Tuesday, 9 August 2022

1st Epi – Pishachini 8th August 2022 Written Episode Update: Pishachini vows to take her revenge


Pishachini 8th August 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Scene 1
A temple in mountains does pooja. Pandit Ji reads the mantra. A man comes and says this is the brick of our home. A family is also there. Pandit Ji looks at the brick. He places it in the temple. He puts sindur on it. The brick melts and turns black. Everyone is scared. The brick becomes smoke and a black cloud surround the place. Pandit Ji says the land you are making a home on has the curse of a witch.

Scene 2
In an old house, a guard is sleeping. He hears a woman crying. He says who is it? A girl comes. Her face is hidden. The man asks what are you doing here? Did you forget the way? She says yes. He says stay here daughter, I will take you home tomorrow. She says I am scared. He says I guard this place alone. Don’t be scared. People say there is a witch here. People make stories. I am not scared. They say she looks like a fairy. Her eyes are bright green. The girl takes off her shawl and her eyes are green. He says her nails and hair are long. She says like this? He looks back. He screams. The witch laughs. He falls down. he says the same to me. The witch suffocates him with her hair. She laughs and says I am Pishachini.

Scene 3
Pandit Ji says she’s Pishachini. When a person does too many sins in human life they’re born a Pishachini. The family asks why is she after our land. Pandit Ji says she might have ruled it in her life. They say we have invested every penny in that land to build a house for our family. we will be on the road. Pandit ji says tonight is the full moon night. We can try to control her and lock her somewhere forever. If God blesses us.

The guard begs Pishachini to let him go. She drops him to the ground. He screams and says let me go, please. I am a good person. She says being good is a disease. She kills him and says I am Rani. Pandit Ji comes there and says stop Pisachini. All pandits are with her. She tries to attack them but their lockets save them. Pandit Ji starts his mantra. Pishachini’s head hurts. He becomes smoked. Pandit Ji goes after her. She flies in the air. All people of the village run after her with fire. She falls down. They throw fires toward her. Pisachini tries to run. They surround her from all sides.

Pisachini walks on a tree. She says come here, come to me. She laughs. They can’t even see her properly. Pandit Ji reads the mantra. She laughs. Smoke makes a circle around her. It hurts her. She gets tied in it. Pishachini screams. They lock her in wood and lock all her powers in it. They put it in a trunk. They bury it. Pishachini says this is my land. I will come back. I won’t leave any of you. She screams. They bury the box and make a fire circle around it. Pandit Ji puts sindur on her. Pandit Ji says if anyone ever takes it out they can release her powers too. She can use any person to bribe them. Such people become her slaves forever. They become a living dead body. Never listen to her bribes. This trunk should always remain locked here. They put sand on it.

Scene 4
The new family settles in the house. Babu Ji asks Subhakar and Babi you got late. Did you get what we asked for? Babi says she was very busy. Subhakar says her family wasn’t agreeing. Babi says here is chambeli. Babu Ji says he asked for the chambeli flower. His elder son says Pratik is bringing the things. Rocky cries and says my toy fell down. His mom screams. They look at the trench. The trunk isn’t there. They scream. Pandit Ji says who did it? Rocky’s mom says Pratik and Amrita aren’t back.

Pratik and Amrita are on their way. Pratik says I am very scared. They have the trunk. She says don’t be scared. We did it for our child. This Pishachini said she will get us a lot of wealth. He says but Pandit Ji said. She says don’t be scared. Pandit Ji says we will face the consequences. No one can be saved from Pishachini. She will come back one day or another. Babu Ji asks what should we do? He says we can only pray. Pandit Ji leaves. He says we don’t have time. We have to face her black powers. I need to be there for my family. There’s no hope now. He leaves. Everyone is scared.

Scene 5
A few years later, a young boy enters college on his heavy bike. Everyone looks at him. A guy says Rocky’s new bike. He’s so lucky. His friends say you are number 1 Rocky. He says it’s two months old. I will get the new model tomorrow. Rocky gives this one to his friend. They give him 25K. Rocky gives them the keys. They come and see a small toy cycle. They say Rocky fooled us. Rocky gives that money to another guy who needed it for his grandmom’s treatment. He says thank you, brother. Rocky says if I knew earlier that he wasn’t returning your money I would have done it earlier.

Rocky comes home. He says no one saw. Babu Ji says in 20 years he didn’t even ask how we are and he thinks I will go now if he is calling me. He is selfish. His elder son says your anger is justified. But Pratik wanted us to be part of his daughter’s wedding. He was scared of you. Rocky wonders what are they talking about. Babu Ji says I can’t decide to go there. They all try to convince him and forgive Pratik so they can reunite the family. Babu Ji says 20 years of pain can’t be removed in one day.

Pishachini flies in the jungle. She says you will have to come Babu. I will see what stops you. She laughs. A girl does pooja in the temple.

Episode ends


Precap-Subhakar calls Pratik and tells him babu ji is convinced. We are coming. They all get ready. Rocky comes home. Pisachini says someone is waiting for you. A girl enters the house. It hurts Pishachini.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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