Friday, 4 December 2020

Is it really love?? (RIANSH) Episode 40: Troubled by Four?!

Hello everyone!!


Replies to comments from previous update:

Hello TSA, I really liked your comment yaar🤗 and everything is revealed today so you don’t need to worry about anything just read and let me know. Probably not, I don’t think I may do that. Let’s see👀 Episode padhne ke baad usse bhi bada jhatka lagega 🤭

Hello Riansh Lover, Don’t feel Sorry, feel happy! Reason you will read and understand 😉 I am hiding in my house only. Luckily, y’all don’t know the address otherwise idk what would have happened to me by now? (Just kidding😁)

Hello G, I am glad that you are enjoying the Fan Fiction🤩. Shaurya has something really different today inside him. Please don’t kill me yaar even if I kill Vansh. I would also get him back to life ☺.

Hello Rianshfan, And I was an Idiot who was laughing even while writing the emotional scenes😲. Suggest me something yaar!

Hello Vaishnaviaddanki, Everything will get cleared on reading this episode😎. But you remembered even Episode 35 and here I had to recheck what I did in Episode 39🤦(Shame on me!) Though I wanted to keep Shaurya and Saanvi fake parents, I changed my mind and now they are real🤗

Hello Shivangi, I wish I could write a show🥺. I hope you like this one too!🤩

Hello Ravi, I have no replies to your comment but just one thing that you smart enough 😎💞

Hello AA, Your words were really heart touching and I was really joyed on reading them💛. Well Everything will get cleared in sometime so just keep some sabar and the phal I will give it to you in the update 😜😂. And just assume that Angre is out for some meeting. While Ily2💕

Hello Jayashree, I hope that you like this episode as well😉. And don’t be Sad just be happy💛

Hello Aafrin, He thought that she was in shock and that’s why he had no option rather than slapping her though he shouted as well🥺

Hello Astha, I am really happy since you liked the writing and I hope to improve even more 😁. And don’t worry you will get RIANSH back🔥

Hello Muntaj, Thank you! Keep supporting 💯

Hello Jk, Glad to hear that you enjoyed it and your words meant alot😘. Keep supporting 💯

Hello Chaitanya, It took more than 24 hours for this one🥺. But everything settles so chill🤩

Hello Riaa, Thank God you understood that the slap was in reflex and not intentional ☺. You would enjoy this too!

Hello Sam, I really understand what you felt when you read about the slap. Even I wouldn’t like to read that, tbh. But his action wasn’t intentional, it was a reflex action on the words she spoke😲

Hello Diha, I hope I didn’t disappoint you🤞. But glad you enjoyed 🤩

Hello Naira U Singh, I understand your schedule but happy you read all which were posted 😍. You would enjoy that!

Hello Sahada, I hope I don’t you disappoint you by today’s episode and you enjoy it🤞.

Hello G_SQUAD, Glad to know that you enjoyed the Episode and let me know about this one too🔥.


The episode starts as ……

In VR mansion at 08:00am,

Vansh just woke up, got fresh and came down to have breakfast only to find Aryan, Ishani, Sia and Kabir in the living room. He’s surprised to find Aryan there. So, he walks near them.

Vansh: What happened Aryan? Any issues? You here at this hour?

Aryan: Yes! I came to tell you that Shaurya uncle planned Riddhima and Aarav’s engagement today.

Vansh was surprised to hear this. He had no idea that things would go so fast for them. He wouldn’t get a chance to prove about himself. He wouldn’t get a chance to ask for forgiveness. But now he felt that the time for asking forgiveness has passed and now he too should pass over with this argument. He tried to sound normal but all the pain was visible in his eyes, expressions, words, sound.

Vansh: That’s great! I am happy for her.

Uma: What are you saying Vansh?

Sia: Exactly Bhai! What’s wrong?

Aryan: Vansh, don’t be a fool. Give it a try. One last try.

Kabir: Vansh, you are much better than Aarav. And you are leaving Riddhima for that Aarav for her happiness.

Ishani: Bhai, even when you know, that her happiness lies in you. Bhai, please don’t do that.

Vansh ignores their words and walks back to his room. He doesn’t turn back to say anything since he doesn’t want anyone to feel his pain. Aryan screams, “The engagement is at 04:00pm today, if you feel okay then you should come and give a chance to yourself and your relationship with Riddhu.” Aryan walks out of the house. Vansh comes back to his room and locks the door. He recalls Aryan’s words.

Vansh(talking to himself): Where was I wrong? Was my love for her so weak that it couldn’t last? I wasn’t like this, until she arrived. I didn’t know that I wouldn’t get a chance to be with her.

In Mehra house at 09:00am,

Shaurya, Saanvi and Riddhima just completed their breakfast. They are sitting in the living room when the doorbell rings. The servant goes to open the door and Sejal along with Rudra and Chanchal enter inside. They get in and sit with the Mehra’s. Chanchal sits besides Saanvi, Rudra besides Shaurya and Sejal besides Riddhima. Saanvi doesn’t bother to sit there and gets up and leaves while Chanchal follows her. They go to Saanvi’s room.

Chanchal: Are you not going to do anything to stop this engagement? Even you know, how much Vansh and Riddhima love each other!

Saanvi: I do know that! I have seen Riddhima upset, for all these days. But Shaurya isn’t listening to any of us.

Chanchal: I asked Rudra to speak up but to no avail. He’s supporting Shaurya’s decision.

Saanvi: I know that! Even I had asked him to do so but I refused to help.

Chanchal: Haa, but we can’t help anything.

Meanwhile downstairs,

Sejal goes to prepare with the decorations and take care with the preparations for the engagement. And then Aryan walks in. He goes and occupies the place where Sejal was sitting.

Shaurya: Riddhima, Are you ready for the engagement?

Riddhima(smiles): Ofcourse Dad!

Rudra: Are you sure Vansh will come?

Aryan: He definitely will! I have provoked him well!

At 03:45pm in Mehra house,

Every corner of the house is well decorated by Sejal and Aryan leaving no frame for complaints by anyone. The house is decorated with fairy lights, flower garlands, diyas at every place. Shaurya hadn’t invited many people. It was just the Mehra’s, Luthra’s, Raisinghania’s and Sejal. Aarav and Riddhima had already taken their position but Riddhima had more interest in seeing the door rather than looking at Aarav. But even Aarav was interested to look at the door. As time passed, Riddhima was eagerly waiting for Vansh’s arrival but he was nowhere there. Forget him, none of his family members were present there. She worried as it was a few minutes to four. And then suddenly they heard the sound of the car being parked. Their eyes were waiting for just the arrival of one person- Vansh! And then, Vansh entered along with his family. He had no charm on his face, which he usually carried to every place he went. His charm, attitude, arrogance, ego, smile everything vanished. But it was a sudden surprise for Vansh and Raisinghania family to see that Riddhima came and hugged Vansh and kissed him on his cheek in front of everyone. It was a surprise for Vansh, himself since Riddhima had always been a shy person and being romantic in front of all was not her cup of tea. But he tried to control the feelings which were arising in him and said,

Vansh(painful voice): You are being engaged to someone else. So it’s not right for you to….

Riddhima: The someone else is you!

Vansh was surprised on hearing this but he felt it was a prank. But then,

Shaurya: Don’t be surprised son, you need to come back from the world of dreams to get engaged to my daughter. Or else I would really get her engaged to Aarav.

Riddhima, Aryan and Rudra started laughing but the rest still had no clue of what’s going on between the four.

Saanvi: Can y’all stop laughing and let all of us know the reason behind the laughter?

Chanchal: Y’all are confusing us all.

Shaurya: Whom do you want to take the initiative to explain?

  • Riddhima
  • Aryan
  • Rudra
  • Shaurya

Saanvi: Just explain! Any of you can speak. There’s no time to play KBC now.

Riddhima: I’ll start!



Shaurya was in his room when Aryan arrived there.

Shaurya: Do you need something?

Aryan: I want to talk to you.

Shaurya: Is it about Vansh?

Aryan: Yes!

Just then Riddhima and Rudra were searching for Aryan and Shaurya and they found them in Shaurya’s room. So they walked and asked them the reason for discussion.

Riddhima: What are y’all talking about?

Shaurya: About Vansh!

Rudra: But what about Vansh?

Aryan: Shaurya uncle doesn’t like Vansh.

Riddhima: And may we know the reason Dad?

Shaurya narrates his first meeting with Vansh and Kabir to Riddhima and Rudra.

Riddhima: Dad, it’s not Vansh’s fault.

Rudra: Exactly Shaurya! He was just worried for Riddhima and during that he vented some frustration on you.

Aryan: Uncle, you need to give him a chance.

Shaurya: Fine! I’ll test him but y’all are going to help me.

Riddhima: What are you going to do?

Shaurya: Firstly, Aryan you will have to prove it to Vansh that you are completely on his side and helping him and Riddhima.

Aryan: Wait….. why do I need to prove? I am actually on his side and I will help the two.

Riddhima: *patting Aryan’s back* Proud of you Aryan.

Shaurya: Can I speak? (Everybody nods) Okay! So, then Aryan just keep on telling Vansh that not to tell Riddhima the truth about mine and his first meeting and his misbehavior. He should himself give it a try.

Rudra: Okay and Secondly?

Shaurya: I have my friend’s son, Aarav, he’s coming back to meet me. So then I’ll tell about their alliance. And after sometime tell Vansh that he has no way to get Riddhima rather than running away with her.

Rudra: Are you mad?

Aryan: Okay! Let’s add some spice! Riddhu, you will agree to run away with him and we’ll wait for his response.

Riddhima: I know his response. He’ll disagree. Why do y’all want to trouble my Vansh? *puppy face*

Rudra: We won’t trouble Vansh, we’ll just have some fun with him.

Shaurya: Exactly! Like our good old days! And you two are our blood, (with enthusiasm in his voice) cooperate yaar!

Rudra: Y’all have no idea what stupidity your parents have done!

Riddhima: Done! It’s been a long time, I had some fun with him. But from tomorrow.

Aryan: No! Today! But after some time.

Shaurya: Done!

Just then they see Saanvi standing outside the room. So Riddhima and Rudra exit the room and after few seconds when Aryan and Shaurya notice that Saanvi is about to come in,

Aryan: Dad, Vansh isn’t as bad as you think.

Shaurya: It’s my final decision and I won’t forgive him. He can’t have my daughter, he doesn’t deserve her.

Aryan: Fine! I can’t explain more than this.

Aryan leaves the room and Saanvi doesn’t bother to enter inside.



Shaurya: And then after y’all came back from the restaurant, I had a phone call with Rudra because these idiots (pointing towards Riddhima and Aryan) didn’t tell what they would do in the restaurant.



Shaurya: Where were you? Aarav told me that they had a great time together.

Person: Nahh! He was locked up in the washroom by them.

Shaurya: So they lied. It’s okay, if they lied. But now let’s go ahead with the next step.

Person: I am sure what will happen but for you, I need to do it!

Shaurya: Let’s see if the great Vansh Raisinghania fails now.

So the person was Rudra!



Aryan: And then last evening after you went from here, and after consoling Riddhima in front of Saanvi Aunty, I left. And in the car I spoke to Shaurya uncle



Shaurya: You know right, what’s the next step?

Person: Engagement, right?

Shaurya: Yes!

Person: I’ll plan everything, don’t worry.

Shaurya: But you were right!

Person: I am always! But I still doubt if tomorrow’s plan will work.

Shaurya: All our plans worked and so will this one. Just chill.



Everyone present there was surprised by the hardwork these four had done only to test Vansh or more like trouble Vansh. They were just looking at each other, the same way small kids look at each other when someone teaches them something new. But after a while Vansh broke the silence.

Vansh: But wait…… wasn’t Aarav locked in the washroom for 45 minutes?

Aryan: My child, only you and Riddhima were sitting and having lunch whereas I had gone to keep an eye on Aarav. So now since you know that it was a plan, do you really think that we had locked Aarav in the washroom?

Saanvi: Ohh Forget that! (Looking at Rudra) So was this the reason, you were agreeing with Shaurya?

Rudra: Ofcourse! Otherwise I know, Vansh is the best for Riddhima.

Chanchal: But that day we had just told Riddhima and Aryan that their Dad’s were one of the best pranksters in schools and colleges and on the same day, you two joined their group to trouble Vansh.

Shaurya: Correction, TEST VANSH!

Saanvi: Shut up! It’s more like a trouble for him.

Ishani: But y’all didn’t even tell me!

Sia: Or me!

Kabir: Me!

Sejal: Me!

Aryan: Ohh Shut up Guys! We just wanted to trouble y’all a bit and all means ALLLL! So we didn’t involve anyone but it was fun to see your reaction.

Riddhima comes closer to Vansh and interlocks her fingers with his. He looks at her with unknown emotions within him while Riddhima keeps her head bowed down.

Sejal: We’ll talk about the prank later, but now can we get them engaged.

Uma: Child, I would love that. But wasn’t the time 4?

Aryan: Aunty, that was also a lie. Actually the time given by the priest was 5:30pm. We lied to y’all because we knew Vansh would come.

Rudra: And then we’ll have to tell the truth to everyone, answer your questions. So much work, you see?

Shaurya: Exactly! It takes time. So we thought to invite yall early, clear your queries and then go on with the engagement.

Saanvi: But still it’s only 04:30pm.

Sia: So what? We can all spend time together and get to know each other.

Saying so, Uma, Saanvi and Chanchal went together. Rudra and Shaurya were together. Sejal and Kabir went together. Sia went near Aarav and Riddhima took Vansh to her room.

In Riddhima’s room,

Vansh was still in shock because of the past events, he was standing near the window. Riddhima understood his condition and brought a glass of orange juice for him. And they sat on the bed. Vansh kept his hand on Riddhima’s cheek and caressed it. He recalled about how he slapped her yesterday. Tears fell down his eyes and Riddhima was still confused.

Riddhima: What happened Vansh? Why are you crying? (Keeping her hand over his on her cheek)

Vansh: I am sorry Riddhima! I don’t know what made me slap you yesterday. I was the biggest fool. I thought that you weren’t in your senses and to bring you back, I had no other idea. The slap was not intentional it was just in reflex to your words but I promise I won’t do that again.

Saying so he kissed her cheek and on hearing this, Riddhima’s eyes were filled with tears. All these days she thought that when Vansh would realise the truth that all of this was a prank played on him. He would get angry at her actions and she would have to convince him. But this had a different story, he’s upset on his actions. She just looked into his eyes which held pain. She didn’t want her engagement to take place like this. She wanted to lighten his mood.


Precap: Vansh and Riddhima exchange rings but Vansh is surprised.

How will Riddhima lighten Vansh’s mood? I have no idea in my mind so if y’all could suggest it could be of great help


Loads of love from me to y’all 💞💞

The post Is it really love?? (RIANSH) Episode 40: Troubled by Four?! appeared first on Telly Updates.

12/04/2020 06:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments