Hi guys .Sorry for yesterday short epi Actually I was busy.
I have a problem if I see ur comments and then I’ll post a new update. So No comments no update. Thank u so much for ur lovely comments.
So episode begins Vansh glares at kabir. Kabir looks at ridhima and smiles. Vansh noticed that. Vansh asks what r u doing here. Police says we came to arrest,ridhima thinks now my kabir came .Vansh will be punished.
Chacha and aryan smiles seeing police came near vansh. Their smile gets vanished as police walks towards ridhima. Police says u r under arrest ridhima. Vansh and others get shocked. Ridhima says what is my crime and looks at kabir. Kabir signals her with his eyes and ridhima understood and started to act.
Vansh asks police whats the matter. Police says kabir has a complaint against ridhima.Vansh goes near kabir and glares at him.
Kabir sighs and says this girl came to my house as event managing. She framed me on her love and on our wedding she ran away with my cash and some jewelry. I chased her and she got escaped .Somebody told me she’s going to get married to u. So I came here to get her arrested.
Ishani says I knew she was a gold digger. She goes near ridhima and was about to slap her when vansh holds her hand. Ridhima looks at vansh. Immj plays.
Vansh ask inspector to take away ridhima. Inspector was about to put handcuff when vansh stops him and says just take her. Ridhima gets happy and things iam going from this cage. Kabir and police takes away ridhima and vansh looks on.
Dadi collapses and vansh took her. She gets conscious and told vansh that how can ridhima do this. Vansh says she can do anything. Vansh walks away .
Police asks ridhima to go u r free. She gets happy and hugs kabir. Immj song plays bg. Kabir says I told u just then ridhima cuts him off and says I am very happy with u kabir. Please don’t leave me. She says let’s get married. Kabir says now. Ridhima nodded.
Kabir says there’s no arrangements. Ridhima says I don’t need arrangements I need u. Kabir says ok and they see Pandit leaving who was supposed to do riansh wedding. Kabir asks his aid to get somehow groom dress. Aid says ok and leaves. Kabir stops Pandit and brought him to a temple.
Kabir aid brought groom dress with sehra. Kabir says I won’t wear this sehra but agrees looking at ridhima. Immj bg plays. Kabir gets ready and cums. Ridhima gets mesmerized with him. Kabir gets a call goes to attend.
Ridhima awaits kabir to come. Kabir came with sehra. Ridhima smiles. Pandit asks kabir and ridhima to exchange Garlands. They exchange Garlands. Pandit asks them to sit and starts the mantras. Pandit to them to take pheras they took seven pheras. Kabir tied mangalsutra to ridhima and fill her hairline. Pandit announces that u r husband and wife now. Ridhima gets happy.
Just then kabir cums running and shocked to see the groom and ridhima wearing mangalsutra. Ridhima gets shocked and runs towards kabir. Kabir says I got a call from our boss and after that someone hit me on my head and I’ll lost my concious. Ridhima says then who married me.
They someone’s diologue interesting very interesting. Ridbir gets shocked. Ridhima removes his sehra and gets extremely shocked to see Vansh .VANSH SAYS ISHQ KI HADH AB HOGI PAAR.
Precap: Kabir gets suspended. Vansh gets ridhima arrested.
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