Wednesday, 9 December 2020

#Enmity to Love #Riansh #10 Riddhima drunk ? Maybe not !

Hi all ,You were saying that Riddhima is drunk…She is Maybe or Maybe not…Read to find out ! 


Episode begins with:

Riddhima gulps it .

Vansh , Kunal , Siya and Ishani smile.

Siya : Our work is done..

Vansh : Hmm

Kunal : She gulped the drink..

Ishani : Yeah ! 

Riddhima starts dancing..Then , she is about to fall and someone holds her..

(Not  always Vansh , Kunal, her brother).

Kunal : Be straight Riddhima ! 

Riddhima (to herself) : What do you all think ..You will make me drunk..Now , I will trouble you guys..

Riddhima (pushing Kunal) : I wanna have some fun…Oh ! Pool ..Woah !! 

(Well I know you have understood what all is going on..)

She jumps into the pool…Vansh comes. 

 Vansh : Riddhima, come here.

Riddhima tries to stand..Vansh holds her hand and she pulls him also in the pool. She doesn’t let him go out of the pool..Then she puts water on him. After a while, she gets out of the pool and throws water at Ishani , Siya and Kunal. Then , she goes to the fridge..She picks a lot of ice and comes back. 

Kunal : Riddhima , what is in your hand..

Riddhima hides it back . Then , she goes near them and throws ice cubes on them..

Ishani : Riddhimaa…..Huhhhh

Kunal : Are you mad or what ? 

Riddhima giggles.

Vansh : Stop it..

Riddhima stops..She goes and collects pebbles from the lawn and again attacks on everyone..They all scream ..

Riddhima (laughing) : You all felt pain..Sorry..

Vansh : Its ok

Riddhima : Let me complete..Sorry , but I will trouble you more. 

She throws again…

Vansh comes and snatches them..

Riddhima starts crying loudly..

Vansh : Keep quiet..

Riddhima : Vansh (she hugs him) Bhaiyaa….please don’t do that..

Vansh : Bhai hounga Siya aur Ishani ka ..tumhara toh l..friend hun..

( I am Siya and Ishani’s brother , I am your friend) 

Then , there is silence ..Suddenly, Riddhima pushes the sofa . Like this,  the whole poolside is like a mess. 

Vansh : Stop Riddhima ! 

Kunal : For God’s sake..

Riddhima (to herself) : Aha ! There is too much to go..

Ishani : Hey..Riddhima,  how did you make the whole food in just 15 mins..

Riddhima (acting like she’s drunk) : Hm..Which food ? 

Ishani : Dinner..

Riddhima: Oh ! Yes..When you all were planning that today Riddhima makes dinner , I listened to that..You all were discussing what to eat..I went into the kitchen and made half of the stuff so that at night , I should have less work..

Siya : Smart Enough ! 

Riddhima: I know..By the way , Bye..

Vansh : Where are you going ? 

Riddhima : In hall..

Vansh joins his hands..

Vansh : Please no…

Siya and Ishani (together) : Miracle !! Vansh bhai hasn’t joined hands in front of anyone..Congratulations Riddhima ..

Vansh : Shut up both of you..

Vansh holds Riddhima so that she cannot go to the hall area. But she pulls his hair..

Vansh : Ah !

He still doesn’t leave her. She bites his hand . He jerks and Riddhima is free now..She goes to the hall and messes it completely..Then ,

Riddhima (normal position) : What do you all think ..I was drunk?

Siya : Yes but not now..It seems like

Ishani : You have ruined our plan..

Kunal : And attacked us..

Vansh : You did it intentionally??

Riddhima (smiles): Hmm..You thought only you can trouble me , I also can…

Vansh : But how it happened will you narrate the story please..

Riddhima : Hm..You all were planning and then , I listened to that again ..

Siya : Next time we will plan when you will be out..

Ishani : Or we will send you out..

Everyone starts laughing..

Riddhima : I replaced the alcohol with water and gulped it..

Vansh : Hmm..Means you were befooling us..You pulled my hair..messed  the house..

Riddhima smiles.

Vansh : Don’t smile, clean it now..

Riddhima : Everyone wants me to clean the house, really ? 

They all nod.

Riddhima : But I won’t do it.

Vansh : Are you sure ? 

Riddhima : Hmm..

Vansh winks Kunal..

Then , Vansh and Kunal lift Riddhima up..

Kunal : Will you clean ? 

Riddhima : No..

Kunal : Why ? 

Riddhima : Because I have one video in which four of you planned to drink me..

They suddenly lift her down..

Riddhima : What happened ? 

She shows the video.

Riddhima : I was thinking that mom , dad , uncle and aunt are coming tomorrow..So..this video..

Vansh : Blackmail ! 

Riddhima : You don’t want to clean , it’s ok..see you tomorrow..

Ishani : No Riddhima , please…

Riddhima : Clean the mess now…

Ishani : Ok..

They all clean the mess while Riddhima sleeps there. Everybody has gone. Then , Vansh realises Riddhima slept there only..He carries her in his arms and takes to bed.

Riddhima (murmurs) : Vansh..we are not just friends..I…I..

Vansh is happy listening to this..

Vansh : Speak..I..I

Riddhima (murmurs) : Ice-cream..Let’s go ! 

Vansh : Ice- cream ? Seriously..

She was dreaming that she and Vansh are going for an ice-cream treat..

Vansh makes her lie on the bed and goes..



I hope you all got all your answers…

There is a party coming in next episode..Guess it’s theme..or why is it gonna happen..

The post #Enmity to Love #Riansh #10 Riddhima drunk ? Maybe not ! appeared first on Telly Updates.

12/09/2020 10:14:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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