Tuesday 8 September 2020

Anika Singh Raizada, the only sister of 5 brothers…living as a middle-class girl


The next day in Oberoi Industry,

S: Anika, Did Y….

A: Shivaay, I have done all the arrangement…

S: Ok…then….then…..

A: Shivaay, Don’t be tensed…You have done a lot of presentations…It’s not a big deal…

S: No Anika…It’s the Raizada’s……If I got this deal signed I can expand the Oberoi empire in the whole world…

A: I know they are Raizada’s but they are also humans…You can do it…the Khurana’s have arrived…and they are already in the conference room…it’s better if we also move…

S: Yeah…

In the Conference room,

Daksh Khurana

D: Hai, Shivaay…

S: Hai, Daksh…

D:and may I know who this pretty lady is?

S: It’s Anika, My PA

D: Must say You have a beautiful PA…*fixing gaze on Anika*

S(think): I feel like to skin him alive…..how dare he flirt with my Anika…

A(think): Is he flirting with me….hmph…Sorry Mr.Khurana I only have eyes for my Shivaay….humph

S: Daksh we came here for a deal…So it’s better if you focus on that…

D: Oh C’mon Shivaay…Of course, I will get the Deal with the Raizada’s…I just feel bad for you…Huh…Anyways, Anika if you want you can come to join as my PA

A: Sorry Mr.Khurana…But I think I am better of working with Shivaay…

D: Think about it…and Call me Daksh, Please…

Just then the Raizada’s came(except Neil),

Arv: Hello Mr.Khurana…Sorry, we are not able to host the presentation at Raizada Office…

D: It’s Ok Arnav……I don’t mind…

Arv: Mr.Khurana, Please don’t call me by my First name…I don’t like it…You can call me ASR

D: Sorry ASR….*embarassed*

Kar: Can we Start the Presentation…

Arj: Let’s start with Khurana’s…

While giving the Presentation Daksh was continuously glancing at Anika and the Raizada’s along with Shivaay didn’t fail to notice this…The next was Shivaay’s turn to give the Presentation…Just when Shivaay was about to end his Presentation he saw Anika being Uncomfortable…and Daksh Smirking he knew something was wrong when…he saw Daksh trying to touch Anika inappropriately using his legs under the Table….and that was it…

A(think): Control Anika…I have to let Shivaay finish his presentation then I will show THIS DAKSH WHO I AM

S: How dare you, Daksh Khurana…How dare you try to touch My employee Inappropriately…

D: What the hell Shivaay…Do not make things up…Just to get this deal…

A: We both Know Mr.Khurana What happened here…..

D: You middle-class girls will do whatever you want to get money…I am sure Shivaay must have given her money to trap me…I hope You won’t believe this ASR…

Arv: Your presentation was Over Right…Shivaay?

S: Yes ASR…

Arv: Shivaay…You know because of this you might lose this deal…Was it worth it?…. I mean…just for an employee…

S: I don’t care…ASR…I believe I have to protect my employees?

Arv: You mean You don’t regret it……It’s a big loss for your company…

D(think): I am sure…I got this Deal….*smirking*

S: I do not regret it….because I know I did the Right thing….*looking at Anika*

A(think): He didn’t care about the deal….*staring at Shivaay*

Arv: Well…In that case Mr.Khurana…Thank you for your time…But sorry We are not Interested in Collaborating With you…

D: What…

Arv: and Shivaay…Congrats…*smiling*

D: How can You do this…

Kar: We can do this…Now get out Mr.Khurana…

Arv: Shivaay…I Would like to welcome you to a small gathering in RM….to celebrate our collaboration…Just family….and Please bring your PA…you can also bring close friends…it’s tomorrow

S: Thank you so much…ASR…

Raizada’s: Please call us by our First name when we are not working, Shivaay…

S: Ok…

A(think): Gathering…But Bhaiyaa doesn’t like such things…

Arv: Bye then, we will meet you tomorrow…

In RM,

Mah: Bhaiyaa…Khurana Industries are Bankrupt now…and I told Aman to take care of Daksh…

Arv: Good…I don’t think Shivaay became angry just because of Daksh touching an employee…

Kar: Even I felt so…When Daksh touched JAAN…Even I was angry but when I saw…Shivaay, I was Shocked…What he did is a good thing…But he didn’t even care how much loss he would have to suffer…for an employee….

Arj: I don’t think any boss would take a risky step to fight during a presentation…and that too for an employee…

Neil: What happened to all of you?

Mah:(Explains the happenings….)

Neil: But we would have also been Angry at Daksh, Shivaay did the Right thing…

Arv: Yes Neil…We would also be angry at Daksh, That’s because We are her Brother’s…and about Shivaay…The way he looks at JAAN…says…

Arj: He loves JAAN…

Naira: What….?

Khushi: Why are you guys so sure…Shivaay loves Baby…

Mah: Bhabhi, The way he Protected Jaan…It’s not the way a Boss protect his Employees…

Shivanya: What about Baby…Does she love him…

Arj: I think she loves him too…I am sure she would have beaten Daksh very badly…But the reason she controlled her temper…

Arv: Because she didn’t want to spoil Shivaay’s Presentation…and She doesn’t like when someone protects her other than Family but she was not at all mad when Shivaay did it…

Bela: Makes sense…

Neil: Bhaiyaa, I will find out about this…Tomorrow during the Gathering

Kar: Yeah, Since Neil is his Best friend he would surely tell his feelings…

Arj: That’s a good Idea…

Avni: I hope you guys are not planning to scare Shivaay away…if he admits it…

Neil: We are not that cruel ok…

Khushi: Really…When Baby was in College…you guys used to beat the boys who proposed her…

Mah: That’s because…They were not good…

Arj: We did a Background check on them…and they were Playboy’s…

Neil: I know Shivaay…any girl who marries him would be lucky…

Naira: I thought you guys would act Very possessive about her…

Arv: We are Possessive about her, Naira…In fact not only about her but also about Gudi and Bhavu…But We know the feeling of being in Love…and we want our Sister’s to experience it…*looking at Khushi*

Kar: Yeah…even I want my sisters to fight to with someone just like My sherni fight with me…*looking at Naira*

Arj: We are very happy even after Marriage...*looking at Shivanya*

Neil: and we want a person in Our Sister’s life…who would support her no matter what like you and Bhabhi’s support me and my Brother’s…*looking at Avni*

Mah: We want someone to Protect our Sister’s…like we protect each other….*looking at Bela*

All Brother’s: We want someone to love our Sister the same way we l0ve you…*looking at their Wife’s*

All Bhabhi’s: Aww…

All Brother’s: What the…We told you guys these many words…and that too with many emotions and you guys said..Ahhh…Seriously?!?!?!?!?

Khushi: That’s not what we Meant…*Puppy Eyes*

Shivanya: Even we love you guys…*Puppy Eyes*

Bela: and it’s Awww….not Ahhh…*Puppy Eyes*

Naira: It’s used to describe many emotion’s…*Puppy Eyes*

Avni: Sorry…if you felt bad…*Puppy Eyes*

All brother’s: Fine…We accept your apologies even though we felt very bad…

All Bhabhis: Nautanki…

Arv: Are you sure you want to expose your Identity in front of the Oberoi’s…

Neil: I am Sure Bhaiyaa…I don’t want to hide it from them…

Arv: Ok then…and let me call Sid…he hasn’t meetened us….even after reaching India…

Khushi: Tell him we are angry with him…

Avni: and he should come here tomorrow itself…

Shivanya: Otherwise we won’t talk to him…

Dadi: Me too…

Kar: Dadi…

Dadi: Tell him his Girlfriend is Angry with him for not meeting her…(Sid calls Dadi Girlfriend)

Arv: Ok…I will make sure he gets here tomorrow…at the time of gathering…

Khushi: Ok…I will make all of their favourite food’s…

Naira: I will help you Bhabhi…

In OM,

SR(think): Where is Gauri Di?

While searching for Gauri he sees Avneet,

SR: Um…Excuse Me…Avneet…

Avi: Ha…SR…

SR: Do you know Where Gauri Di is?

Avi: Arrey Bhabhi…She must be in Kitchen…Where else…*staring*

SR(think): Right she is a maid her…but wait…BHABHI?!?!?!?!?

SR: Bhabhiiii?!?!?!?!?*Screaming*

Avi: You don’t have to shout…You can ask me…*pouting*

SR(think): Why do I have the urge to pull her cheek when she pouts…Well…She is cute…maybe that’s why…

Avi: I call her Bhabhi because I have a feeling that she will become my Bhabhi…But why do You call her Di…

SR: She is elder to me so…But Bhabhi…I mean does any of your Bhaiyaa like her…

Avi: Yeah…Om Bhaiyaa…I am so intelligent that I found that…In fact, I found all my Bhabhis…the rest are Gauri Bhabhis Friends…

SR: Ani di and Bhavu di…

Avi: Ani, Bhavu…*confused*

SR(think): OMG…She is so cute…and did she just blurted out everything in front of a complete stranger…She is so naive…and very talkative…

SR: Woh…I forgot their name…Ani…ani…and are you sure if they like your Bhaiyaas…and Gauri di is a maid here,right?…..you don’t have any problem if your bhaiyaa marry a maid….according to your status…

Avi: Silly me…I thought you know them….and they like my Bhaiyaas…You should have seen how they blushed…and about maid thing….she is so sweet and I think we should look a person’s personality rather than job and all…*laughing*

SR(think): I thought rich girls like her would feel ashamed to call a maid Bhabhi….she is really something…and my di’s blushed…

SR: Bye, then I have to go…

Avi: Oh..and SR…Please don’t call me Avneet…Call me Avi…

SR: Ok Avi...*smiling*

Avi(think): It’s my first time seeing him smile…he looks good while smiling…

SR(think): Although Cutie suits you more…and wait..did I just spoke to a girl while smiling and that too very politely…and this much…not at all rude…Ahh…Leave it…First I have to check if this will become my Sisters Sasural…

At the kitchen,

SR: didu…I am going to the Mall…to buy gift’s for Bhaiyaas, Bhabhis and My Girlfriend…

G: You are going to meet them…When…

SR: Girlfriend and Bhabhis are angry with me for not meeting them…they told me I should be present their tomorrow…when the Oberoi’s are there…

G: What will you say when Oberoi asks you about your relationship with them…

SR: Family Friends…I won’t reveal we are a family…

G: That’s Better…

B: Don’t you guys think..Someone will hear both of you…

G: You scared me Bhavya…*Shocked*

B: Really…Did I just Scare the Great Gauri Singh Raichand…

SR: Be Quiet…and I am Going Bye…

In the Mall after Buying gifts for Everyone Sidharth saw a Beautiful Dress…

SR(think): It will look good on her…What…again I am thinking of her…Sid how can You buy a dress for a girl you met a few days ago…It’s not right…Yeah, it’s not right…I better just go without looking there….yeah…

After 15 minutes,

SalesGirl: Thank you Sir…and Come again…

SR(think): Did I just Purchased a dress and that too for a girl I barely know…I told you Sid Don’t look there…Now, what will I do with this…If Di sees me with this she will surely tease me…I have to give her this before Di see me and I should not Let Avi Know that I gifted her this…

In OM,

Avneet comes to her room and sees a Gift on her bed,

Avi(think): Who gave me this…..Wait…There is a note…

[A gift for you…Hope you Like it…No need of Thanks….If you say Thanks We will be very Angry with you

-From Your Bhavya, Anika and Gauri Di…]

Avi: My Bhabhis gave me this…Of course…Who else…After all, we are friends now…*smiling*

SR(think): Thank God No one saw it….and I think she likes it…I hope she won’t thank Didus…Or was it a Dumb reason…My bhabhi does this and it works…so it may work with her too…I better go to my room now…*Sheepishly Smiling*

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