Before update I’ll like to inform that(DISCLAIMER) I won’t be updating this story daily like previous most probably on weekends I’ll update it. I am nervous
And I am not stopping previous book so don’t worry about it. Now let’s start new story.
A big lavish room is decorated with almost pink and lavender soft toys and in center of room a round bed is there and as soon as the sun rays make there way to sleeping beauty on that bed she moved lil aside and in her cute sleepy tone she spoke
“Go away, don’t disturb me I want to sleep lil more. ”
And as if wind is listening to her they worked on her complaint and they started breezing and that make curtain move which stops sun rays from coming inside and hugging her teddy bear more close to her she pulled her blanket and once against drift to slumber.
And soon a voice from background heard
And girl come out from blanket as soon as she heard it with smile on her lips and she looked in direction of voice with questioning look “how was it? ”
And in reply she heard
” You’re fabulous Riddhima you did so well”
(Yes that’s Riddhima’s entry here)
Riddhima: Thanks Vansh sir.
Vansh: How many time do I have to tell you that you don’t need to call me sir. I’ll be more than happy if you’ll call me by my name.
Riddhima: I’ll try Vansh Sir, oops sorry Vansh.
Vansh smiled at her and said
Vansh: It’s not that difficult see.
And before their conversation go ahead a voice catched their attention
“How many time do I’ve to tell that keep her coffee ready and complete her scene first she woke up early back to back three daus, today she have to go early and have her beauty sleep. ”
Riddhima feel embarrassing listening her mom scolding unit members again and murmuring sorry to Vansh she started moving in voice’s direction.
On other side Vansh is still staring in her direction and suddenly he heard someone coughing so he turned in direction and found his sister-in-law Ragini who is assistant director of movie too and she is smiling at him with I’ve-caught-you-staring-at-her-again look.
(So how many of you liked my twist of making Ragini Vansh’s sister-in-law and please drop your instant reaction after reading it. I was laughing as well as relived to as she won’t be hindrance any more.)
Vansh: What?
Ragini: You should propose her instead of stealing glances and staring and…
Stopping her in between Vansh spoke
Vansh: What nonsense. Go and get Kabir, we’ll be shooting his scene so Riddhima can rest for a while.
Ragini: Aww.
Vansh: What? I’ve to wind up his scene before 11, as I’ve meeting at office and we’ll resume shooting after lunch so hurry up please.
Ragini: Fine.
As soon as Ragini is out of Vansh’s sight, Vansh looked at wallpaper of his phone and speak
“Rest well Sweetheart”
And with eyes full of love he adored Riddhima’s picture.
And soon they shoot Kabir’s scene where he introduced as a son of middle class family who woke up early in the morning because of voice of utensils.
And soon Vansh informed unit to complete small small scene with Kabir as well as other actors and he left from place.
On the other side fuming Kabir entered into his dressing room and started throwing things and soon his father former actor Manish Khan actor entered into his room and spoke
Manish: What this all nonsense is?
Kabir: I don’t understand why everyone love her and favor her so much?
Manish: Who and to whom?
Kabir: Every unit members including director and obviously Riddhima.
Manish: Simple maths my son she is top actress so everyone want to be in her good book but you should be happy that she wanted to be in your good book always and she is madly in love with you.
Kabir: I am fed up now, I don’t want her love actually I’ve never loved her it’s you who always pushing me to pretend to love her.
Manish: And reasons are known to you my son she is money printing machine for you, your movie without her don’t do any magic on box office, audience like your pair so keep continue this drama.
Kabir: Seriously I can’t do it anymore. The more she talk about love the more I want to distance my self from her.
Manish: But still you’ve to…
But before he can continue further claps from door catch their attention and their turn to look who is at door only to find crying Riddhima and they both were stunned to find her there and her crying already make them realise that she already heard them and before matter goes out of their hand Manish wants to handle it so he pushed Kabir ahead and Kabir is about to open his mouth to speak but Riddhima stopped him by showing her hand spoke instead
Riddhima: I am money printing machine for you seriously, I’ve never thought that you Kabir you will ditch me like this, I won’t work with you anymore and don’t even try to talk with me.
And she wiped her tears but they’re flowing still because of pain of her heartbreak and she move out from there still crying and next moment Manish rush to door only to check if any one have witnessed it and not finding anyone there he took breath of relief and he closed door and move in direction of his son who is holding his head by his hand and speaking
Kabir: We’re doomed now. My career will end.
Manish hold him by his hand and spoke
Manish: This still can be controlled listened me carefully.
And they startes discussing their plan and at the end both father son duo have vicious smile on their face.
Precap: RiddhBir reunites.
So done with update. Do leave your feedback on this part.
Cya all on next weekend with this story.
The post #RiAnsh #Meant To Be Your #Part – 1 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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