Greetings everyone! Thank you for all your love for the story, right when it was needed most. Now why that is, you’ll all find out super soon for yourselves. Happy reading!
Twinj: My Lifeline: Episode 70
A quick recap: Twinkle continues to enchant Kunj with her cheerful side, going as far as pranking him at times and enjoying it thoroughly. Meanwhile Kunj manages to convince her to be more receptive of his perspective.
“Guess what it is today!” Kunj chirped excitedly, looking up from his phone at Twinkle who was sitting across from him, both at their seats by the window, watching the drifting clouds in the night sky, enjoying their cups of coffee and the absolute silence of the night. She shot him a confused glance and then turned to the wall clock, squinting her eyes to make out the time in the dimly lit room. She could now see the reason for his elation, the clock had just struck 12, and it was finally the day his song – “Our song, Twinkle! How many times do I have to remind you?” – was going to release. He couldn’t sit calmly anymore. She smiled warmly at him before teasing, “Oh, I have no idea, Kunj! You haven’t already mentioned it hundred times in the last few hours, have you?” He grumbled incoherently in response, making her burst out laughing. She had been right though. Never before had Kunj been so anxious about a release, for he had had several of them before. What he wouldn’t tell her was that he was worried – terrified even – that if the song didn’t do well enough, Twinkle would be the most disappointed. She might even be dissuaded from getting on with any such venture with him in the future, and God, he wouldn’t let that happen at any cost. The memories they had made making and shooting the song were priceless and he would want to relive those over and over for the rest of his life. “Earth to, Kunj Sarna!” Her voice broke this trance as he had watched her dazed, his mind running through all that he had planned for her that day in parallel too. “I said, that I know this is a really special occasion and how much it means to you!” She repeated herself, snuggling into his waiting arms when he quipped in, “But it isn’t just that!” She sat upright immediately and watched him hopefully, wondering if it could be, by some miracle, that he had remembered.
“What else is it, Kunj?” Twinkle nudged him, her patience running out rapidly, feeling her heart flutter just like it had just a few hours short of a year ago when they had, for the very first time been declared a couple after the wedding rituals that had extended for hours on an end. “You should be guessing that, if you didn’t know already!” He pointed out, giving her a subtle hint that this was leading to a huge disappointment for her again. She mentally reprimanded herself for beginning to dream yet again. She had tried staying miffed for so long after all, and he hadn’t caught a single clue of what he was forgetting, how could he have suddenly figured? “Uffo Twinkle! Let me explain. The song is special to both of us, right? This other thing though, is mine. Just mine!” He added, affirming her doubts. He probably just doesn’t think it’s something worth keeping in mind, it was just sufficient that he loved her, she pondered, sighing deeply before flashing her best smile at him, contemplating his clues. “What is this new thing you’re up to now, Mr. Sarna?” She asked curiously, raising her eyebrows at him, and he smirked, knowing he had successfully fooled her. “Why don’t you think over it through the night and present your guesses in the morning? Sweet dreams!” He whispered in her ear, so close that she could feel his breath fanning her cheek, before dropping a gentle kiss on her shoulder and rushing to bed. “But Kunj..” Her protest remained incomplete, for on turning, she saw him already sneaking under the sheets, there was no way he would let her in on further details now. She would have to get through the night with the questions bubbling in her head restlessly. Lying down beside him, she waited to hear him snore so that she could be sure he was asleep before she could carry out her intent, but she fell asleep midway. That would have to wait till the morning too.
Twinkle was woken up by Kunj mumbling sleepily before pulling her closer to himself and falling right back asleep. She paused midway through complaining and pushing him away when a realisation struck her mind. There wasn’t anything she could do to stop the sloppy grin and deep blush that took over her face as she turned in his arms and her eyes landed on him. She slid a little and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, careful enough not to wake him up. “Happy anniversary, Kunj! I love you!” She whispered, feeling her eyes well up with tears of joy as images of their past year together flashed before her eyes. They had been through so much, almost giving up at several instances but she was so grateful that they always had each other’s back. She sighed deeply, resting her forehead on his as she continued, “I wish you would remember, but that’s alright..” She drifted off before quickly correcting herself, “Of course it isn’t alright! I’m miffed with you! Not that I’ll tell you so though. At least not till the song has been released. You’ll have to pay for forgetting, Mr. Sarna!” She then freed herself from his embrace and got off the back, stomping off hurriedly, recalling all that she had to get done before they left for the release event. Kunj sat up as soon as he was sure she was gone, with a smile so wide that it hurt his cheek. “Happy anniversary wifey, I love you more! I haven’t forgotten, but let that remain a secret right now, shall we? At least until I unfold my surprises for you!” He chattered eagerly to himself, celebrating being successful at being able to pretend so well before her. He had done his best to make the day memorable, and now just hoped it would all go as planned.
Kunj had been bowled over when Twinkle had stepped out of the closet and she had to snap her fingers before his eyes to jolt him out of his daze, laughing cheerfully to herself. Of course she hadn’t taken Chinki’s advice to undergo a complete makeover for her special day, she had just chosen a little makeup and a new hairdo, but Kunj’s expression told her it had done wonders. “Maybe we should actually just stay in here..” Kunj breathed as he stepped towards her, but she took one step backwards for each forward one of his, until her back hit the wall and she had no chances of escape. “Kunj..” She gulped hard, the look in his eyes driving her crazy. “Twinkle..” He responded in an imitation of her tone, his right hand tucking the loose strands of her hair behind her ear as his other hand wrapped itself around her waist. She gradually let her hands find their place on his chest, debating internally before she pulled him closer, giving into the kiss he had initiated. “Twinkle Sarna, you’ve made up your resolve to be the very death of me, haven’t you?” He managed to speak in between their pants for breath as they parted a few minutes later, pecking her forehead when she lowered her eyes and leaned against the wall, not willing to let go of him yet. Perhaps things would have got further heated up if it wasn’t for the reminder call Kunj received from the event organisers and he had grumbled all through their time making themselves presentable, and made it to the venue just in time.
Twinkle watched all the cameras flashing in their direction nervously, feeling suddenly unsure of even being able to walk without tripping, fearing she would bring Kunj embarrassment instead of pride. She hadn’t realised when Kunj had got off his seat and walked over to her side, but right now, he was holding the door open for her, his eyes reassuring her, while his face held the kind, patient expression that always managed to encourage her, even in the toughest of situations. She grabbed his waiting hand tensely, and he gave it a gentle squeeze as he helped her to her feet, whispering endearments to her, just like he knew would help her. She smiled at him finally and then they walked down the carpet laid out for them, hand in hand. She was caught off-guard by the questions being shot at them incessantly, but Kunj calmly dodged each one, giving her a warm smile every now and then, until they had finally got in. “I’ll be right back!” Kunj excused himself under the pretext of a phone call, leaving Twinkle all alone and bothered. There were a lot of other people there of course, but she would have preferred having him by her side, so she was more than happy to oblige when he called her up a couple of minutes later, asking her to come over to this smaller hall on the next floor, where he had been waiting for her. She returned the greetings of her acquaintances whom she encountered on the way with a smile and a quick hello, for she couldn’t wait to get to Kunj. On reaching the place Kunj had mentioned, she pushed open the door, only to remain frozen in her spot at the sight that awaited her.
“Kunj!” was all Twinkle could say as her eyes still struggled to take in the entire view – the entire area was decorated beautifully with balloons and ribbons perfectly matching their colour coordinated outfits, bunches of red roses placed in vases at every few feet, softly glowing lights and most importantly, the prince of her dreams, her Kunj, standing across the room. The minute he spotted her, he kneeled down, holding up a bouquet of flowers for her. She literally ran to him, jumping into his arms without caring about the flowers getting crumpled between them, earning a giggle from him. “Happy one year!” He murmured lovingly, which only made her tighten the hug. Now Kunj knew what a bone-crushing hug actually meant! “I’m going to kill you for pretending to be such a thick-headed idiot!” She whimpered as he slowly pulled away from her, laughing some more. “But tomorrow, since you’ve already ruined half the day for me!” She stated with a firm stare, and took advantage of the shock to knock him over, and now they were lying on the ground in each other’s embrace, laughing their hearts out. And just when Twinkle thought things couldn’t get any better, they heard a faint knock at the door, making them scramble to their feet quickly. Twinkle watched wide-eyed as she saw Kunj’s music team and their families walk in with a cake. She quickly pecked Kunj’s cheek while the others were too busy setting things up for them, leaving him beaming. “Come on Twinkle, let me return the kiss!” He insisted as she began to walk away, but she put out her tongue to tease him instead, making him put on his best puppy face. She laughed yet again before sending a flying kiss his way and running off to join the others.
Twinkle had just finished thanking everyone for their wishes, quietly blushing and grinning as they teased them, when she felt Kunj’s arm sneak around her. “Do you want something, Kunj?” She asked with a pretence of innocence, annoying him intentionally, and in turn, he simply dropped his hand and walked away, not even looking back. She felt the heat rise to her cheeks as Usha suggested leaving them alone so that she could convince her “hubby dearest” and get back in time. She smiled as she watched them leave, now realising why none of them had even as much as wished her since they morning. No sooner had the door clicked shut than she turned around and walked slowly towards Kunj. She threw her arms around him from behind, whispering, “So this is why we’ve arrived so much in advance? Thank you so much Kunj! You’re the best!” “I know!” He responded, still not looking at her. But before she could come up with a way to persuade him, he quietly added, “I’m not done yet!” And even before she figured what that meant, he had somehow twirled her and even picked her up in his arms. She blinked at him momentarily, recognizing the mischief in his smirk immediately. “Kunj, put me down, will you?” She ventured to ask nevertheless and he dutifully shook his head in a ‘No’. “You need to make up for denying me my kiss back then!” HE stated his condition.
The post Twinj: My Lifeline: Episode 70 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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