Friday 11 December 2020

Aatma Bandhan 12th December 2020 Written Episode Update: Ashok’s life threatened by Cheeru

Aatma Bandhan 12th December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Aarti speaks to Cheeru’s photo that she is all alone, neither Cheeru nor his father is with her. She asks Cheeru to help her out and speak to her. The curtains of the room move at once. Aarti was hopeful. The mannequin appears behind her on the table. Cheeru says he is behind her, why she is sleeping. Aarti was happy to see him and says no one could bring her such happiness in the world. The mannequin turns to ghost. Cheeru asks Aarti to fulfil a wish. She loves God and God shall also love her; she must pray to God that he wants to be borne again through her womb. He misses her. Aarti tells Cheeru her father is missing since morning. Cheeru says Aashok always fight with Aarti, misbehaves and shouts at her. He hates her. Aarti says he should not hate his daddy. Cheeru says he knows Aashok does not love her. Aarti was startled as Bhavani comes to the room.

Ragini cries with her mother that she dreamt of Ashok’s death. The doctor comes out and tells them Ashok is out of danger, he had taken poison in juice and is now doing well.

There, Bhavani asks Aarti what she is doing with the mannequin, it was in storeroom. Maatangi comes behind to save Aarti and says it was a gift of Chaitra for her birthday, she must have brought it here. Bhavani wonders who can give such a horrifying gift, she takes the mannequin to storeroom. She was about to leave the room. The mannequin lay down, then straighten up again.

In the hospital, Ragini cries besides Ashok. He wakes up and asks what had happened to him. Ragini says doctor claims his juice contained poison. She cries that she does not know how poison got to his juice. Ashok says he trusts her, only his times are bad. The nurse comes to his room, she asks Ashok about Aarti who came with complaint of fracture. Ashok asks if he is in the same hospital. The nurse replies yes, he is in the same hospital. She gives him injection of sedative. She sends Ragini to bring his medicines. On the reception, Vayda comes to meet Dr. Prakash and had to collect report of ligament fracture case.

In the room, Maatangi asks Aarti if she spoke to Cheeru about Ashok. Aarti says Cheeru knows that Ashok is angry with her. He loves her dearly and does not want anyone hurt her. She tells Maatangi that Cheeru wants to be born from her womb again. Maatangi was shocked to recall the Aghori Baba’s words.

Vayda passes by the corridor where Ashok and Ragini were coming. Ragini recognizes her and hides in a corner of ward. Vayda follows them and was sure it was Ashok. At home she tells everyone she saw Ashok in the hospital. Rani overheard this from her room. Aarti was worried what Ashok was doing there. Vayda narrates them the whole event and that she could not find him. Jaisima asks why she did not ask the receptionist. Bhavani offers to go to hospital.

In the hospital corridor, Ragini and her mother waited in the corridor. A ward boy comes to send Ragini to doctor’s chamber. She works on Ragini’s mother through the spark in his eyes. Her mother’s dupatta flies to Ashok and ropes his neck. Ashok wakes up from heavy sedation. Ragini comes to the doctor but doctor had not called her, he apologizes.

Vayda and Bhavani come to the reception to inquire about Ashok. The receptionist says patient’s attendants always register their names. Vayda and Bhavani go to find Ashok. Ashok’s body flung in the air as the grip of dupatta tightens. Ashok’s hung body was suffocated, his eyes pops out and the body fells back on hospital bed. The dupatta flies back to Ragini’s mother and she was released from hypnosis. Ragini runs to her mother and hurries Ashok into the room. She calls the doctor for help. The doctor says his neck is red and sore, what happened.

Aarti was upset in front of temple corner, that there are multiple questions going on in her life. She is blinded because of Ashok’s absence. She wishes he returns home safely.

The doctor pumps Ashok’s chest. Ashok finally breathes heavily. The doctor takes Ragini outside and says he tried to suicide again. She must call the family and file a report in police. Till then, he will arrange for a counsellor. In the room, Ragini tells Ashok that doctors claim he attempted a suicide again. Ashok denies and asks how it happened. Ragini tells Ashok that Vayda and Bhavani are in the hospital. The nurse meets Bhavani and Vayda in the corridor and recognizes Ashok as the patient as well. She takes the two towards Ashok’s ward. The bed was empty. The nurse was suspicious of his absence, the doctor comes and inquires the nurse about patient. He tells Vayda and Bhavani that Ashok came as a suicide case who took poison, he attempted another suicide in the hospital. His treatment is not yet complete.

In the car, Ragini tells Ashok he should not have left hospital like this. Ashok says there is someone who wants to kill him. He is being attempted to kill for past few days. It is a spirit power.

In the room, Aarti speaks to Cheeru that her father is still alive. He is in hospital. She is happy that soon Ashok will return.
Rani thinks in her room, if Ashok returns alive, she will stop dreaming of this property. She looks for Cheeru in her room and cries that Ashok is healthy and alive. He will again hurt Aarti again, and she will cry again. What if Aarti dies. The house will leave its peace. Cheeru shouts that he loves her mother. Rani asks why he did not teach Ashok a good lesson then. Cheeru was determined not to let Ashok return home and hurt his mother. Rani wipes her tears and smirks that she now trusts Cheeru.

In the porch of house, an old man predicts to the family that he can foresee bloodshed in the house. There is a bad omen on this house. Rani thinks she must do something and oust this man. She aggressively scolds the man for speaking all this nonsense. She can lend him money he wishes for. The man says he was sent to speak the truth here. Rani tells him to go. The man leaves boasting he will sacrifice his tongue if proven liar. He leaves. Everyone from the family also go inside.

Indra asks Vayda and Bhavani what happened to Ashok. They tell the family that Ashok took poison and attempted suicide. Rani was appreciative of Cheeru’s plan. Indra could not believe this and says Ashok’s heart is not as weak. Rani says Ashok was really saddened at heart. Vayda says Ashok was admitted in hospital by a girl and a woman.

The car stops outside Ashok’s house. He steps out of the car in a weak state. Ragini helps Ashok. Ashok tells Ragini to leave, he will handle the rest. Ashok was barefooted as he walks into the house. A crow on a tree takes his attention.

Ragini gets a call from Kriparker in the car. He knew she went to hospital with Ashok. He says it is being investigated that someone mixed poison in Ashok’s juice. Ragini narrates him the whole story. Ragini says she dropped him outside the house. Kriparker says she is badly stuck in a problem, and he can only save her on one condition. Ragini accepts.

Chaitra came home from school and was also in the porch. Ashok looks towards the house. Someone held a wooden rod in his hand and charged Ashok from his back.

Kriparker tells the family that their company’s account assistant Janki and her mother was with Ashok. Janki says she saw Ashok near factory and vomited in front of her. She admitted Ashok in hospital and called her mother. They wonder why the girl did not call them. Kriparker says Ashok must have forbidden her. Aarti asks where Ashok is. Kriparker says he left saying he is going home. They were all happy. Indra was thankful to God. Rani thinks they should keep on waiting for Ashok, or his dead body.

Chaitra spots Bhavani hit Ashok with the wooden rod. She was stunned. Ashok turns to see Bhavani in a state of hypnosis, then falls back on the floor. Chaitra screams Mummy, mummy! Everyone hears her screams and runs outside.

Bhavani turns to Chaitra with the rod, still under influence of spirit. She moves Chaitra’s face up with the rod and stares into her eyes. She threatens Chaitra to kill her if anyone from the family know about it. Everyone run to Chaitra and asks why she was screaming. Chaitra did not speak up. They hear Bhavani’s scream and blood stains on the floor nearby. Vayda goes to speak to Chaitra. Rani says something is wrong that they see blood since morning. They spot drops of blood. Vayda suggests everyone to leave Chaitra alone for a while. Indra sends Jaisima to find Bhavani and take Chaitra inside. Kriparker follows the blood stains with Indra.

Aarti impatiently tries to step downstairs on her own. Her mangal sooter was stuck in staircase rod. The family reach a grave in their garden. Kriparker says whatever was killed was dig in here. Aarti’s mangal sooter breaks.

PRECAP: Aarti stops Chaitra from jumping off the roof. Maatangi tells Aarti that Cheeru came to destroy her family, it is her fault that she saved him. Aarti goes to find Ashok.

Update Credit to: Sona

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