s hair. Neelima sees her and gets shocked. She gets a call. She thinks to see Preeti later. KT changes side and sleeps. Preeti tries hard to cut some hair. KT keeps moving across the bed. Preeti’s saree gets stuck. She falls in KT’s arms. Moh moh ke dhaage….plays…

She goes away. She says I had to cut a hair strand, but I couldn’t, what should I do now, I want some sample for DNA test. She sees KT’s brush and says this can also help. Sneha asks what, why was she cutting KT’s hair. Neelima says he was sleeping, maybe she was doing black magic, I will bring her truth in front of KT. KT wakes up. He goes to washroom. He doesn’t see his brush. He looks for it. Shivraj asks Preeti to have food. KT comes and says I m not getting my toothbrush. Neelima asks how can brush be missing. Preeti asks him to buy a new one. KT says I have to soak new one in clove oil overnight. Neelima interrupts and scolds Preeti.

Preeti says I was just suggesting. KT asks are you the reason for the problem, did you donate my toothbrush with the stuff, it has nothing to do with Nandini, its my new brush, I want it. She asks what are you saying. He says no one goes there, brush is missing now. Shivraj says go and find it. She goes to find it. She says I have to do this for your betterment. KT says we will check your bags, maybe you kept the brush by mistake. She tries to stop him. She says you are doubting me, why would I steal your toothbrush, I could have stolen your money if I wanted. The bag opens and things fall out.

KT and Preeti argue about Arjun. KT says you have got after me, Arjun isn’t my son, I don’t want DNA test.

Update Credit to: Amena

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