Saturday, 5 December 2020

Love life and important decisions (Episode 5)

Hey guys!! I know you are seeing a lot of emotional scene in my ff but the situation is such ..separation types. 😇😇

Virat thinks of everyone words and say okay i will not go along with pakhi. Usha and Ashwini leave . He thinks he cant upset maa so he took the decision and thinks dont know why i am always compelled to do what i don’t want and gets sad. After some time pakhi comes there to take water from kitchen..she sees him but goes further. Virat :- will u be able to manage alone ? Pakhi :- yes .

Virat :- and what after meeting him ? Pakhi :- i will tell him everything and will apolizise. Virat :- and what after it?? Pakhi gets emotional and says i dont know.she turns and goes. Virat was also about to go when sai comes there. Sai says i heard everything. .you should go with pakhi, i will manage here. Virat:- i am doing this for maa and not for you . I know you will manage here after all you are the Sai !! He goes. Sai fumes and says i dont know what problem he has..he has himself got the habit to become great by sacrificing his happiness and goes to usha’s room

Sai :- mausi!! I told you everything about virat and pakhi nd still you stopped him.. usha :- this is the reason i stopped him, he may have loved pakhi before but he is your husband now. Sai gets irritated and says..but mausi we cant be selfish and its about finding his brother. Usha :- i did it for your happiness only and now go to your room and sleep.

Meanwhile ashwini calls sai and takes her to dinning table and starts preparing a plate for her. Sai :- its okay aunty i will take it myself. Ashwini:- i know your and virats marriage was a compromise but you are my bahu . Call me aayi..i will always love you like i would have loved my daughter.  Sai smiles and gets emotional. Ashwini perpares another plate and says take it for virat , he has also not eaten anything since morning. Sai nods.

In virat room. He was looking at his and pakhis pic. ( yoga camp one) . Sai enters. Sai :- aayi as sent food for you. Virat looks at her and says aayi! Sai suddenly says let me makes things clear..i am not saying her aayi because she is your mother and i am your wife  but because she told me so and 
virat:- hold on hold on..such long explanation was not needed. I understood and smiles. Sai :- so u are trying to say i talk a lott. Virat doesn’t reply and takes the plate from her hand and keeps on table , meanwhile his phone falls. Sai picks it up and sees his and pakhis pic. Sai :- I am telling you there is still time, you can go. Virat takes his phone back and says its already decided and i dont want to discuss further. He says you don’t need to get involved in all this as soon as i get time i will get your addmission details.  Sai nods and leaves.  Virat goes to sleep without having food.

Here pakhi in her room looks at her parents pic and cries and says i miss you both today a lott..i am feeling so alone today and she doesn’t know whom she should share her ordeal with and cries badly. Mansi knocks her room and enters..pakhi calms herself down nd says aayi come,sit . Do you need anything? Mansi :- what is it which is troubling you soo much?? Pakhi:-  its nothing aayi and tries avoiding eye contact. Mansi :- i am a mother and understands when child is unhappy. .its okay if she doesnt want to share. Pakhi hugs and cries a lot..she says she feels alone and lost. Mansi calms her down and says she doesn’t know whats troubling her soo much but she knows one thing that every dark cloud has a silver linning and she should not lose courage. .things will get fine in her life.  You will soon see a ray of hope which will take away your saddness. She says when samrat went missing i also felt same but see i got a hope today because of you and always remember : if its not happy, its not the end. Pakhi smiles listening her and thanks her. Pakhi says smiling so aayi i am your hope. Mansi smiles listening her and says yes !! And i am sure pakhi samrat will become yours. Pakhi goes quit listening this. Mansi gives her a photo..and says its your wedding photo. Keep it with you always and goes from there. Pakhi looks at the photo and says she doesn’t have any feelings for samrat and will not love anybody again..she says she is just doing this to correct her mistake.

Precap :- at the airport , pakhi was going but then stops and gets emotional and thinks and says she cant do this and turns back and starts running towards virat.

So guys what about today?? Comment and let me know what you liked and what you didn’t and What do u expect from the story further?  Stay tunned 😊😊😊

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12/05/2020 02:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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