Hi all!!!!
Scene 1
Place: Ahmedabad
The scene starts with Naina and Anand looking at each other.
Naina (in a feared tone): Chachaji…
Anand slaps her.
Anand: I have always felt proud of you Naina and also will select you before preeti and pooja. When Bhabhiji was discussing about your marriage, I spoked in favour of you. But you cheated me.
Naina: Chachaji, please listen to me once.
Rakesh: Who is that boy?
Naina and Anand both get shocked seeing Rakesh there.
Rakesh: Come on Naina, tell us who is he?
Naina: Sameer.
Anand and Rakesh get shocked.
Rakesh: He is a useless guy. How can you be so stupid Naina. You are an intelligent girl. But what happened to that here? I don’t care about caste. But I do worry about my daughter. I cannot give you to such a useless guy.
Naina: But papa, Sameer is a good boy. He has a gem of heart. Look at him, he fell for me when he had so many rich and modern girls proposals.
Anand: Naina, don’t stoop yourself low as you don’t have money. Rich and poor depend on the people’s heart and not on the piece of paper. I know Sameer is a good boy. But as bhai told, he is not even studying properly. How can he survive in this world with you?
Naina: Chachaji, please give him a chance, he will prove himself. He promised me that he will clear all his exams. He is going to takeover his grandfather’s company too. He will be the boss. Papa and chachaji, I didn’t fell for him either seeing his status or money. I fell for him for his pure heart.
Bela: Ha, I have trust on my upbringing. I had never teached the girls to go behind a guy seeing his money. If Naina has selected someone, then definitely he must be good. And also, he had helped me in past in the market.
Preeti also supports Naina.
Preeti: Tauji and Papa, Sameer loves Naina a lot. Please give him a chance?
Naina pleads…
Anand: Ok Naina, we will give Sameer a chance. He has 6 months’ time. Within this period, he needs to clear his exams and should join his ancestral company. We will decide only after that.
Rakesh: Before that we need to talk to him. Call him now.
Naina: Papa, he left to Rajkot for his sister’s wedding. His phone was about to switch off. So only he called me.
Rakesh: Naina, hereafter I won’t encourage you standing at balcony and talking in midnight. If anyone sees, then it will be a huge problem.
Bela: Ha Naina, if your taiji sees, she will make a big scene. Even now, I came here seeing light glowing at balcony. If she sees all of us, definitely she will get suspicious. We should hide this from them.
Rakesh and Anand agree.
Naina: Thank you papa, chachaji and chachiji for supporting me.
Anand and Rakesh pat her and goes.
Bela: But I’m angry with you Naina. I was having a fake belief that my girls will not hide anything from me. But you both hid this much big issue.
Naina: Sorry chachiji.
Bela hugs her and preeti.
Bela: Now go and sleep.
The girls go.
Bela: Rama Bhabhi, I know you are watching this from heaven. Please bless Naina that she should marry Sameer and be happy.
She prays and go in.
Naina: Preeti, I didn’t expect this gesture from papa and chachaji.
Preeti: Even me too. I thought, some scene and high voltage drama will occur. But it solved smoothly. I’m happy for you my sweet sister. Tell this to Sameer tomorrow. He will feel happy. We will tell our friends too.
Naina nods.
Preeti and Naina hug and sleep.
Scene 2
Place: Rajkot
Sameer and his family reach Mishti’s home.
Mishti is doing Rangoli.
She is in deep thoughts of Abir.
Sameer comes and scares her.
She gets happy seeing the family. All comes and exchange greetings.
Sameer: My Kuhu didi is getting married. We will have lot of fun and masti.
Kuhu: Ha, definitely.
Sameer: When Mishti di is going to get marry?
Kuhu: Even she gave her heart to someone.
Mishti pinches her.
Sameer: Really???
Mishti: First you come in. Let’s go in.
The family goes.
Sameer, Mishti and Kuhu spend some quality time together.
Mishti: How did you do your exams?
Sameer: Pretty good. I have an important thing to tell you.
Kuhu: What?
Sameer tells them about Naina.
Mishti and Kuhu gets excited.
Mishti: So, our little bro has become a grown-up hero.
Kuhu: Show us her pic.
Sameer realizes his phone’s batter is very low and is about to switch off.
Mishti: Oh no. Here is the charger Sameer. Put soon orelse rebooting will take time. We are excited.
Sameer puts charger and sees Naina’s so many missed calls and get shocked. He worries.
Mishti: Nothing would have happened. Call her and speak. We will see her later.
Mishti and Kuhu goes.
Scene 3
Abir and Neil sits talking at Neil’s room.
Abir: So, tell me. You love Mini right?
Neil: I’m confused regarding that. I definitely have feelings for her, but I’m scared that if my past hurt her.
Abir: Neil, you should move on. Isha is leading a good life with someone.
Neil: How did you know?
Abir: Last month I went to Delhi for some work. There I saw her with some guy.
Neil: What about Kia? I know Isha is not spending time with her. I feel she is left out.
Abir: You better get divorce from her as soon as possible. Because, I saw her with a guy and a kid. But that’s not Kia.
Neil: What? Kid? I’m ashamed of her. Is she married someone without divorce or living together?
Abir: Don’t worry about it. First finalise divorce and try to get custody of Kia. Better tell everything to Mini.
Mini comes there.
Mini: What he needs to tell to me?
Abir and Neil is shocked.
Neil: Nothing Mini Madam. Do you have any work with me?
Mini: Yeah, I came to give the menu. You start your work. I have an important thing. I should go out now.
Preet and Bobby come.
Preet: Mini, are you sure? Do you want to go there?
Bobby: Ha Mini, please don’t go. Atleast inform Babita aunty.
Mini: She will forbid me to go there. I should go there and end this matter right now. I don’t want that to hang in my life.
Neil: Where are you going?
Mini: To complete the incomplete story.
Mini goes angrily.
Neil: Preet, where is she going this much angrily?
Preet: To meet her dad.
Neil gets shocked.
Scene 4
Neil goes to Ashok’s house.
She sees the name plate as Ashok Khurrana and Mita Khurrana and gets emotional. But the house was a small one.
She with a heavy heart rings the bell.
Mita opens the door and shocked to see Mini.
Mita: Mini come in.
Mini sees Ashok playing with a kid.
Mita: He is vihan, our first boy.
Mini sees Mita’s stomach and realizes she is pregnant again.
Mini gets emotional seeing Ashok with Vihan as she had never received Ashok’s love and care during her childhood.
Ashok turns and see Mini.
Ashok gets happy.
Ashok: Mini, finally you came here. I’m happy.
Mini: I came here to end all the ties with you. I came here to tell you to stop sending letters, mails and calling me. Babes doesn’t know that I came here to meet you.
Ashok: But you are my daughter.
Mini: Did you fulfilled your duties as a dad? When I need you most, you were with some lady in London.
Ashok: Mini, talk with respect. Address Mita as choti ma and not as lady.
Mini: I didn’t come here to celebrate relations. I came here to warn you. If again, you try to contact me, then definitely I will take the next step of complaining to police.
Ashok: Oh stop. Till when you are going to be like this? Even Babita is married now and has a kid.
Mini: She is different from you. Don’t compare yourself with her.
Mita try to calm her. Mini scolds her for breaking her family.
Just then Mita’s parents come.
Mita’s dad: Enough of this. Mita, being adamant you married this man. He lost his job now and you people are living a low-cost life without any bank balance. Look at yourself. Society taunts you badly. This Ashok cheated on you. Look Mini, my daughter is not that bad to spoil someone’s life. Your dad is the one who approached Mita first. Even he hid about his married life. If Mita had known already, then she would have not done anything. After knowing, she was about to break up. But later she found pregnant. So only she married him.
Mini: I’m not here to listen all your stories. Hereafter I want you to stop everything Mr. Ashok Khurrana.
She leaves angrily.
Mita’s mom: She is very arrogant.
Mita: Don’t tell anything wrong about her. No girl will be as strong as her.
Mita looks Ashok angrily and goes. Vihan looks at this puzzled.
Mini reminisces about vihan. She thinks about her and Babita talk during her school days.
Mini: Babes you know what, today my friend’s mom delivered a boy. Now she has a baby brother. Even I want one.
Babita feels shy.
Mini laughs seeing that.
Now she cries thinking about that.
Mini: I’m having a brother but couldn’t hug him atleast.
She then thinks of Arya.
Mini: My chutanki is more of a boy. She is my sibling and that’s it. I need no one in my life.
She goes sternly.
!!!To be Continued!!!
(Author’s Note
Sorry guys for not having much romantic scenes and couple scenes. I always give importance to story line. So please bear with me. Definitely you will have high voltage romantic track coming up in upcoming episodes. Thank you!!!
Please leave in comments about Ashok-Mita’s track. As Patiala Babes ended abruptly, many knots were untied. So, I just wanted to tie all the knots and end that. You can comment on it and also on the storyline. Also share your response on how the future episodes can go. Next episode is on Tuesday.)
Stay tuned!!! Stay Safe!!! Stay Awesome!!!
Signing off,
The post Angels and Suitors ft. Mishibir, Kuhukunal, Samaina and Mineil – Episode 5 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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