Tuesday 21 July 2020

Mr and Mrs Perfect – KUMKUM BHAGYA EPISODE 11

Hi guys not long gap right. Okay let’s get into the story. But before that did you like my previous episode. Hope you enjoyed reading it . Anyways let’s get into the story.

Sid turned back and found Purab and bulbul standing there. Sid was tensed .
Purab : what the hell. Who are you?
Sid: I am Sid. I am an actor in bollywood
Purab : we can make out you are an actor.
Bulbul : what’s your relationship with pragya.?
Sid: I am her…… (before he could complete Pragya called him to come with her shopping. With no other go he went )
Purab : did you see that he is tensed.
Bulbul : he is doing something behind her back. Otherwise why will he be tensed.
Purab : Pragya will not believe us , if we tell we have to collect proofs against him. Then only we can do anything
Bulbul : you are right
They both were busy in that work.
Next day at the airport. It was 15th. Abhi was at the airport to pick up his friends. While Sid came to pick up someone else.
They picked up theirrespective people and left.
With Abhi
K:hi abhi how are you?
A: good man. Come guys let’s check in to the hotel.
R: abhi I will go to my boy friend’s room
A: okay take care. Bye . Today evening 8 of clock at this place you come (handing over a sliP of paper )
R: okay bye . (She left)
A: Karan and vin both of you share the room. PREETA you come with me .
V: but abhi where are you taking her
A: she will be with me . I will take her and come to venue directly. Karan you know the venue right. Come directly there. Okay bye guys
(Abhi went along with preeta)
WITH Karan and vin
Vin: aRey we can also stay with them now
Karan : no he will stay in his friends house. So we cannot go right
Vin: what is so special today that he wants us to be here
Karan : you will know it in the evening.

With sid. He took them to a hotel and told them to be safe and promised them he will return back the next day.
Sid went to AM MANSION.
In AM MANSION. In living area
Pragya : i am so excited.
Sid (who came just then saw her and smiled and thought : Baby you are so good to everyone. But why God this to you. Nothing will happen. Every thing will be fine. You will not get doubt and should not get also. Have this smile on your face always love you so much princess ) what happened seems like someone is so happy.
Pragya : Sid you came in will go mad in happiness.
Sid: why what happened. That your madness will increase
Pragya : guess what . You know my dream right. (Sid nodded his head . Every one was shocked. They didn’t know her dream being family members. But he being outsider knew it) Indian government approved it is am going to come to india and stay there for a one year
Sid: OMG it’s such a good news. Every one will be so happy to see you back.how many days after you will come
Pragya : 3 months .
Sid became sad hearing it. Seeing his face fall.
Pragya : I will be with you one complete year so 3 months doesn’t matter. It will away in jiffy.
Sid smiled hearing that but he was scared about something. He has discuss this with someone. So he excused himself. Purab followed him
Sid: Hello. It’s me Sid. …….. have you gone mad why did you permit her………….what if she finds out. …………..what I can not do that. ………….she will listen to you…………..we cannot take chance again. …………. but she is still a women and she has heart……….I know we cannot hide it for long……… but I feel she should know it from us before she knows it from others. Just think over this ……. I will get them bye
Sid was nervous. Purab who heard his one sided conversation didn’t know what Sid was talking about.
Sid came down .
Pragya : Sid you will come along with us to function.
Sid: what function.
Pragya : it’s regarding awards related to business.
Sid: you are attending.
Pragya : yaa not as Pragya Arora but just as Pragya.
Sid : okay I will come
That day evening ARORAS and MEHRAS went to award function. It was ” BEST BUSINESS MAN / WOMAN” and many other categories awards were there.
Abhi along with his friends came to the function. All the VIPs were present.
Abhi’ s friends were shocked to see the arrangements. They knew abhi as normal middle class guy. But the function he brought was more than a marriage event.
Hello, Ladies and Gentleman. We heartily welcome you all to this grand evening. All are eager to know who is going to get the best business man of this five years right. Okay let’s call upon the great Raghuveer Arora and Prem MEHRA to give this award to the best business man of this five years. ( they both went to stage when they went up the stage they saw Abhi standing at corner and smiling along with his friends. Tears formed in their eyes . But covered them up.) ” THE BUSINESS TYCOON ” of the five years goes to the CEO of KL group of companies. The one and only APM (spotlight fell on abhi his friends were shocked to see their best buddy and their role model is same. Abhi and pragya families were at the verge of crying. Another pair of eyes were crying in happiness )

Abhi went to the stage and took the award. His father hugged him in happy tears . And Raghuveer was had tears to see abhi. Abhi hugged them both and thanked them formaly.
Host: sir can you speak a few words.
Abhi: I just came to take this award just because it was given by Raghuveer sir and Prem sir. And I would thank some people behind my success. Let’s come from last whom I want to thank. It’s my friends. I am away from my family for the past 6 years. But they made forget that pain and concentrate on my work. Thanks a lot buddies for that. Next Rajeev uncle the ex CEO of KL group of companies. He trusted me and gave this big responsibility. Next is my best buddy Karan. The one and only Karan Luthra . I hope you got fullform of KL. It’s Karan Luthra. I am in this position because of him . He gave me family I missed. Next my family. Yes I left them to achieve this . Their constant love and support is one reason for this. First person whom I would thank is my love. Yes with out her I am nothing. She is my inspiration. She is my ray of light in my life . We went through a lot. Especially last few years. How many ever mistakes I do she forgives me . She is the one whom I dedicate this award to.
HOST: I think you love your girlfriend alot (abhi nodded with a smile ) one question it’s my curiosity. What is your name sir.
Abhi: (smiled and looked at Prem and Raghuveer . They smiled. He smiled back. He understood them .) MY name is what my parents named me.
Host: what your parents named you
Abhi : you said only one question and it’s done. So
Host : proved that you are business man.
Abhi smiled back.
Abhi : I would like to tell you all and my friends one thing can I
Host: surely sir.
Abhi : I am resigning as the CEO of KL group of companies.
Host: what
Abhi left the dias and HIS friends were shocked and saw Karan who was smiling. Abhi came down and went straight to Karan and hugged him. Karan hugged him back.
Abhi excused himself and went to isolated place.
He called someone
Abhi : Baby listen to me once . I am sorry I should not have left you in middle. I am sorry it was an emergency. Please forgive me. I am so happy now . ………I want you by my side. .. ……... seriously you are here ………….I can not believe. ………. I am so happy. …………..you heard everything. …………babyplease come in front of me I want to hug you and kiss you. …………. Yes they are from my heart. Come fast I am waiting.

After a while he was back hugged by someone. He turned back to see is lady love in black knee length dress. He hugged her. She knew that her hug will give him solace for inner turmoil he going on.
Abhi ‘s girlfriend : abhi cry your heart out i know whats going on inside you. Just cry out.
Abhi started crying. He cried. After five minutes. His cries reduced.
She pulled him away.
AGF: enough don’t cry. I am so happy that you won this award. What do you want tell me I will make it. Do you want anything?
Abhi : yes I want my favourite sweet ( with a wink)
AGF: abhi this is not our room.
Abhi : in room you don’t have any problems. Come let’s go then.
AGF: shameless. …….
Before she continued abhi pulled her closer to him and pinned her to nearby wall.
AGF: what are you doing. Leave me
Abhi : having my sweet.
Next moment he started kissing her. She kissed him back with equal passion. It was a happy kiss. They are celebrating their victory. She ran her hands in his air unable to hold the pleasure he was giving. He pressed her waist. She moaned his name. They were fighting for dominance. ” I missed you a lot baby” He said in between the kiss.
Purab saw all this form far but he could not see the girl as abhi was covering her. He waited for some time but they were not breaking the kiss. Just then he got a call from his mother to come inside. He cursed his fate for bad timing. He left inside to meet his family.
Abhi: okay baby. I will go now . Every one search for me.
AGF: wait (she helped set his hair and wiped his lips which had lipstick marks . He set her neatly. She went in first followed by Abhi )

Inside the party hall. Abhi joined back his friends. And was laughing for joke which Karan cracked. Abhi was happy
Other side with Pragya she was boiling and scolding someone badly. Not some one it was poor Sid for leaving the party in middle because of his shoot.
With Abhi and his friends
Vin: you never told us you are APM.
Abhi : that situation never came.
Preeta : and you helped him hide it. You always said I don’t know APM. This is what you do not know
Abhi : I said him not to tell.
Preeta: don’t you dare open your mouth both of you. I will end up killing you both.
Vin: rachu should have been here she would have given you properly.
Just then they heard a voice ” Excuse me ” . They were shockedto see Purab.
Vin: sir I am your fan sir . Sir can we have a selfie. PLEASE
Preeta: sir and autograph
Purab: you both didn’t tell them about your self did you
Abhi : it’s none of your business. What I share or not it’s my wish ( with anger )
Karan : bhai, please he is happy after long time don’t spoil it.
Bulbul : if not for us just for maa sake come home abhi.
Abhi : I know went to return.
Vin: abhi you know Purab sir
Karan : vin shut your mouth for sometime don’t interfere.
Abhi : why are you shouting at him instead of some people.
They were about to move out when his entire family came. Just then they realised everyone left to dinning room only both of their families and his friends were there . Pragya left home as she was tired.
Prerana: abhi how are you?
Abhi : I am good mom. ( preeta and vin were shocked beyond wits)
Depali : please come back abhi
Abhi: darling I will come back . I came to stay with you all only
Prerana : really abhi. I will arrange everything for you.
Abhi : mom not now after sometime or after some days.
Prem: we have suffered 6 years without you. We don’t want to be away from our old naughty son again.
Raghuveer : we are just lIving a monotonous life abhi. We need you back abhi
Abhi: papa and dad I will come back but before that I have some things to do. Once I complete them I will come myself.
None knew what to say . Silence prevailed. Prerana was about to talk.
Just then they heard a kid’s voice. ” dad “. They saw 3 year old boy ran towards Abhi.
All his anger from his face was gone and a smile formed on his face. Every one knew how angry abhi will be and its impossible to control him during that time. But now they saw a completely different side.
Abhi took the boy and hugged her and kissed her all through the face. The boy giggled .
Abhi threw him into air and caught him. The boy laughed.
Abhi: so my champ. Missed dad
Boy: yes a lot. But I am angry on you
Abhi: what should I do for my baby to cool down.
Boy: Baby wants dad to spend his entire Sunday with him
Abhi: done . Are you happy now.
Boy: alot. You are the best dad in the world. (Kissed his cheek).
They heard ” Aryan ” a lady came in and took the boy from abhi.
Lady: I told you not to talk with him right.
Boy: maa dad promised me that he will be with me on Sunday.
Lady : he will promise but run away in middle.
Abhi (had tears) : I am sorry I should not have left that day. I swear I wanted it to be a surprise but it becAme some thing else.I am loser who doesn’t have anything. I am just a cursed soul.
He fell on his knees and started crying. His family members were not able to see abhi in such vulnerable state.
Aryan: dad don’t cry. Maa why did you make dad cry. And you dad stop crying like soap heroes and be a brave boy. There will be no problem without solution.
Abhi smiled at his kid.and hugged him. And kissed him
Abhi: where did learn this big dialogue.
Aryan : mom thought me when I was crying because my friends cheatedme in game. And you know what i won the game that day.
Abhi hugged him tight and cried
Lady sat down in front of him
Lady : I am sorry abhi. I was angry. I showed it on you.I spoiled your day right.
Abhi : who said that. I am done happy now. Till now I was sad that I didn’t meet my champ now I am so happy.
They both hugged each other.
Aryan: i am also there.
Abhi: my jealousy cat.
Aryan : just like you and mom.
Abhi: ruhi you and aryan wait in car i will come.
They nodded and left. He turned to his family and friends who were shocked.
Abhi : mom, dad I have made a different world. My world is like how I want my life to be. I can not come back to you like old abhi. If you are ready to accept this new abhi. Then only I will come back. Decision is yours.
Prerana: when will you come home.
Abhi : tomorrow evening.

Confused right. With new characters.
Did you like it. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Who are these new characters?
Will abhigya love each other?
Do they have past love with someone else?
How will Ruhi and Aryan move away from abhi?
How will pragya get close to him?
What will be there reaction if they come to know about each other?
And many more questions.
Answers will be in next episode.
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Thanking you all
Signing off
Byee. ……………

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