Hello everyone!!
Replies to comments from previous update:
Hello Asen, Why do I feel that your words are being heard? Maybe they are
Hello Riansh Lover, That was Romantic, I know. But you are going too ahead with Imagination. He won’t shoot. Chill
Hello Preeti Priyanka, You will get all your answers here. Let’s see all what you guessed is right or wrong
Hello Shivangi, Happy to know you liked it but Let me tell you, she’s reaction less
Hello Rianshfan, Thank you
Hello M, Thanks for your support and reading
Hello Xyz, I must say you have great imagination skills. So don’t worry maybe you’re wrong
Hello RiyaVaghani, Dude! You atleast have Kabir and Anupriya as villains. I didn’t even think of anyone till now. Don’t worry will come up soon
Hello SUMISHA, Glad you liked it but don’t worry episode is not a puzzle
Hello Sandymsdian , Thanks for reading and keep supporting
Hello Sahada, I hope you like one too . Please keep supporting
Hello Riaa, There are no twists as of now. It’s something everybody wanted till now- ‘Jealousy track’. But pointing the gun is just timepass
Hello Darshika, Your prayers are heard Don’t worry. Everything’s gonna settle between them.
Hello KV2711, I am glad to know you liked it and please keep supporting
Hello Diha, Thanks for your appreciation and I would give the credit to y’all for the improval of writing skills
The episode starts as…..
At 01:00 am in Riddhima’s house,
Vansh drops Riddhima outside her house. They get down.
Riddhima: Thanks Vansh! I really had a lovely time with you. I don’t think I would have enjoyed so much with someone else.
Vansh: Oh Riddhima! That’s absolutely alright. I too had fun with you. It was great spending time with you and loved it.
Riddhima: (Smiles) Now let’s go, Bye. Good night! And drive safely.
Vansh: Good Night to you too! And don’t worry I will drive safely.
Riddhima goes inside her house while Vansh watches her. After she gets in, he too leaves from there and drives back. He silently enters his house, heads to his room and sleeps.
At 11:00am,
Aryan, Ishani, Kabir, Angre and Vansh come to Sejal and Riddhima’s house. Sejal let’s them in and they have a seat.
Aryan: Where’s Riddhu?
Sejal: She’s gone to freshen up. She came late at night.
Riddhima comes out from her room. She’s surprised to see everyone out. She makes her place beside Vansh.
Aryan: Riddhu, I forgot to ask you. How was your day with my friend?
Riddhima(gives a look to Vansh, turning to Aryan): Well……… I must say, it was amazing. I can hangout everyday with him. Infact, I would love to go now as well.
Ishani: With this I remember, I had sent bhai also to meet my friend. How was it Bhai? Did things work?
Vansh(smiling): It went good. I really enjoyed with your friend. She was pretty amazing!
Kabir: So basically, y’all enjoyed spending time with each other.
Riddhima: What do you mean?
Aryan: It was our plan to send y’all out together.
Vansh: Could you please elaborate?
Sia: On the beach, in the evening after y’all left, we thought to send y’all out together so that y’all can spend time because we know y’all would never take the first step.
Ishani: After all y’all did so much for Aryan and me, so it was our duty to return it back to y’all. And so we made a plan to send y’all on an ‘unplanned date’ for y’all and a ‘planned date’ for us.
Kabir: Just tell us what all did y’all do? and how did y’all spend time?
Vansh: Why do y’all wanna know? I am not gonna say anything.
Aryan: My Riddhu would definitely say. Please Riddhu!
Riddhima: Okay!So we first were at the cafe, we had our coffee and we’re just talking. Now please don’t ask what we were talking about, because that’s personal. Later, we went shopping together. We bought too many clothes.
As soon as Riddhima said ‘shopping’ Vansh tried to avoid eye contact from Ishani, Sia and Kabir.
Riddhima(continues): Later we had dinner in a restaurant and at the end we went to watch a film together and then ended up at home.
Ishani and Kabir surround Vansh. Kabir points a gun on Vansh. Everyone’s surprised!
Kabir: Just tell me where is my friend?
Ishani: Exactly, where is my brother?
Vansh: What do y’all mean?
Kabir: My friend hates shopping. He used to find ways to get rid of shopping.
Ishani: My bhai hardly came for shopping with me, and even if he came he used to avoid roaming with me.
Vansh: Seriously Guys!
Kabir: I know you are a dopplelanger. You aren’t Vansh.
Ishani: Exactly! We will find who you are.
Kabir: And if we come to know you are an outsider, I will shoot you.
Ishani and Kabir angrily walk out of the house. Riddhima, Sejal, Sia, Aryan and Angre laugh looking at Vansh. Vansh too goes out to convince them but when he reaches out, he finds them laughing. He goes towards them.
Vansh: Are you guys kidding me?
Kabir: Come on yaar! You have changed. Completely!
Ishani: Exactly bhai!
Vansh: Can we go in?
Ishani, Kabir and Vansh go inside the house and they find only Sia and Angre.
Ishani: Where’s Riddhima, Aryan and Sejal?
Sia: After y’all went out, Aryan and Sejal also got angry at Riddhima for not even calling them once yesterday.
Just then the trio comes out laughing.
Riddhima: So it’s decided then
Kabir: What?
Sejal: That we are going out for lunch.
Vansh: Just you three?
Aryan: Nope! But all of us.
Ishani: It’s a good idea. Let’s leave in one hour.
Vansh: I won’t be coming. I have some work.
Vansh leaves from there and comes outside. Riddhima follows him and asks him to stop.
Vansh: What happened Riddhima?
Riddhima: Can you not come for lunch today?
Vansh: As I said that I have work.
Riddhima: Please! Just today.
Vansh: Riddhima it’s not possible, sorry!
Vansh goes from there. Riddhima comes inside her house and goes to her room. While the rest leave the house.
At 01:00pm in the restaurant,
Everybody’s sitting on the table. Riddhima’s still upset because Vansh didn’t come. But she still carries hope that he would come. Riddhima gets a call.
Riddhima: Guys, I need to leave.
Kabir: Are you and Vansh going on a date now?
Riddhima (irritated): No! And don’t take his name.
Ishani: Why? Riddhima between couples fights happen. Don’t take it seriously.
Riddhima: We aren’t a couple! Just forget it. (looking at Sejal) I am going to meet Armaan.
Saying this Riddhima leaves from the restaurant. Meanwhile,
Kabir: Who’s Armaan?
Sejal: Our college friend.
Kabir: But why did she go to meet him suddenly?
Sejal: I don’t know. Maybe some work.
Ishani: Forget it guys! It’s okay. Maybe it was something urgent.
Armaan is crying. Riddhima reaches there. She notices him crying. She goes to him. He looks at her and hugs her instantly.
Riddhima: What happened?
Armaan(crying): I don’t wanna live. I just wanna die.
Riddhima(worried): Why are you speaking all this? Tell me, what happened?
[Armaan continues crying without uttering a word]
Riddhima: Alright! Don’t say anything but please don’t cry. Please! You should come and stay with Sejal and me. You would feel better.
Armaan: But Riddhu……….
Riddhima: Shut up! Don’t say a word. Just come. But now have lunch, okay?
Armaan: Okay!
Riddhima and Armaan have lunch together. Later, Riddhima and Armaan drive back home. While Sejal and Aryan are already present at home.
At Riddhima and Sejal’s house,
Riddhima: Armaan, come sit!
Sejal: Armaan, you here? I haven’t seen you since a long time.
Armaan: Yes! It’s been long time.
Aryan: Riddhu, I wanna have a word with you.
Riddhima: Sure!
Riddhima and Aryan get inside her room.
Aryan: Why did you get him?
Riddhima: He was crying and was really upset. So I asked him to come and stay with Sejal and me.
Aryan: But Riddhu…..
Suddenly Armaan calls Riddhima out. Riddhima rushes to him, followed by Aryan.
Riddhima: What happened Armaan?
Armaan: I just wanted to say if I am disturbing the three of you I will leave.
Riddhima: No! Who told you that? You can stay here for a few days. And can reside in the guest room.
Sejal guides him to the guest room whereas Riddhima too goes to her room.
In VR mansion,
Vansh comes back from office along with Angre. He finds Ishani and Sia in the living room. He goes towards them.
Vansh: How was your lunch plan?
Ishani: It was great! But Riddhima couldn’t be with us.
Vansh(thinks): Maybe because I didn’t agree to join in, she too disagreed.
Vansh: Why?
Ishani: She got a call from a friend and then left to meet.
Vansh: Which friend?
Ishani: I don’t know but, a college friend.
Ishani gets a call. She answers it. It’s Riddhima on the other side.
Ishani: Hi Riddhima!
Riddhima: Hi Ishani. I am sorry for what happened today afternoon.
Ishani: Come on Riddhima! We all understand that it was urgent. It’s okay.
Riddhima: I wanted to compensate for it. Why don’t you, Sia and Kabir come over for dinner and then stay tonight?
Ishani: That’s a great idea! But what about Vansh bhai?
Riddhima: Well…… if he’s free let him also come.
Ishani: Okay. We will all be there.
They hang the call.
Ishani: Riddhima has called us for dinner and stay over.
Sia: That’s great. We’ll leave in sometime. And Bhai even you have to come.
Vansh: Okay. Let me fresh up and then we’ll leave.
At 07:00pm in Riddhima’s house,
Everybody are sitting in the living room but Riddhima and Armaan are still in the guest room.
Armaan: Riddhima, why did you call so many people?
Riddhima: They are all Sejal and my friends. You would feel much better if you meet them. They are all amazing.
Armaan: But……
Riddhima: I won’t hear anything. Let’s go.
Riddhima and Armaan come outside. They sit besides each other. Vansh keeps looking at them.
Vansh(thinks): I feel Riddhima is upset on me. She isn’t even talking to me. I guess I was rude enough today. I will make up for it.
Sejal: Let’s have dinner. But be aware it’s made by Aryan, so……….
Ishani: Then I doubt!
Aryan: You too joined her team.
Riddhima: Well, I trust Aryan.
Aryan: Thanks Riddhu! And the rest of yall get lost.
They sit together at the dining table. Riddhima sits between Armaan and Aryan. She completely ignores Vansh. She doesn’t even look at him. After dinner, Riddhima excuses herself and goes to her room. Vansh follows her.
Vansh: What’s wrong with you?
Riddhima: What’s wrong with me?
Vansh: I don’t know.
Riddhima: Neither do I know.
Vansh: Come on Riddhima! If you are upset because I didn’t come for lunch then I am Sorry.
Riddhima: There’s nothing like that.
Armaan walks in,
Armaan: Riddhima let’s go. Everyone’s calling you.
Vansh(irritated): Can’t you see the two of us talking? She will come out later.
Riddhima: Armaan let’s go.
Riddhima and Armaan leave from there. Vansh proceeds later. They are all sitting in the living room.
Kabir: Anyone can say anything. But I know Riddhima and Vansh make the best pair.
Riddhima(sternly): Don’t y’all have something better?
Sejal: Calm down Riddhu!
Armaan: I don’t think they make the best pair.
Vansh: Nobody asked for your opinion.
Armaan leaves from there hearing this.
Riddhima: You don’t need to speak up everytime.
Riddhima goes behind Armaan to get him back.
Ishani: What happened bhai? Is everything alright? Riddhima is never rude to you.
Aryan: Forget Vansh, she has never been like this for me also. I wonder what happened to her.
No Precap: ————
I am sorry guys, I know it’s short and kind of boring. Please take care today. J would come up tomorrow. Definitely!
Loads of love from me to y’all
The post Is it really love?? (RIANSH) Episode 19: Is she changing? appeared first on Telly Updates.
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