Saturday, 6 June 2020

Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 20

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for the love you all have been showering over my stories! It means a lot to me! Happy reading!

Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 20

A quick recap: Misha’s identity disclosed, Twinkle strictly warns her to keep away from Simmi, who in turn desperately tries to make sure her Papa was only her best friend.

“I don’t fit into this one anymore either!” Twinkle announced dejectedly, holding up her favourite Salwar suit as she walked out of the washroom in her bathrobe. Kunj looked up from his laptop and sighed, knowing what was coming next. He sat quietly and watched as she turned the entire wardrobe into a mess as she looked for something to wear. “This is so not fair! Bhabhi looked so pretty even at the end of her pregnancy, and I already look like a baby elephant!” She complained as she held a Kurta in front of her and checked her look in the mirror. “Stop laughing, Kunj!” She warned as she headed back to the washroom to wear it, making him stop smiling immediately, not a tad bit surprised that she didn’t even have to look at him to know that he had been holding back his laughter. “Baby elephants are really cute too!” Kunj told her with a grin, holding a rose for her as she got back. She glared at him even as she accepted the rose, turning away, but he held her wrist, not letting her go. “You will always be the prettiest girl I know!” He whispered in her ear, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek, making her smile. “How sweet!” She responded pulling his cheek with her free hand, as the hand that held the rose went around his neck, both of them watching each other intently.

“What are you doing here?” Simmi’s voice outside the door interrupted their moment. Kunj opened the door to find Simmi looking at Misha suspiciously. “Good morning, Kunj!” Misha greeted cheerfully, looking over his shoulder to quickly glance at Twinkle, who was walking towards them. “Good morning. Did you need something?” Kunj asked her, wanting to quickly get rid of her. “She was listening to both of you speaking!” Simmi quipped in earning Misha’s angered look, but she didn’t seem to be bothered by it. “Is that not right, Misha?” She asked, looking Misha right in the eye. “Simmi!” Twinkle chided, making Simmi quickly add “Misha aunty, I mean.” Misha was quick to defend herself though. “I only came by to give you this cup of coffee, Kunj!” She said, while Simmi hit back with, “But Mumma had already made coffee for Papa early in the morning! This doesn’t even smell good by the way” Simmi wrinkled her nose pointing to the cup in Misha’s hand, annoying her further, while Twinkle giggled quietly. “You wouldn’t know, Simmi. This is the exact kind of coffee that people in the States drink! If Kunj doesn’t want it, I can take it away though. His loss, not mine!” Misha countered, looking at Kunj with the desperate hope that he would side with her, but after a vain wait of a minute, she walked away angrily. Twinkle quickly pulled Simmi, who was laughing loudly by then into the room so that she wouldn’t annoy Misha further.

“It’s been two months since Pari Di went back home! Why is Misha not gone yet?” Simmi asked Twinkle as she dressed her for school. Twinkle simply shrugged her shoulders and whispered to Simmi to ask Kunj that question. “Papa! You promised me she would only stay for a few days!” Simmi reminded Kunj, standing angrily in front of him with her hands folded in front of her. He picked her up immediately, tickling her in an attempt to avoid breaching that topic, but he failed horribly. “Tell me!” Simmi demanded, putting her hands on his cheeks so that he was looking at her. “She’s our guest, Simmi! We can’t chase her away because you don’t like her!” He informed her, but she was evidently not convinced. “Do you like her?” She asked curiously, both of them snapping their heads to look at Twinkle who had burst out laughing at that as she combed her hair. “She’s my cousin, Simmi!” Kunj tried to explain, but Simmi shot back with, “I’m your daughter, Papa!” He finally gave up, assuring her that Misha wouldn’t be staying with them forever at least, which he thought was a matter of great relief, but not to Simmi, who jumped off his lap and ran to Twinkle, asking her to pick her up. “Choti Siyappa Queen! Come here!” He called after her, catching her despite her protests, finally managing to convince her with a chocolate, a trick he knew was sure to work, not just on her, but on her mother as well, although he himself couldn’t wait for the day when Misha would leave, her constant attempts to get close to him getting on his nerves.

“Is the baby in there?” Simmi asked Kunj curiously one night as he laid her on the bed beside asleep Twinkle, pointing at the small baby bump that was now visible. He nodded at her excitedly, bracing himself for the next set of questions that he was sure would follow, but he was surprised when all she said was “Hmmm.” as she nodded her head thoughtfully. “Was I there too?” She asked after a long silence, and Kunj nodded again, watching her carefully. “Can the baby hear us?” was Simmi’s next question, followed by if the baby knew her, if the baby was a boy or a girl, if the baby would share her likes and dislikes and so many others that Kunj answered patiently, smiling to himself as she gasped in surprise at some answers while she seemed to be happy with some others, glad that she had finally taken a step towards accepting her little sibling. He knew that although Twinkle had convinced her about the baby, Simmi hadn’t really seen it as her own for a long time, and was pleased that that was changing. He knew Twinkle would be delighted had she been awake, but she had been tired after a long day at work, and figured that it was important that she got adequate rest right then. He felt overwhelmed when he watched Simmi quietly lean towards Twinkle and pecked her on her forehead, patting her when she stirred in her sleep.

“Twinkle!” Kunj called out, grabbing her in time to prevent her from falling off the low stool that he found her standing on as she reached for the top cabinet in the kitchen. He had woken up suddenly another night to find her missing and had come directly to the kitchen, knowing that she had been dealing with hunger pangs recently. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” He demanded as he helped her get off the stool and led her to the dining table, offering her a glass of water to calm her erratic breathing because of the narrow escape she had just then. “I didn’t know what I wanted to eat!” She told him a minute later, as she breathed deeply according to his instructions. “Do you know now?” He asked and she shook her head disappointedly. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out!” He said, smiling warmly at her and followed her into the kitchen. He had ended up making noodles for her while she sat on the counter, waiting patiently, after they had looked all the cabinets and found nothing else that she seemed to like at the moment. “If this is what you wanted to do, you might as well have enrolled for those Yoga lessons that I’ve been insisting for a month now!” Kunj told her, pointing at the stool that she had climbed, as he handed her her ‘snack’, like she liked to call it. She gave him an uninterested look and turned her attention to her food instead, not even slightly keen about Yoga, no matter who had said what. It took Kunj another week of pleading and convincing before he finally succeeded, only after promising her that he would accompany her too.

Misha hadn’t given up on eavesdropping on Twinkle and Kunj’s conversations despite getting caught by Simmi several times. Twinkle was aware of it too, but ignored her all the time, not wanting to trouble Usha with the idea that they were troubling Misha, until one evening when Misha tripped over the carpet and crashed to the ground with a loud thud as she followed Twinkle around the house. Twinkle rushed to her immediately, helping her to her feet as she scrutinised the wounds on her hands. “I wasn’t listening to you!” Misha said immediately, but Twinkle didn’t seem to be interested in an explanation. Instead, she helped Misha get to the bed in the guest bedroom where she had been living and brought a first aid box, tending to her wounds carefully, giving Misha the shock of her life. She couldn’t believe this was the same Twinkle whom she had hated and been jealous of for so long that she had never tried to even get to know her, but there she was, caring for her like she had seen her care for Simmi. “Does it hurt a lot?” Twinkle’s voice jerked her out of her thoughts, and she nodded in a ‘No’ immediately, but Twinkle blew on the wound anyway, trying to reduce the burning sensation.

“Misha, are you alright?” Simmi asked when she came by an hour later, eyeing Twinkle from the corner of her eye, wondering why her mother was being so nice to Misha of all people. “Simmi, behave!” Twinkle reminded her, but Misha stopped her, saying “That’s alright, Twinkle! I somehow never realised how stupid I was being all along. I don’t think I deserve how nice you are being to me.” Twinkle looked at her in surprise while she smiled through teary eyes. “I’m sorry for being such a horrible person, Simmi!” She told Simmi, who was watching the sudden turn of events with widened eyes. “I’m sorry I tried to snatch Kunj away from you Twinkle!” She apologised, while Twinkle smiled at her and replied, “You couldn’t have, Misha. Even if you tried your best. Perhaps you just took a little too long to realise it. Kunj was always mine!” Twinkle smiled as she felt Kunj snake his arms around her from behind, adding “And will always be!” while Misha cursed herself for all her misdeeds and watched them admiringly even as her heart had a heart time accepting the truth.

That’s it for now, guys. I hope you liked it. Lots of love!

The post Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 20 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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