Friday, 14 August 2020

Qurbaan Hua 14th August 2020 Written Episode Update: Chahat finally prepares the Qanthi

Qurbaan Hua 14th August 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Viyas asks where she found it, Chahat explains that she found the Rakhi by the garbage can, everyone is shocked to hear it, Viyas says that the last Rakhi of Saraswati for Neil was found near the garbage can, Viyas wonders who could have done it, Jamuna mentions that Godambari cleaned the room of Saraswati the last time, Viyas gets really angry with her mentioning that this is the respect which has for the daughter of the house Godambari tries to explain that it happened by mistake, Viyas says that Saraswati is not only present with them in live form but her memories live on, he announces that Godambari will keep a fast till tomorrow.
Godambari says that she will not keep the fast and will eat as they are not servants to obey any command that he gives, Jamuna tries to explain that it was her fault and she is the one to be blamed, she gets angry then getting up questions why he told them that she cleaned the room and as such he should keep the fast. Jamuna orders Naveli to go and tie the Rakhi on Neil’s hand as he will be missing Saraswati today, Godambari stops her saying that if she goes to Neil, she will commit suicide.
Neil is in his room looking at the Rakhi he thinks that she never forgot to tie the Rakhi however he was not able to protect her and so promises that he will always look after the Rakhi and also take revenge from those who killed her. He is trying to tie it but cannot do it then leans on the table and starts crying.
Chahat is on the hall thinking that that Qanthi would be as important as the prayer of Zahur on Friday, she hears Neil crying then thinks of what she can do to help him as he is missing his sister, she takes out her bracelet then exclaims that even though that it is broken she would never let it go as the bracelet has the memories of the family, Neil also follows hr instruction and then is finally able to tie the Rakhi to his hand using the rubber band, he gets really delighted after it, Chahat leaves.
Chahat is in the lawn thinking that she doesnot how to tie a Qanthi and wonders that she has solved the problem of Neil but what can she do about the Qanthi, she prays to Allah to send someone to her help.
She sees that Godambari has also come out on the terrace then wonders what she will do with her standing over her, Godambari asks her if she has made the Qanthi to which Chahat says that she will do it as soon as possible, Godambari explains that even lions come out in the night so she better hurry. Neil comes to her, Godambari exclaims that he has come to help Chahat, he refuses saying that he came to only calm down gollu, Godambari says that he has not even seen her face till now, Neil exclaims that he desires to but cannot and so she should hold gollu and he will tell her a story after which she will calm down,
He sits on the edge and starts telling the story. He tells the title that a sign is enough for the clever, Chahat is not able to understand the title, he begins telling the story that there was a princess who name was shezwan kumari and who killed an animal and so the king banned her after which she began living in the forest, he in his story explain the entire method by which she can make a Qanthi, when he ends his story both gollu and Godambari are asleep. She is delighted that she was able to make a Qanthi.
Viyas jee is in the house she hands him the Qanthi after which he says that she should present it to Ganesh in the Mandir and also apologize from him for killing any living as if they cannot give life so why should they take it, she heads to the mandir and he after stopping her exclaiming that she should stop being nervous as it is in the life of a human to make mistakes but they should not repeat them ever.
He leaves and when she is about to go in the Mandir Neil comes down, she says that if she goes to the mandir it would be disrespectful so he should do it, she also thanks him for helping her and he thanks her for helping him,
He heads into the Mandir exclaiming that the mouse did not die as he saw it running by the kitchen, she gets mad asking why did he not inform Viyas jee about it, he says that he did not inform her because he really likes when she is punished, Chahat gets mad and starts shouting to which he stops her explaining that he is praying.
Chahat sees someone outside the house and when goes there sees a box, she realizes that it is from her father who is still alive, she is not able to understand what to do, Godambari comes and thinks that it belongs to her as it would have the belt which Naveli had ordered, she takes it from Chahat and leaves, but Chahat thinks that it might contain some letter from her father and if Godambari reads it she would come to know of her truth, Chahat runs to stop Godambari but sees that it is only Nath, Chahat says that she only wants the box but Godambari says that she would not give her even a single jewel so she should stop thinking of it. Godambari locks it in the wardrobe, Chahat thinks of how she could get to it.

Precap: Chahat asks Misses Shiswativ if she supplies the wooden boxes to the jewellers, she seeks the name of the person who made it, Shiswativ says that she has to pay her fifty thousand rupees, Chahat takes them from the locker, Baleq informed Viyas jee that they have been robbed, Viyas jee mentions that he gave Chahat one hundred thousand rupees, Chahat doesnot understand what to do.

Update Credit to: Sona

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