Saturday 12 December 2020

#RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS-Episode 2 – Vansh doesn’t want to express his feelings

Episode starts with….

Riddhima left towards the nursery (medicinal) which is present few meters away from VRS Mansion to fetch the leaves. She took her bicycle to ride and covered herself in a shawl as it was mid-December and the temperature was cool and she loved going for ride on her bicycle.

Being a winter morning, temperature was very low. As a result, moisture present in the atmosphere condensed and formed tiny droplets of water. These droplets appeared as fog and mist.

She was enjoying the breeze; the cool air was entertaining her and she was cycling her way having a time for herself. Listening to the morning walkers blabbering, morning birds chirping, parrots and pigeons were flying from one branch of a tree to another. Amidst the sheet of thin white fog, the colourful flowers on the road side gave a solace to the heart and were a feast to the eyes. The fragrance of the sweet-smelling flowers filled her mind with a freshness which cannot be compared to anything in the world. The road was filled with people of various age groups. The cold winter had not prevented these health-conscious individuals to stay back in their cozy beds and to put off going for the morning walk the most important nutrient for the healthy body.

After cycling for few meters, she reached her destination, she was greeted by the manager who is very well aware of her being a doctor as she regularly visits the place for her clients

Manager: Good Morning Madam

Riddhima: Good Morning Manoj. How are you?

Manoj: Am fine madam. How are you? It’s been a week since you visited us.

Riddhima: Yes Manoj. I need some leaves for my sister.

Manoj: Sure madam, the area is yours. Please excuse me.

Saying so he left to check on his work while Riddhima was plucking the leaves needed and after collecting the necessary leaves and quantity, she bid bye to Manoj and left towards her house. She was once again moving through the same way and this time she found few stray dogs awake and shouting on the passer-by’s and few vehicles were on the road to depart to their daily routine. Street vendors were occupying and arranging everything in their places for their livelihood.

Its 8am, VRS Mansion,

She reached the mansion and saw Kabir doing his gym session in lawn. Kabir noticed Riddhima and

Kabir: Good Morning Bhabi ji (smiling)

Riddhima: Kabir!!! (stern look)

Kabir: Acha, acha sorry!!! Good Morning Riddhima

Riddhima: Good Morning. How many times should I tell you not to call me bhabhi. Its so awkward to hear from a person who is my friend.

Kabir: But you allow Siya why not us?

Riddhima: Because Siya is younger and I accept she is my friend too but it doesn’t seem to be awkward but if someone else tells the same then its so awkward

Kabir: You and your theories. Only you’d understand. Vaise where did you go in this morning?

Riddhima: I went to the nursery to fetch medicinal leaves for Siya’s treatment. And you here? I mean don’t you need to attend that meeting Vansh was speaking of last night!

Kabir: I need to go. But just got to know that it has been postponed for afternoon so would go. Vaise where is bhai?

Riddhima: An hour back he was in room now I don’t know. Acha I’ll catch you at breakfast I need to see Siya.

She left towards Siya’s room and saw Vansh already present and taking care of his little sister. He was helping her to get back on the wheel chair. He even brought her bed coffee and was escorting her towards washroom when Siya saw Riddhima

Siya: Good Morning bhabhi

Riddhima (hugging her): Good Morning Siya. Acha you go and freshen up then we’ll start our procedure. Ok?

Siya: Yes bhabhi

Siya left towards washroom when Vansh spoke

Vansh: You done with your two-necessary works?

Riddhima: Only one work started. Got the leaves, now am supposed to grind them and then apply to her feet.

Vansh: Shall I help?

Riddhima: Will you please!! (requesting face)

Vansh: I’d love to. Chalo tell what should I do!!!

Riddhima brought the mortar and pestle with other necessary addons and some bowls. She handed the addons to Vansh

Riddhima: Add these into the bowls and try to mix them while I grind the leaves

Vansh nodded and they both started working while Vansh completed his work he saw Riddhima grinding the leaves into paste and was constantly warming her hands and Vansh felt she is in pain

Vansh: Riddhima give that to me I’ll do you seem to be feeling pain in your hands.

He was about to grab but was stopped by Riddhima

Riddhima: No Vansh, am fine. Actually, am feeling cold so am giving warmth to my hands that’s it.

Vansh: Still, I cant see you doing this I’ll do

Riddhima: Vansh am fine. I do it regularly for my patients.

Vansh was not a person who’d listen so he went towards Riddhima and going towards her back, he held her hands from behind and was helping her in grinding. Riddhima was awe – struck by this sudden move but her conscious stopped her from objecting him. He was leaning forward and she could feel his breath falling on her cheeks and his beard was sending chill down her spines. He could smell her hair, could feel her soft cheeks, he felt his heart beat increasing. His warm hands were soothing her cold hands and the way he was gently helping her by moving his hands above her hands was creating an impression for him. Vansh could sense his heart falling weak with the closeness between them. He wanted to stay so like forever but……

Vansh (thinking): My heart is going to faint one day because of you Riddhu. Your presence is making me weak. Your pleasant odour is pulling me towards you. I just want to be this close to you forever but… I know you don’t feel the same. It was family’s decision to get you married to me, even I wanted to but you surrendered due to family’s happiness. I know you don’t love me but still every day I wake up with a small hope that someday you’ll love me.

His thoughts and their moment was broke by Siya’s entry. They backed off and composing themselves

Riddhima:  …h…ha… Acha Siya I’ll prepare this paste and come. Just give me a moment

She left while Siya was staring at Vansh who was observing Riddhima’s retreating figure

Siya: Bhai why don’t you express your love for bhabhi?

Vansh: I cant Siya. She doesn’t love me and I don’t want to hurt her feelings by expressing my feelings. Vaise bhi she didn’t totally cope up with what happened 2 months back. I have seen her breaking daily and now she needs a friend for support and if I tell my feelings for her then she’ll break once again and she will not let me support her.

Siya: I don’t understand your love bhai. You love her, you want to live with her yet you don’t want to express.

Vansh (smiling): Love is such Siya. You only want your love’s happiness and would do anything to bring a small smile on their face

Siya: Bhai kaash even I find someone like you who’d love me like you love bhabhi. Someone who’ll support me like you do. Someone who’ll stand by me like you do for bhabhi.

Vansh: There’s lot of time for you to find such now just concentrate on getting well.

Siya: Am stress free bhai, bhabhi will take care of me. And am sure I’ll be fine soon






Hope you like it.

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The post #RIANSH – LOVE, EMOTIONS & RELATIONS-Episode 2 – Vansh doesn’t want to express his feelings appeared first on Telly Updates.

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